April 24 Echoes of Eternity
The peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7
The peace that passes understanding is an active power, an active stillness that stirs hope and joy even in the midst of trouble. As long as you are in the world there will be trouble, tribulation, trials. These are not to destroy you nor to dampen your faith in Me, but to purify your soul and wean it from its captivity to a passing
world. Not yet has it become firmly attached to that which cannot be shaken, so with every blow to its false security a choice is open to choose the better part.
I know your fears—from your own weakness and of what might lie ahead for you. I call you now to trust yourself to My care, to lean on My strength, to rest on My promise. Your fears will subside, they are not omnipotent—I am. They are subject to Me and to your obedience to Me. As your love for Me grows, they will diminish. Peace replaces panic. I, the Lord, reign.
Paraclete Impressions