December 5 Echoes of Eternity
These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. . . .
Revelation 14:4
As the eagle flies upward, above the noise and strife of this busy world, so should your soul “fly upward” to commune with Me. Most of your life has been lived in the lowlands—your thoughts and imaginations—even your dreams—have lodged there. Take this invitation seriously, My child, while there is yet time. Do not worry about what others are doing or thinking—for that is but a weight and hindrance to you. Seek My face. Seek to know Me in Myself—
not hearsay or opinion—but a living knowledge that I will impart, if you will “follow the Lamb wheresoever He leads.” Be bold in your need and do not fear to draw near.
Paraclete Impressions