"This is easily one of the best daily devotionals I’ve seen. The readings are di…

#quot;This is easily one of the best daily devotionals I’ve seen. The readings are diverse, but they don’t feel scattered. Riess has chosen from the very best material.#quot; —Teresa Jackson

‘Flunking Sainthood Every Day##039;: A Refreshing Daily Devotional
In Flunking Sainthood Every Day: A Daily Devotional for the Rest of Us, author Jana Riess compiles spiritual writing across centuries to create a guide to 12 spiritual practices. In case you didn##039;t get it from the title, Riess##039;s introduction makes clear…

On the 11th Day of Christmas… The Chants of Angels: Buy 1, Get 1 50% OFF using…

On the 11th Day of Christmas… The Chants of Angels: Buy 1, Get 1 50% OFF using coupon code ANGEL50. The perfect CD to clear your palette and start your New Year! Sale today only.

Gregorian Chant: Chants of Angels
Gregorian Chant: Chants of Angels – Angelic Stories sung in Gregorian Chant Gloriæ Dei Cantores Schola presents The Chants of Angels. Using the ancient melodies and texts of the early church, …

January 5 Echoes of Eternity If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live pe…

January 5 Echoes of Eternity
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
Romans 12:18
My Spirit strives within to bring your spirit into harmony with My divine purposes. Often you are like a bird trapped or held in the hand—struggling to get “free”—to what? You do not know.
My Spirit strives to bring you into peace. You long for peace, but you do not know how to achieve it. Only My wisdom and My way can bring you into perfect peace—and for My way to prevail, your ways must be given up.
Marvel not that the striving between us often leaves you confused and unsatisfied. These are indications of your lack of full surrender. The dissatisfaction is the fruit of your hold-out at some level. But I am God, and My mercy does not abandon you to your false “victory.” The fruit of it in your soul is meant to warn you that losing is winning, and winning is always losing.

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099907

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099907

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Cantor The Spirit of Solesmes In 1997, Sr. Mary David Totah published a collection of various writings from writers associated with the Abbey of St. Peter of Solesmes. This collection, entitled The Spirit of Solesmes, contains translations of inspirational works — many for the first time in English. Recently, someone handed me a short, inspirational #quot;word#quot; from this book which I wanted to share with you as I thought it encapsulated the spirit of the monks who have given us so much through their guardianship of Gregorian chant: [ 130 more words. ]

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song

By Cantor

The Spirit of Solesmes

In 1997, Sr. Mary David Totah published a collection of various writings from writers associated with the Abbey of St. Peter of Solesmes.  This collection, entitled The Spirit of Solesmes, contains translations of inspirational works — many for the first time in English.  Recently, someone handed me a short, inspirational “word” from this book which I wanted to share with you as I thought it encapsulated the spirit of the monks who have given us so much through their guardianship of Gregorian chant:

“God clearly entrusts us with a task; obstacles present themselves, they accumulate. Should we leave the struggle, appealing to the name of “impossibility”? But the impossible is the very region of faith. As long as we move in the realm of the possible, we are only half sailing in the supernatural; but when someone leaves the shore and learns how to launch out generously under the watch of God into what he does not believe possible but what is clearly demanded of him, he carries out marvels. Happy are they whom God considers strong enough to track down in this way and compels to spring into the supernatural element of pure faith.”

The Community of Jesus





Credit for image: Photo: Abbey Saint Pierre – Solesmes – France
www.all-free-photos.com1800 × 1200

January 4 Echoes of Eternity While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye…

January 4 Echoes of Eternity
While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light.
John 12:36
Hark unto Me, My dear child, and listen attentively. Learn to look with the eyes of the spirit beyond the outward shell. Let your thoughts and your words aim at what lies hidden from the natural view, and do not be confused by it. I will give you the discernment you need in order to minister life. Remember that My love and care go beyond any immediate problem. Pray that you may see with Me the long view—the goal to which I am leading each child of Mine. Too much attention to each single incident can cloud that vision and cause unnecessary problems.

On the 9th Day of Christmas… Kaleidescope: America's Faith in Song CD- 35% OFF…

On the 9th Day of Christmas… Kaleidescope: America##039;s Faith in Song CD- 35% OFF. Use coupon code KALEIDESCOPE35 to receive this special discount.
#quot;If you think you##039;ve been overdosed on Amazing grace, you need to re-open the subject until you##039;ve heard the enchanting new choir-and-solo strings arrangement that opens this program.#quot; — Fanfare Magazine

January 3 Echoes of Eternity If Thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, w…

January 3 Echoes of Eternity
If Thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with Thee, that Thou mayest be feared.
Psalm 130:3,4 (rsv)
Your fear of being wrong, My child, shows that you are not living by grace, but by “works.” This is not a minor fault, but a major block in our relationship and in your spiritual growth. Go and read again Brother Lawrence’s testimony—and let your heart absorb the truth of it.
Worry about what others may think of you, how they react to you, puts an obstacle between you and Me. No matter how pious you may appear to others, I see your heart, and I tell you again: your fear of being wrong shows that you are not living by grace. Your soul is filled with accusations against My goodness. Otherwise, there would be only a desire to please Me out of gratitude, not out of fear.

January 2 Echoes of Eternity First be reconciled to thy brother, and then come a…

January 2 Echoes of Eternity
First be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.
Matthew 5:24
Put away ill will. It corrodes and eats away the very foundation of your soul. Fight against the feelings of hurt and outrage, and turn every thought that would lead to ill will into prayer. You cannot hate and really pray for someone’s good at the same time.
Realize, however, that it is primarily for your own sake that you are doing this. You must guard against further indulging in hateful thoughts and feelings—even repressed ones—and pray for good for those who hurt or oppose you. You see examples of what can happen to a soul who did not restrain feelings of hate and vengeance. Not a pretty sight, is it? Hatred and ill will are never pretty when fully
unmasked. The pleasure you derive in them cannot be compared to the joy you will have when you put them away.

An Exposition in Defense of New Year’s Resolution http://www.communityofjesus.or…

An Exposition in Defense of New Year’s Resolution http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099883

An Exposition in Defense of New Year’s Resolution | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other Sounds pompous doesn##039;t it? Let##039;s put it this way: isn##039;t a little forward progress better than none? If I refrain from a cupcake today and a hot fudge sundae tomorrow, I##039;m approximately 1100 calories to the good. If, three days from now, I gobble down a piece of pie, I##039;ve still consumed 1100 calories less than were offered to me.

An Exposition in Defense of New Year’s Resolution

By Sr. Nun Other

Sounds pompous doesn’t it? Let’s put it this way: isn’t a little forward progress better than none?  If I refrain from a cupcake today and a hot fudge sundae tomorrow, I’m approximately 1100 calories to the good. If, three days from now, I gobble down a piece of pie, I’ve still consumed 1100 calories less than were offered to me. I make this point because I easily fold under the pressure of personal failure. I do not cheerfully “pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again” as the old song goes. A prayerfully considered declaration of intent, however, holds me accountable. It invites small memories of success that are grounded in faith and lead to the will of God.

The Community of Jesus

Day 7 of the 12 Days of Christmas Specials: Kids and the Sacraments DVD- 40% OFF…

Day 7 of the 12 Days of Christmas Specials: Kids and the Sacraments DVD- 40% OFF Today Only http://www.paracletepress.com/kids-and-the-sacraments-set-of-four.html

Kids and the Sacraments: Set of Four Sacraments
Kids and the Sacraments: Set of Four Sacraments – Introduce your kids, your classroom to four of the sacraments with this lively new video presentation. Each segment includes explanations from Father …

Their Light Shines in Darkness: Out of Egypt He called His sons. They migrated t…

Their Light Shines in Darkness:
Out of Egypt
He called His sons.
They migrated
to the islands
at the western
edge of the earth.
Seed of the word,
the classical
and the Christian,
flowered in that
far, foreign soil.
Celtic gardens
preserved its fruit,
the waning world
as continents
went slowly dark.
—Bonnie Thurston

January 1 Echoes of Eternity Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all gene…

January 1 Echoes of Eternity
Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.
Psalm 90:1 (rsv)
Have no fear for tomorrow, My child. Tomorrow will hold only what I bring or allow in your life. All your tomorrows are in My hand. I am the Lord of the years. My hand is a gracious hand and all My ways are faithfulness.
As long as you keep your eyes focused on minor pains and difficulties in your path, you rob yourself of the joy of My fellowship—the communion of the Holy Spirit. You are meant to walk in a different realm—the larger reality of My kingdom. This is not an imaginary “place.” It is a present reality which is open to My children who seek and find it. Doubt and self-pity close off this reality
from you, but they do not, cannot, destroy it. So seek and find, My child. Seek and find what hitherto you have only dimly grasped.

New Years Inventory http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099879

New Years Inventory http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099879

New Years Inventory | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk Did Jesus come this Christmas? Have I let him penetrate my sometimes hardened heart? Have I let him come all the way in where it is warm, where I can give shelter? Have I let him into the rooms that hurt, the rooms I feel embarrassed about, and the rooms I don’t dare enter myself? Have I let his tiny hands touch those scars, or his tiny eyes shed light ever deeper into my heart? [ 41 more words. ]

New Years Inventory

By Melodious Monk

Did Jesus come this Christmas? Have I let him penetrate my sometimes hardened heart? Have I let him come all the way in where it is warm, where I can give shelter? Have I let him into the rooms that hurt, the rooms I feel embarrassed about, and the rooms I don’t dare enter myself?  Have I let his tiny hands touch those scars, or his tiny eyes shed light ever deeper into my heart?

Did Jesus come differently this year?

Did I expect Jesus to come differently this year?

A new year brings hope, the possibility for change, for transfiguration.

Jesus is continually coming. Will I choose to open the door and let him in?

The Community of Jesus