January 31 Echoes of Eternity
Before I was afflicted I went astray; but now have I kept Thy word.
Psalm 119:67
My child, do not despise My chastenings. They are sent for your ultimate good, painful and difficult as they are for you. I have not forgotten to be gracious, and I am not absent from any trial you are being asked to endure. As Abraham found, My eye is upon you, and when the work is done, My answer is there, waiting to be revealed.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him. This holy fear is a protection against that part of your nature that would carry you into complete darkness. Cherish it, and tremble before My Word. Cherish it, and let it be a protection to you, like a wall around a sheltered garden. You will come to know and trust Me more and more if you will not despise My chastenings.
Monthly Archives: January 2015
January 30 Echoes of Eternity Thus saith the One whose name is Holy: I dwell in…
January 30 Echoes of Eternity
Thus saith the One whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit.
Isaiah 57:15
I have told you before, and I tell you again. You must not seek honor and recognition. Your service to Me must be free from the demand of reward. This craving, even when repressed and unconscious, binds you, blinds you, and closes your ears to My voice.
Do you not sense your emptiness and deadness when I am withdrawn from you? That can be and should be a useful reminder that you are not the creator or originator of all good things. They all flow from Me, and you are allowed to be the instrument by which they are expressed. That in itself is blessing enough!
In All Circumstances http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4100018
In All Circumstances http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4100018
In All Circumstances | The Community of Jesus
by Sr. Nun Other I was thinking about praising the Lord. Obviously, it##039;s not something I do on a regular basis, or I wouldn##039;t be considering it! I find it curious that it##039;s so much easier for me to complain and express negativity than to praise. Psalm 118 instructs us to #quot;give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.#quot; Its writer found himself in an unthinkable situation: enemies swarmed around like bees; he was pushed to the brink and beyond. [ 67 more words. ]
In All Circumstances
by Sr. Nun Other
I was thinking about praising the Lord. Obviously, it’s not something I do on a regular basis, or I wouldn’t be considering it! I find it curious that it’s so much easier for me to complain and express negativity than to praise. Psalm 118 instructs us to “give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” Its writer found himself in an unthinkable situation: enemies swarmed around like bees; he was pushed to the brink and beyond. Not to worry. He cried to the Lord and was rescued from his enemies. Perhaps a more accurate phrase would be freed from his enemies, especially the inner ones of fear, doubt, and mistrust. I want to make the distinction that we praise because He loves. It isn’t always love as I wish it to be, but it’s a thorough love that addresses my deepest needs.

In All Circumstances
by Sr. Nun Other
I was thinking about praising the Lord. Obviously, it’s not something I do on a regular basis, or I wouldn’t be considering it! I find it curious that it’s so much easier for me to complain and express negativity than to praise. Psalm 118 instructs us to “give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” Its writer found himself in an unthinkable situation: enemies swarmed around like bees; he was pushed to the brink and beyond. Not to worry. He cried to the Lord and was rescued from his enemies. Perhaps a more accurate phrase would be freed from his enemies, especially the inner ones of fear, doubt, and mistrust. I want to make the distinction that we praise because He loves. It isn’t always love as I wish it to be, but it’s a thorough love that addresses my deepest needs.

God for Us – The #1 Bestselling book for Lent & Easter- Up to 30% OFF through Su…
God for Us – The #1 Bestselling book for Lent #amp; Easter- Up to 30% OFF through Sunday. (Also available as a daily email subscription).
God for Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Lent and Easter
God for Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Lent and Easter – Also available as a daily email subscription during Lent! A lovely gift book full of color images and inspirational readings. Hardcover, …
January 29 Echoes of Eternity But though He cause grief, yet will He have compas…
January 29 Echoes of Eternity
But though He cause grief, yet will He have compassion according to the multitude of His mercies.
Lamentations 3:32
In the shadow of My hand, pain. In the touch of My hand, healing. Sometimes the shadow lingers and pain is prolonged. Will you trust Me in the shadow as well as the sun? Can you walk with Me over rough ways and not complain? Comfort is a fleeting thing. Struggle brings inner strength. I do not want you to be consumed with attention on the difficulties of your life. They are yet minor in comparison with what many are called to endure. Rather choose to believe that shadows pass. My good will prevails, and your feeble faith is not in vain.
Gems From A Little Red Book http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4100015
Gems From A Little Red Book http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4100015
Gems From A Little Red Book | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk Tonight I was inspired to pick up my small copy of the Rule of St. Benedict. While looking for a 3-ring binder, this little red glossy cover buried in a stack of books caught my attention, so I placed it in my coat pocket for later reading. Just before bed, I remembered the little book. Today was a difficult day for me. [ 232 more words. ]
Gems From A Little Red Book
By Melodious Monk
Tonight I was inspired to pick up my small copy of the Rule of St. Benedict. While looking for a 3-ring binder, this little red glossy cover buried in a stack of books caught my attention, so I placed it in my coat pocket for later reading. Just before bed, I remembered the little book.
Today was a difficult day for me. It was the type of day when nothing seemed to work out – at least on the surface. I found myself in several arguments, which eventually got settled, but left me somewhat disquieted.
So at the end of the day, opening the little red book, I was more than drawn into its words, surprised to discover that St. Benedict’s pen was addressing me directly.
“Listen carefully, my son… this is advice from a father who loves you… First of all, every time you begin a good work… You must pray for him most earnestly to bring it to perfection… for the Scripture arouses us when they say: It is high time for us to arise from sleep. (Rom 13:11)… If you hear his voice today, do not harden your hearts (Ps 94:8) Come and listen to me and I will teach you the fear of the Lord (Ps 33:12) Keep your tongue free from vicious talk… Let peace be your peace and aim… Once you have done this, my eyes will be upon you and my ears will listen to your prayers.” (Isa 58.9)
(Excerpts from Prologue to Rule of St. Benedict. 1980. Edited Timothy Fry)
What a treasure of wisdom. If you haven’t read St. Benedict’s Rule, I recommend it. It’s full of so many rich gems. There’s good reason why fifteen hundred years later so many people still follow his teachings.
Gems From A Little Red Book
By Melodious Monk
Tonight I was inspired to pick up my small copy of the Rule of St. Benedict. While looking for a 3-ring binder, this little red glossy cover buried in a stack of books caught my attention, so I placed it in my coat pocket for later reading. Just before bed, I remembered the little book.
Today was a difficult day for me. It was the type of day when nothing seemed to work out – at least on the surface. I found myself in several arguments, which eventually got settled, but left me somewhat disquieted.
So at the end of the day, opening the little red book, I was more than drawn into its words, surprised to discover that St. Benedict’s pen was addressing me directly.
“Listen carefully, my son… this is advice from a father who loves you… First of all, every time you begin a good work… You must pray for him most earnestly to bring it to perfection… for the Scripture arouses us when they say: It is high time for us to arise from sleep. (Rom 13:11)… If you hear his voice today, do not harden your hearts (Ps 94:8) Come and listen to me and I will teach you the fear of the Lord (Ps 33:12) Keep your tongue free from vicious talk… Let peace be your peace and aim… Once you have done this, my eyes will be upon you and my ears will listen to your prayers.” (Isa 58.9)
(Excerpts from Prologue to Rule of St. Benedict. 1980. Edited Timothy Fry)
What a treasure of wisdom. If you haven’t read St. Benedict’s Rule, I recommend it. It’s full of so many rich gems. There’s good reason why fifteen hundred years later so many people still follow his teachings.
January 28 Echoes of Eternity For we are saved by hope. Romans 8:24 Cast not awa…
January 28 Echoes of Eternity
For we are saved by hope.
Romans 8:24
Cast not away your hope, My child, for I am its source and its fulfillment. It is I who put hope in your heart, and those who hold fast their hope shall not be confounded. The fractured image of reality you now see will one day be replaced by a clear, undistorted vision. You cannot see the whole picture, but what you see is enough.
Encounter the Holy Spirit daily this Lent – 20% OFF new devotional and other Jac…
Encounter the Holy Spirit daily this Lent – 20% OFF new devotional and other Jack Levison titles through Friday. http://www.paracletepress.com/christian-books-holy-spirit.html
Encounter the Holy Spirit daily this Lent – 20% OFF new devotional and other Jac…
Encounter the Holy Spirit daily this Lent – 20% OFF new devotional and other Jack Levison titles through Friday. http://www.paracletepress.com/christian-books-holy-spirit.html
A great review on Make the Words Your Own, by Benjamin Wayman. https://www.green…
A great review on Make the Words Your Own, by Benjamin Wayman. https://www.greenville.edu/dotAsset/a0507eeb-6721-49c0-8212-504f411293f7.jpg
A great review on Make the Words Your Own, by Benjamin Wayman. https://www.green…
A great review on Make the Words Your Own, by Benjamin Wayman. https://www.greenville.edu/dotAsset/a0507eeb-6721-49c0-8212-504f411293f7.jpg
An article by Benjamin Wayman, author of Make the Words Your Own.
An article by Benjamin Wayman, author of Make the Words Your Own.
Why Christians Should Read (Sing) the Psalms
Why Christians Should Read (Sing) the Psalms Posted date: February 18, 2014 In: D#amp;D | comment : 0 Written by Ben Wayman. Media by Cassandra Rieke. Pictured: Richard MiddletonMedia from www.gateschilipost.com Last week, Richard Middleton (Northeastern Seminary) spoke to our campus about lament and ou…
An article by Benjamin Wayman, author of Make the Words Your Own.
An article by Benjamin Wayman, author of Make the Words Your Own.
Why Christians Should Read (Sing) the Psalms
Why Christians Should Read (Sing) the Psalms Posted date: February 18, 2014 In: D#amp;D | comment : 0 Written by Ben Wayman. Media by Cassandra Rieke. Pictured: Richard MiddletonMedia from www.gateschilipost.com Last week, Richard Middleton (Northeastern Seminary) spoke to our campus about lament and ou…
January 27 Echoes of Eternity And the light shines in the darkness, and the dark…
January 27 Echoes of Eternity
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5
The day has dawned with the light of My love. Darkness cannot hold it back because I am its light. Your fears about the future are futile, for the future is in My hand. Every time you give way to foreboding, you abandon the faithground I have provided for you. My dear child, can you stop loving your children? Neither can I stop loving Mine. It is My nature to love, and so I counsel you again: leave the future to Me—your future and your loved ones’ future. I care, and will care. Be at peace.
Go forward into the day without fear. I go before you and prepare your way. There are no surprises for Me in the events of the day, even though they may surprise or even startle you. Keep your perspective. Do not allow the enemy to gain a stronghold through your imagination. Let the truth be your shield and buckler. Remember, My child, you are Mine and the day is Mine.
January 27 Echoes of Eternity And the light shines in the darkness, and the dark…
January 27 Echoes of Eternity
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5
The day has dawned with the light of My love. Darkness cannot hold it back because I am its light. Your fears about the future are futile, for the future is in My hand. Every time you give way to foreboding, you abandon the faithground I have provided for you. My dear child, can you stop loving your children? Neither can I stop loving Mine. It is My nature to love, and so I counsel you again: leave the future to Me—your future and your loved ones’ future. I care, and will care. Be at peace.
Go forward into the day without fear. I go before you and prepare your way. There are no surprises for Me in the events of the day, even though they may surprise or even startle you. Keep your perspective. Do not allow the enemy to gain a stronghold through your imagination. Let the truth be your shield and buckler. Remember, My child, you are Mine and the day is Mine.
2 Winter Haiku Poems by Paul Quenon: Each Snowflake descends with some secret w…
“Poignant, full of grit and edge and those occasional bolts of energy that tear…
January 26 Echoes of Eternity For we walk by faith, not by sight. II Corinthians…
January 26 Echoes of Eternity
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
II Corinthians 5:7
Do not fret yourself with things too high for you—with concerns over which you have no control. Such fretting only robs you of peace and wastes energy. Focus on the things for which you are sent. Don’t fritter away the days and hours with idleness. Claim the high calling I have given you, and quit yourself like a man.
Those who walk with Me must sometimes walk in shadows. You must be prepared for silence as well as speech. I do not always explain what I am doing, and I want your unqualified trust in Me. If everything were absolutely clear, you would be walking by sight, and for My own reasons, I have called you to the walk of faith. Faith grows in the shadows, but shrinks in the light. You will understand
this better when all becomes clear. In the shadows, practice praise. Go steadily on the path I have laid out for you, and be of good cheer.
Both Practicing Silence and Unquiet Vigil are on this list! Hearts & Minds Best…
Both Practicing Silence and Unquiet Vigil are on this list! Hearts #amp; Minds Best Books of 2014
PART THREE — Hearts #amp; Minds Best Books of 2014 (Hearts #amp; Minds Books)
You may not be old enough to remember when TV sets would got blank with some fuzzy message instructing viewers to #quot;stand by#quot; due to technical difficulties. Well, we##039;ve had our share of difficulties of one sort or another — not to mention the regular demands of post-holiday work and some much needed…
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4100009
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4100009
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Cantor We have found the Messiah! Can you imagine a relative or friend coming up to you and saying “We have found the Messiah!#quot; The Communion chant for last week is exactly that — Andrew telling his brother Simon that he had found the Messiah. Perhaps like some of us, Andrew did not know what Simon##039;s reaction would be. Certainly, the chant gives that impression! [ 180 more words. ]
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
By Cantor
We have found the Messiah!
Can you imagine a relative or friend coming up to you and saying “We have found the Messiah!”
The Communion chant for last week is exactly that — Andrew telling his brother Simon that he had found the Messiah. Perhaps like some of us, Andrew did not know what Simon’s reaction would be. Certainly, the chant gives that impression!
The chant itself is in three sections. The outer two sections are simply narrative, beautifully setting the scene. Their melodies are simple decorations of the reciting tone. However, the second sections — the actual words of Andrew — are quite emotionally and musically charged. At the words “Invenimus Messiam” (We have found the Messiah), the chant jumps to the top of the mode and just as quickly leaps to the bottom of the mode. You can almost hear Andrew making certain that Simon would not ignore his words! The text following — “who is called the Christ” sweeps right back up again to a modal high point on the word “called” and then gently descends into the final section of the chant.
I am always amazed that chant has the ability to make these famous words of scripture come to life in a small cocoon of musical drama. Andrew’s words will be ringing in my ears for weeks to come!
Image Credit: Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
www.communityofjesus.org618 × 298
January 25 Echoes of Eternity Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be…
January 25 Echoes of Eternity
Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
Psalm 37:1
Be not troubled in spirit over the negative things being bandied about. In very truth I tell you, the spirit of Antichrist is abroad and doing much harm among those open to it. It need not trouble you. Rather let it signal your need to draw closer to Me, your peace and your vindication. Did I not come to Job’s defense after I had dealt with his self-righteousness? Did I not promise that those who follow Me would know persecution? This, My child, is but reality. It is built into the fallen state of this world. Until all is brought into conformity with My divine, creative purpose, conflict and persecution will be the lot of those who walk with Me.
But is it not a good walk, My child?
January 24 Echoes of Eternity This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will…
January 24 Echoes of Eternity
This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
The day is Mine. All things are held together by My power and will. “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein.” The grandeur of this vision can bring light and hope into your dark day.
The day is Mine. I am the Light of the world and the Light of My people in a peculiar sense. I am your Light, My child, casting away the lingering shadows of doubt and sin. Light and health are closely related, as more light drives out the breeding places of sickness in your soul. You see and feel the bodily sickness, the ravages of disorder and disharmony in the flesh. I see the soul even more ravaged by dark thoughts and wrong attitudes. The soul struggles to live, but it
needs My light and healing even more than does your bodily flesh.
The day is Mine. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it. Be of good cheer!
This Lent, try poetry as a form of devotion – 25% off through Monday http://www….
This Lent, try poetry as a form of devotion – 25% off through Monday
Flash Friday- $5 Today- Seeking His Mind: 40 Meetings with Christ "If each day…
Flash Friday- $5 Today- Seeking His Mind: 40 Meetings with Christ
#quot;If each day a word of the Lord can truly come alive for us and can form our mind and heart, we will have that mind of Christ.#quot;
—M. Basil Pennington
January 23 Echoes of Eternity I am the Good Shepherd, and know My sheep, and am…
January 23 Echoes of Eternity
I am the Good Shepherd, and know My sheep, and am known of Mine.
John 10:14
I am the Good Shepherd. I know My sheep and am known of Mine. I have known you since you were conceived in your mother’s womb, and have watched over you with tender care.
Why would you doubt My care for you? I did not bring you this far to abandon you! But My ways are not your ways and you still have much to learn of Me. Your knowledge and your faith are very small. I watch you draw back into yourself, rather than boldly coming out into the sunshine of My love.
Feeling Sheepish? http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099990
Feeling Sheepish? http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099990
Feeling Sheepish? | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other While doing dishes in Bethany Guest House, I noticed a parade of fabricated sheep on their way to storage. Realistically-made and life-sized, they stood sentinel during Christmas and Epiphany, silently guiding the way to the manger. Sheep are not perfect and sometimes described in 3D: Dumb, Directionless, and Defenseless. Yet God gave them a prominent place at the birth of His Son.
Feeling Sheepish?
By Sr. Nun Other
While doing dishes in Bethany Guest House, I noticed a parade of fabricated sheep on their way to storage. Realistically-made and life-sized, they stood sentinel during Christmas and Epiphany, silently guiding the way to the manger. Sheep are not perfect and sometimes described in 3D: Dumb, Directionless, and Defenseless. Yet God gave them a prominent place at the birth of His Son. An often used biblical metaphor is that of shepherd and sheep. Perhaps my favorite is John 10:14 – I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and my sheep know me. We are chosen to be humble and to follow Him who knows our greatest need.
20% OFF The Jesus Creed products, and 30% OFF The Complete Jesus Creed Program t…
20% OFF The Jesus Creed products, and 30% OFF The Complete Jesus Creed Program through Sunday. http://www.paracletepress.com/the-jesus-creed.html
The Jesus Creed: Loving God and Loving Others
The Jesus Creed: Loving God and Loving Others …
20% OFF The Jesus Creed products, and 30% OFF The Complete Jesus Creed Program t…
20% OFF The Jesus Creed products, and 30% OFF The Complete Jesus Creed Program through Sunday. http://www.paracletepress.com/the-jesus-creed.html
The Jesus Creed: Loving God and Loving Others
The Jesus Creed: Loving God and Loving Others …
Pastor/Professor Shares Early Christian View of Psalms | Free Methodist Church – USA
Christians today are at a loss for how to read the Psalms. Many of us know the Psalms have played an essential role in Christian life and thought throughout the history of the church, but we have fallen out of practice in praying them and so are largely unfamiliar with how the Psalms can make us bet…
Pastor/Professor Shares Early Christian View of Psalms | Free Methodist Church – USA
Christians today are at a loss for how to read the Psalms. Many of us know the Psalms have played an essential role in Christian life and thought throughout the history of the church, but we have fallen out of practice in praying them and so are largely unfamiliar with how the Psalms can make us bet…
January 22 Echoes of Eternity . . . avoiding profane and vain babblings, and opp…
January 22 Echoes of Eternity
. . . avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.
I Timothy 6:20
My word is often turned aside because it appears too simple. I come to you in simplicity in order to cut across the false reasoning you have allowed to grow up over many years. You come to me and complain of feeling dead and empty. Yet, truth to tell, you are full of many things—mainly yourself. Emptying out results in your feeling less empty.
Keep it simple today, My child. Do not yield to the temptation to try to appear profound. I know the way you should walk, so let Me guide and lead.
January 22 Echoes of Eternity . . . avoiding profane and vain babblings, and opp…
January 22 Echoes of Eternity
. . . avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.
I Timothy 6:20
My word is often turned aside because it appears too simple. I come to you in simplicity in order to cut across the false reasoning you have allowed to grow up over many years. You come to me and complain of feeling dead and empty. Yet, truth to tell, you are full of many things—mainly yourself. Emptying out results in your feeling less empty.
Keep it simple today, My child. Do not yield to the temptation to try to appear profound. I know the way you should walk, so let Me guide and lead.
Wrestling with stupid questions
By Melodious Monk
This week’s Gospel reading was the story of Jesus calling Peter and Andrew to be his disciples. Jesus says to come and they drop everything and immediately follow him. In Sunday’s Eucharist bulletin we were given a short meditation by Dietrich Bonhoeffer:
“The Story of the call of the first disciples is a stumbling-block for the natural reason, and it is no wonder that frantic attempts have been made to separate the two events. By hook or by crook a bridge must be found between them. Something must have happened in between, some psychological or historical event. Thus we get the stupid question: Surely they must have known Jesus before, and that previous acquaintance explains their readiness to hear the Master’s call.”
I still laugh each time I read the humorous line “what a stupid question!” There’s much in the ways of God that we cannot understand, and I think it a bit humorous at times to laugh at some of our attempts to rationalize God’s doings. Bonhoeffer goes on to explain why he believes that the disciples so quickly dropped everything at Jesus’ beckoning: “…for the simple reason that the cause behind the immediate following of call by response is Jesus Christ himself. It is Jesus who calls, and because it is Jesus, they follow at once.”
As Bonhoeffer alludes, our tiny reasoning brains are finite. God is the architect of all things, with a capacity to orchestrate much more than I can even imagine. Perhaps my daily questions don’t need to ask how God’s plans will work out or how I might recognize Him; rather maybe my job today is to stop asking so many questions. Questions that only get in the way of what our hearts are intuitively designed to do.
I had a trumpet teacher who’s favorite mantra was KISS, short for Keep- It-Simple-Stupid! It was his way of getting rid of unnecessary questions and tensions that get in the way of one basic truth of trumpet playing – simply that you must start with a good resonant sound, always. I often think of this “kiss” method in regard to the spiritual life. In many ways, Christianity can be very simple. Jesus is Lord, God of the universe, and I am not. He created me, loves me and has the best purposes for me, even if, and especially if I feel lousy today! This isn’t to say life here on earth can’t be very complicated, for there certainly are many gray areas, and lots of questions arise for all of us. But scripture tells us that on earth we barely see a glimpse of our future glory. It tells us that all things, yes all things can be used for the glory of God. We forget who created us, and that He promises to make us whole. Simply put, we need to have faith in Jesus and follow him. If we choose to let our hearts trust, then like the disciples, we will recognize Jesus exactly in his timing, and follow him immediately. Now of course we don’t always want to follow Jesus and we rebel and so forth–but that does not change God– and certainly does not change God’s promises to us. I think both Bonhoeffer and my trumpet teacher would agree on at least one life philosophy, Keep It Simple!
Patience: Patience it is music unfolding slowly It must play out until the end w…
Patience it is music
unfolding slowly
It must play out until the end
without omitting anything
like a quiet happiness that comes
climbs up a path and descends
down the hills of days and nights
difficult fragile unaware…
In a dream I was reminded of this by Brahms
with a finger on his lips
—from Astonishments, Selected Poems of Anna Kamienska
Visit our new DVD page! Paraclete's acclaimed DVD collection offers help and hea…
Visit our new DVD page! Paraclete##039;s acclaimed DVD collection offers help and healing for life issues, phases of grief and loss, marriage, forgiveness, anger management, and more.
Paraclete##039;s acclaimed DVD collection offers help and healing for life issues, phases of grief and loss, marriage, forgiveness, anger management, and more.
Mobile Uploads
Join Greg this Wednesday in Centerville, MA for a Discussion and Book Signing!
A good blog review on Flunking Sainthood: A Daily Devotional for the Rest of Us,…
A good blog review on Flunking Sainthood: A Daily Devotional for the Rest of Us, by Jana Riess.
For All It##039;s Worth: Flunking Sainthood: a daily devotional for the rest of us
January 21 Echoes of Eternity And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing…
January 21 Echoes of Eternity
And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Revelation 21:27
As the sun shines on the earth bringing light and unveiling the darkness, so does My Spirit shine upon your soul. Dark recesses are hidden from your consciousness, but they are not hidden from Me. The cleansing, purifying work of light must go on to prepare you for your eternal home. “And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth.” So the cleansing is an important part of
your preparation.
Fear not this process, My child. Already you know that each step brings release and greater freedom within. There are still “ties that bind” and keep you from a full realization of My perfect work, but do not despair nor grow discouraged. That would only slow down the process. Be honest with yourself and seek the Spirit of Truth in facing all accusations. He convicts, cleanses, and sets free.
January 20 Echoes of Eternity . . . and he went out, not knowing whither he went…
January 20 Echoes of Eternity
. . . and he went out, not knowing whither he went.
Hebrews 11:8
I am the Lord your God. As Abraham walked with Me, so I bid you. Your heritage, like his, exceeds your imagination. Like Abraham, you must allow your family to choose to separate themselves from you. All is not lost! I am still the Lord. I put your prayers and longing in your heart for them, and expect you to be faithful. But it must be praying, not pulling—intercession, not intervention.
The work of prayer is your most important task. Do not neglect it nor make light of it. Prayer taps the infinite resources reserved for those who ask, seek, and knock. Have I not told you?
January 20 Echoes of Eternity . . . and he went out, not knowing whither he went…
January 20 Echoes of Eternity
. . . and he went out, not knowing whither he went.
Hebrews 11:8
I am the Lord your God. As Abraham walked with Me, so I bid you. Your heritage, like his, exceeds your imagination. Like Abraham, you must allow your family to choose to separate themselves from you. All is not lost! I am still the Lord. I put your prayers and longing in your heart for them, and expect you to be faithful. But it must be praying, not pulling—intercession, not intervention.
The work of prayer is your most important task. Do not neglect it nor make light of it. Prayer taps the infinite resources reserved for those who ask, seek, and knock. Have I not told you?
January 19 Echoes of Eternity I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from when…
January 19 Echoes of Eternity
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
Psalm 121:1
Fix your eyes on the far mountains—mountains of hope. The lowlands breed despair unless you raise your eyes and your mind above the immediate problem. Inspiration is an infilling of Spirit—your emptiness and lack filled up with what you can neither see nor understand. Yet it causes substantial change.
My work is not completed in a day. This is why I say, “Look to the far mountains.” The delays you experience will be much easier to bear when you keep this in mind. I am working My purpose out. I am not asleep. I am not oblivious to you or your prayers. As long as you keep your hope alive, you will find everything needful for your journey of faith.
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099971
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099971
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Cantor A look forward: #quot;Vox in Rama#quot; Vox in Rama (A voice in Rama is heard), is the Communion chant from the Feast of the Holy Innocents which was celebrated only a few weeks ago. This short but extraordinarily beautiful chant is the outcry of Rachel at the death of her children, and her unwillingness to be consoled. Both the range of this chant and its relentless use of a rising and falling half-step musical motive draw us in to the depth of Rachel##039;s mourning. [ 170 more words. ]
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
By Cantor
A look forward: “Vox in Rama”
Vox in Rama (A voice in Rama is heard), is the Communion chant from the Feast of the Holy Innocents which was celebrated only a few weeks ago. This short but extraordinarily beautiful chant is the outcry of Rachel at the death of her children, and her unwillingness to be consoled. Both the range of this chant and its relentless use of a rising and falling half-step musical motive draw us in to the depth of Rachel’s mourning. Each intermediary cadence leaves us with a sense of incompleteness and each new phrase returns to the opening sense of wailing. The ending itself concludes with the outline of a heartsick major triad on the words “because they are not.”
This is probably not a chant many people heard during the recent feast unless attending a full chanted mass that particular day. It now provides a look into what lies ahead on Good Friday. We hear in this chant some of the same sounds we experience in the final Lamentation of Jeremiah heard at the conclusion of the Pascal Triduum. Indeed, that concluding major triad from Vox in Rama foreshadows similar sounds heard at the conclusion of the Holy Saturday Vigil — before the Great Silence of Holy Saturday which leads us to Easter. We actually hear, through the chant, the ultimate redemption of the slaughter of those innocent children through Christ’s own sacrifice.
Image Credit: Gregorian chant
336 x 291 · 27 kB · jpeg
January 18 Echoes of Eternity There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any…
January 18 Echoes of Eternity
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
Psalm 91:10
“There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwell ing.” The prayers of others have often shielded you, though you knew nothing about it. The faithfulness of others has formed an easier path for you to follow. Be faithful, then, My child, in your watch. Hold up those for whom I have given you responsibility. Link your prayers with the faithful around and before you—that
My will may be accomplished “on earth as it is in heaven.”
You still have much to learn about the mystery and marvel and might of prayer. These things are hidden from the wise, but are made known to “babes and sucklings”—to those who are small in their own eyes and are teachable.
30% OFF Lenten Books & CDs Through Sunday. http://lent.paracletepress.com/ Lent…
30% OFF Lenten Books #amp; CDs Through Sunday.
Lent is a time of new life and fresh beginnings. ##039;Following Christ##039; is a unique daily reader for the season of Lent with short readings from extraordinary Christians who will open windows on your spiritual life, allowing fresh air to burst in.
January 17 Echoes of Eternity . . . let us lay aside every weight, and the sin w…
January 17 Echoes of Eternity
. . . let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
Hebrews 12:1
The riches of My kingdom are for the poor. They are hidden from those who come laden with their own gifts. That is why, My child, you are required to wait while we strip from you the weight of your internal wealth. Each time you are required to wait for My inner voice, you become aware anew of your own poverty of spirit. You face the deadness of your soul apart from My quickening power—and the suffering opens you to be blessed by My refreshing grace.
O ye of little faith! When will you learn to take each moment as it comes without faltering or whining at what it might turn out to be? Your lack of trust is a great handicap, and it is organically tied with your “inner wealth” which turns out to be dust and ashes. The riches of My kingdom are for the poor.
This Lent, teach your children a simple new way to pray. Get $10 Off and Free S…
This Lent, teach your children a simple new way to pray. Get $10 Off and Free Shipping on your order of $50 or more. Use coupon code 10OFF50 at checkout. http://www.paracletepress.com/praying-with-your-five-fingers.html
Pastor/Professor Shares Early Christian View of Psalms | Free Methodist Church – USA
Christians today are at a loss for how to read the Psalms. Many of us know the Psalms have played an essential role in Christian life and thought throughout the history of the church, but we have fallen out of practice in praying them and so are largely unfamiliar with how the Psalms can make us bet…
January 16 Echoes of Eternity But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass…
January 16 Echoes of Eternity
But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory. . . .
II Corinthians 3:18
My child, it is a continual wonder and surprise to you that I, the Lord of all creation, should deign to speak and commune with you, a creature of dust and time. Yet here I glorify Myself in a way that only those created in My image can experience and realize. Nor is My glory a selfish one, for in this communion of Spirit with spirit, your own human nature is lifted to a new level.
Your earthly life span will never exhaust nor solve the mystery you touch here. That is too deep and profound for your present state. But it will “unfold” as you practice it, growing brighter and more precious, even as the mystery remains.
Take seriously this word: you are being prepared for the life beyond your earthly time-span. That is real. Do not lose sight of it nor waste the opportunities I am supplying you day by day.
At Cross Purposes http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099943
At Cross Purposes http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099943
At Cross Purposes | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other The idiom #quot;at cross-purposes#quot; is defined as two opposing viewpoints with goals that interfere with each other. On many days, that would be God and me. I expect that life should be as I want it: free of anxiety-producing situations. (Hello, unreality!) God desires me to be whole and complete by facing and walking through my fears, not alone, but with Him. [ 37 more words. ]
At Cross Purposes
By Sr. Nun Other
The idiom “at cross-purposes” is defined as two opposing viewpoints with goals that interfere with each other. On many days, that would be God and me. I expect that life should be as I want it: free of anxiety-producing situations. (Hello, unreality!) God desires me to be whole and complete by facing and walking through my fears, not alone, but with Him. Jesus said, If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23 In retrospect, the crosses I’m given are wonderfully light and perfectly designed.
Timeline Photos
Looking for an intentional and creative way to lead your family through Lent and Easter? A Homemade Year has 6 Chapters dedicated to this amazing season with recipes, crafts, and reflections for all ages. http://www.amazon.com/Homemade-Year-Blessings-Crafting-Together/dp/1612610676/ref=pd_rhf_gw_p_img_1
Timeline Photos
Monsignor Timothy Verdon, Jon Sweeney, and Mark Burrows come together to lead a weeklong trip to Barga, Assisi and Florence. Learn about St. Francis of Assisi in prayer, poetry and art – this promises to be an opportunity of a life-time!
click here to find out more….http://mounttabor.it/events/spend-a-week-in-italy-with-st-francis-of-assisi/
Shop Lent & Easter – 30% Off Lenten Books & CDs through Sunday http://lent.para…
Shop Lent #amp; Easter – 30% Off Lenten Books #amp; CDs through Sunday
January 15 Echoes of Eternity For he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the c…
January 15 Echoes of Eternity
For he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men.
Lamentations 3:33
I tell you of very truth, I share the sorrow of your heart for those you love who walk in the darkness of this world. The pain you feel is only a minor portion of Mine, and there is no way to avoid the suffering. I know My plans for them, which you do not, but you can trust My infinite mercy and wisdom to act. In the meantime, without being frivolous and irresponsible, you can keep lifting them up to Me. Remember that “prayer availeth much.”
All this will work together for good for you and for those for whom you are praying, and My glory will be seen. Nothing worthwhile comes without struggle and pain since sin entered My world. But in spite of it all, I still love My creation and My plans for it are good.
My dear child, rest in Me.
Vows http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099940
Vows http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099940
Vows | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk Last week was a particularly special and significant week for our monastic community, because it is the week in which novices, and simple professed members can make their professions. The Rule of Life of the Community of Jesus states, “Though in its essence Christian discipleship is a vocation common to all believers, the vows made in a monastic life give that discipleship a distinct form.” [ 133 more words. ]
By Melodious Monk
Last week was a particularly special and significant week for our monastic community, because it is the week in which novices, and simple professed members can make their professions.
The Rule of Life of the Community of Jesus states, “Though in its essence Christian discipleship is a vocation common to all believers, the vows made in a monastic life give that discipleship a distinct form.” The next page continues on to say, “Following centuries of monastic tradition, membership in the Community of Jesus is built upon three primary vows: obedience, conversion, and stability.”
Hearing these professions serves as a reminder to me of the life-choices I have committed to in this particular place. I think it can also serve to remind all Christians of their daily choices to follow Christ. Each morning I’m given anew the choice to step into the endless stream of the unceasing love, mercy, and creativity of God. The choice is mine to reject — or to wade forward on faith: the opportunity is always newly presented. Many days I have to remind myself to re-choose this discipleship, to choose to believe in God’s promised goodness as a backdrop for my life today.
Please join our new 40 Days with the Holy Spirit Facebook Page! The perfect book…
Please join our new 40 Days with the Holy Spirit Facebook Page! The perfect book to read this Lent…
40 Days with the Holy Spirit will inspire you to encounter God in fresh and surprising ways. Interactive, intelligent, inviting, and prayerful.
Greetings from the Atlanta Gift Show! It was so great to see familiar faces! If…
January 14 Echoes of Eternity Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my ha…
January 14 Echoes of Eternity
Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; Thy walls are continually before me.
Isaiah 49:16
My child, I have told you, you are graven on My hand—My right hand. By this I meant to quell every fear and doubt you have about your life in Me. “He who fears is not perfected in love.” That is a message to you in the first place, so that you bear in mind the inner work you must still do. Love is active, not passive—and you have become much, much too passive. Exercise your love—such as
it is—so that it might fill a greater space in you. Stop quenching the Spirit and act on the intuitive thoughts that come to you. In loving your neighbor as yourself, you will drive out the overweening self-concern that characterizes your life. Since I remember you, you can afford to forget you. Make a stab at it today!
January 13 Echoes of Eternity Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant; and teach…
January 13 Echoes of Eternity
Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant; and teach me Thy statutes.
Psalm 119:135 (rsv)
Behind the clouds, My glorious light. Behind the doubts, My sure promises. Behind the fears, My blessed hope. Let no darkness remain in your soul, My child. Let the light of My Spirit shine in its hidden places. Do not nourish dark and wicked thoughts, even for an instant. Their stain remains and pollutes. There is light behind the clouds, glorious light. Seek and find it and walk in it.
January 12 Echoes of Eternity Look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the…
January 12 Echoes of Eternity
Look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.
Isaiah 51:1
My child, do not despise the day of your beginnings. It was no accident or chance that you were born and brought up in your family. Do not be ashamed of them nor of their devotion. All My people are shaped by traditions they did not invent. You have carried into your present life some of the seeds of truth I planted long ago. In spite of your rebellion and sin, the seed remained. It will yet bear fruit to My glory.
Give thanks then, My child, for My fatherly care over you. Let the memories of the past give you courage and incentive for faithfulness in the present. Contemplate My goodness and the sweetness of My presence. In the secret place commune with Me, and do not be ashamed of the “homeliness” of your devotion. There is room for that, too, in My heart.
January 12 Echoes of Eternity Look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the…
January 12 Echoes of Eternity
Look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.
Isaiah 51:1
My child, do not despise the day of your beginnings. It was no accident or chance that you were born and brought up in your family. Do not be ashamed of them nor of their devotion. All My people are shaped by traditions they did not invent. You have carried into your present life some of the seeds of truth I planted long ago. In spite of your rebellion and sin, the seed remained. It will yet bear fruit to My glory.
Give thanks then, My child, for My fatherly care over you. Let the memories of the past give you courage and incentive for faithfulness in the present. Contemplate My goodness and the sweetness of My presence. In the secret place commune with Me, and do not be ashamed of the “homeliness” of your devotion. There is room for that, too, in My heart.
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099936
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099936
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Cantor Come, Holy Spirit Veni Creator Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit) is one of the best known and most beloved of all chants. It is sung at the opening of the election process of a new pope, monastic chapter meetings, as well as Pentecost Sunday. Mary Berry always opened her teaching sessions with this chant. An invocation for inviting the Holy Spirit to be present, it is truly a chant for all occasions.This chant is also found in today##039;s hymnals, set in modern notation, and is frequently put into choral anthem settings. [ 259 more words. ]
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099936
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4099936
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Cantor Come, Holy Spirit Veni Creator Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit) is one of the best known and most beloved of all chants. It is sung at the opening of the election process of a new pope, monastic chapter meetings, as well as Pentecost Sunday. Mary Berry always opened her teaching sessions with this chant. An invocation for inviting the Holy Spirit to be present, it is truly a chant for all occasions.This chant is also found in today##039;s hymnals, set in modern notation, and is frequently put into choral anthem settings. [ 259 more words. ]
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
By Cantor
Come, Holy Spirit
Veni Creator Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit) is one of the best known and most beloved of all chants. It is sung at the opening of the election process of a new pope, monastic chapter meetings, as well as Pentecost Sunday. Mary Berry always opened her teaching sessions with this chant. An invocation for inviting the Holy Spirit to be present, it is truly a chant for all occasions.This chant is also found in today’s hymnals, set in modern notation, and is frequently put into choral anthem settings.
As we begin a new year, it seemed a good time to point out that of all the Gregorian chant repertoire, perhaps the most famous work also has one of the largest audiences. Below, I have put an English translation of the text that can serve as an opening prayer for 2015!
Come, Holy Spirit, Creator blest, and in our souls take up Thy rest; come with Thy grace and heavenly aid to fill the hearts which Thou hast made.
O comforter, to Thee we cry, O heavenly gift of God Most High, O fount of life and fire of love, and sweet anointing from above.
Thou in Thy sevenfold gifts are known; Thou, finger of God’s hand we own; Thou, promise of the Father, Thou Who dost the tongue with power imbue.
Kindle our sense from above, and make our hearts o’erflow with love; with patience firm and virtue high the weakness of our flesh supply.
Far from us drive the foe we dread, and grant us Thy peace instead; so shall we not, with Thee for guide, turn from the path of life aside.
Oh, may Thy grace on us bestow the Father and the Son to know; and Thee, through endless times confessed, of both the eternal Spirit blest.
Now to the Father and the Son, Who rose from death, be glory given, with Thou, O Holy Comforter, henceforth by all in earth and heaven. Amen.
Credit for image Misa Tradicional en La Plata: Secuencia de Pentecostés misatradicionalenlaplata.blogspot.com
January 11 Echoes of Eternity Everyone that asketh receiveth. Matthew 7:8 Ask an…
January 11 Echoes of Eternity
Everyone that asketh receiveth.
Matthew 7:8
Ask and it will be given you. Be more bold in your asking, My child, for I take pleasure in granting the requests of My children. Asking is a way of expressing your faith in Me and in My goodwill toward you. Take your eyes off the “impossibilities” of circumstances, and ask for what I put in your heart to ask. The process is vital to your maturing and deepening in faith.
Make a record of the big and small things you pray for, so that you will know the surety of what I am saying to you. Ask and believe!
The Stricken: If light of morning has to do with you, it has to do with anyone w…
The Stricken:
If light of morning has to do with you,
it has to do with anyone who wants
a new beginning. They do say it##039;s true
a single soul in suffering still haunts
the places it once paced when in the flesh.
But souls do suffer in this dark life too,
and every dawn brings respite, yet brings fresh
regrets as well, as only dawn can do.
For by its glimmer we remain the same,
not changed in any twinkling of an eye.
We pace where we have paced—afflicted, lame,
still suffering that touch upon the thigh.
But could the sun illuminate your soul,
the dark would limp away and leave you whole.
—Paul Willis (American, contemporary)
Freedom and Forgiveness: A Fresh Look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation- A Best…
Freedom and Forgiveness: A Fresh Look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation- A Bestselling Book for Lent.
#quot;Father Paul##039;s new book is a beautiful invitation into the sacrament of reconciliation, perhaps the most misunderstood sacrament in the church. With his clear, helpful and accessible writing, Freedom and Forgiveness reminds the reader that the sacrament is about not how bad you are, but about how good God is.#quot; —James Martin, SJ, author of #quot;Jesus: A Pilgrimage#quot;
Freedom and Forgiveness: A Fresh Look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Freedom and Forgiveness: A Fresh Look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation – Ideal for Catechetical Sunday 2014 – The theme is Teaching about God’s Gift of Forgiveness” and will focus on the …
Freedom and Forgiveness: A Fresh Look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation- A Best…
Freedom and Forgiveness: A Fresh Look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation- A Bestselling Book for Lent.
#quot;Father Paul##039;s new book is a beautiful invitation into the sacrament of reconciliation, perhaps the most misunderstood sacrament in the church. With his clear, helpful and accessible writing, Freedom and Forgiveness reminds the reader that the sacrament is about not how bad you are, but about how good God is.#quot; —James Martin, SJ, author of #quot;Jesus: A Pilgrimage#quot;
Freedom and Forgiveness: A Fresh Look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Freedom and Forgiveness: A Fresh Look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation – Ideal for Catechetical Sunday 2014 – The theme is Teaching about God’s Gift of Forgiveness” and will focus on the …
January 10 Echoes of Eternity Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever T…
January 10 Echoes of Eternity
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God.
Psalm 90:2
My word today is this: Endless. You see and fear the “ends.” I see endlessness—eternity. You fear becoming nothing. I see your life growing and continuing. Come over to My viewpoint. See your life in this perspective. Do not grasp at the past nor the present. Let them go with the passing. They are not meant to last. But your life in Me is endless. New times, new challenges, new opportunities to know My ways better. Endless.
January 10 Echoes of Eternity Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever T…
January 10 Echoes of Eternity
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God.
Psalm 90:2
My word today is this: Endless. You see and fear the “ends.” I see endlessness—eternity. You fear becoming nothing. I see your life growing and continuing. Come over to My viewpoint. See your life in this perspective. Do not grasp at the past nor the present. Let them go with the passing. They are not meant to last. But your life in Me is endless. New times, new challenges, new opportunities to know My ways better. Endless.
Just In! My Baptism Album makes a wonderful Baptism Gift. Includes delightful il…
Just In! My Baptism Album makes a wonderful Baptism Gift. Includes delightful illustrations, Scriptures, prayers, pages for special photos of the child, parents, and church family, as well as places for all to write prayers and promises. Often purchased with My Baptism Book, a bestselling gift book. http://www.paracletepress.com/books-childrens-baptism.html
Flash Friday- Lenten Survival Guide for Kids $5 Today Only. "You may have heard…
Flash Friday- Lenten Survival Guide for Kids $5 Today Only.
#quot;You may have heard about this thing called Lent. This is your guide to not only surviving it, but also—dare we suggest?—loving it. Wait. Allow us to explain…#quot; —from Lenten Survival Guide for Kids
January 9 Echoes of Eternity Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus C…
January 9 Echoes of Eternity
Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforteth us in all our tribulation.
II Corinthians 1:3,4
Bring them to Me, My child, bring them to Me—the wounds of the past, the painful memories of foolish choices, the hurtful wrongs you inflicted on other —all that burdens your soul with sad regrets. It was for sinners that I came to this earth. It was for the undone, the heavyladen souls who knew no relief from the pain of their wrongness.
The crucifixion you feel as these old memories return is a crucifixion of pride. The humiliation and shame are but necessary blows to the nature that still seeks to be “somebody.” As you bury the memories in My wounds, there is no place for boasting or vainglory. Neither is there any reason to continue to nurture the pain. Gratitude, praise, and expectation can replace the defeating deadness of old regrets.
Two thumbs up from US Catholic!
Two thumbs up from US Catholic!
Book Marks: New releases on African theology, popes, and living like a Benedictine
Book Marks: New releases on African theology, popes, and living like a Benedictine By Caitlyn Schmid| comments | Print | ShareArticle Reviews New year, new set of book coming your way! Don##039;t forget to check these out: January 2015 A Daily Catholic Moment: 10 Minutes A Day Alone With God Compiled by…
Two thumbs up from US Catholic!
Two thumbs up from US Catholic!
Book Marks: New releases on African theology, popes, and living like a Benedictine
Book Marks: New releases on African theology, popes, and living like a Benedictine By Caitlyn Schmid| comments | Print | ShareArticle Reviews New year, new set of book coming your way! Don##039;t forget to check these out: January 2015 A Daily Catholic Moment: 10 Minutes A Day Alone With God Compiled by…
Unquiet Vigil: New and Selected Poems by Paul Quenon, OCSO (Orleans, MA: Paracle…
Unquiet Vigil: New and Selected Poems by Paul Quenon, OCSO (Orleans, MA: Paraclete Press, 2014) features work developed from five decades of monastic life at the Abbey of Gethsemani. Pulitzer Prize finalist Maurice Manning says of the volume: “These poems pinpoint the tensions inherent in a spiritual life. The self must be present and yet the self must be willing to be negated. One seeks knowledge but also freedom from knowledge. One must be at home with what is said through silence. These are some of the mysteries of faith and the words of these poems invite me into them. By reading, we partake of these words and much more. It is a joy to have this book.” —Mention by The International Thomas Merton Society
Unquiet Vigil: New and Selected Poems by Paul Quenon, OCSO (Orleans, MA: Paracle…
Unquiet Vigil: New and Selected Poems by Paul Quenon, OCSO (Orleans, MA: Paraclete Press, 2014) features work developed from five decades of monastic life at the Abbey of Gethsemani. Pulitzer Prize finalist Maurice Manning says of the volume: “These poems pinpoint the tensions inherent in a spiritual life. The self must be present and yet the self must be willing to be negated. One seeks knowledge but also freedom from knowledge. One must be at home with what is said through silence. These are some of the mysteries of faith and the words of these poems invite me into them. By reading, we partake of these words and much more. It is a joy to have this book.” —Mention by The International Thomas Merton Society
January 8 Echoes of Eternity If ye keep my commandments ye shall abide in My lov…
January 8 Echoes of Eternity
If ye keep my commandments ye shall abide in My love; even as I have kept My Father’s commandments, and abide in His love.
John 15:10
Hear and obey. That is the key to your path of blessing. Hearing is not enough. The “birds of the air” pick up the seed sown “along the wayside.” Thoughts, fears, and dreams travel along that way—leaving precious little soul in which My word can take root and grow. Nourish that which lives. Treasure the words you have received, not as museum pieces to be admired, dusted, and stored—but as spiritual dynamos, sources of renewal, “jump-starters” when you have grown
lax or weak.
Hear. Blessed are the ears attuned to My voice. Blessed are those
in whose hearts are My ways.
Obey. Procrastination is but another form of disobedience. It is
not neutral, but an active, corrosive evil. Watch it, and move against
it at all costs.
January 8 Echoes of Eternity If ye keep my commandments ye shall abide in My lov…
January 8 Echoes of Eternity
If ye keep my commandments ye shall abide in My love; even as I have kept My Father’s commandments, and abide in His love.
John 15:10
Hear and obey. That is the key to your path of blessing. Hearing is not enough. The “birds of the air” pick up the seed sown “along the wayside.” Thoughts, fears, and dreams travel along that way—leaving precious little soul in which My word can take root and grow. Nourish that which lives. Treasure the words you have received, not as museum pieces to be admired, dusted, and stored—but as spiritual dynamos, sources of renewal, “jump-starters” when you have grown
lax or weak.
Hear. Blessed are the ears attuned to My voice. Blessed are those
in whose hearts are My ways.
Obey. Procrastination is but another form of disobedience. It is
not neutral, but an active, corrosive evil. Watch it, and move against
it at all costs.
30% OFF Your Whole Life Resources! Eat Right, Live Well, Love God.
30% OFF Your Whole Life Resources! Eat Right, Live Well, Love God.
3D/Your Whole Life
3D/Your Whole Life …
30% OFF Your Whole Life Resources! Eat Right, Live Well, Love God.
30% OFF Your Whole Life Resources! Eat Right, Live Well, Love God.
3D/Your Whole Life
3D/Your Whole Life …
A great review on Jana Riess's Flunking Sainthood: A Year of Breaking the Sabbat…
A great review on Jana Riess##039;s Flunking Sainthood: A Year of Breaking the Sabbath, Forgetting to Pray and Still Loving My Neighbor
flunking sainthood
When I first encountered the title Flunking Sainthood: A year of breaking the sabbath, forgetting to pray, and still loving my neighbor, I thought, #quot;That sounds like me in my stumbling efforts.#quot; I …
A great review on Jana Riess's Flunking Sainthood: A Year of Breaking the Sabbat…
A great review on Jana Riess##039;s Flunking Sainthood: A Year of Breaking the Sabbath, Forgetting to Pray and Still Loving My Neighbor
flunking sainthood
When I first encountered the title Flunking Sainthood: A year of breaking the sabbath, forgetting to pray, and still loving my neighbor, I thought, #quot;That sounds like me in my stumbling efforts.#quot; I …
Spend a Week in Italy with St. Francis of Assisi
Barga, Florence, Assisi Learn about Francis and Franciscan Spirituality in Prayer, Poetry and Art Study/Retreat based at The Mount Tabor Ecumenical Centre for Art #amp; Spirituality in Barga, Italy — a beautiful context for reflection and conteRead more …
Spend a Week in Italy with St. Francis of Assisi
Barga, Florence, Assisi Learn about Francis and Franciscan Spirituality in Prayer, Poetry and Art Study/Retreat based at The Mount Tabor Ecumenical Centre for Art #amp; Spirituality in Barga, Italy — a beautiful context for reflection and conteRead more …
January 7 Echoes of Eternity Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I will say, R…
January 7 Echoes of Eternity
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I will say, Rejoice.
Philippians 4:4
Praise is the best medicine, but praise must be from the right motive. It must not be thought of as a source of blessing and healing, even though they are its by–products. Praise must come from your gratitude for My many mercies, and for specific ones. Let it well up from your heart and unite with the universal song from all the ages past—an eternal alleluia. Let it drown out the little voices of woe and complaint that run around in your head. Let praise draw you out of
concern with your physical condition—and thus foretaste My victory over them all. Praise is work for you, My child, because you have done so little of it in your life. Redeem the time you have left on earth—let your mouth and your heart be filled with My praise.
January 7 Echoes of Eternity Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I will say, R…
January 7 Echoes of Eternity
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I will say, Rejoice.
Philippians 4:4
Praise is the best medicine, but praise must be from the right motive. It must not be thought of as a source of blessing and healing, even though they are its by–products. Praise must come from your gratitude for My many mercies, and for specific ones. Let it well up from your heart and unite with the universal song from all the ages past—an eternal alleluia. Let it drown out the little voices of woe and complaint that run around in your head. Let praise draw you out of
concern with your physical condition—and thus foretaste My victory over them all. Praise is work for you, My child, because you have done so little of it in your life. Redeem the time you have left on earth—let your mouth and your heart be filled with My praise.
Look for Vulnerable Faith on this list! Coming out in March.
Look for Vulnerable Faith on this list! Coming out in March.
Top 50 Books For Christian Readers to Watch for in 2015
Here are the top 50 books that are slated for release in 2015 and that we think will be beneficial for Christians. Our focus is the life, health and flouris
On the 12th Day of Christmas… God for Us! Sale today only.
On the 12th Day of Christmas… God for Us! Sale today only.
God For Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Lent and Easter
God For Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Lent and Easter – A lovely gift book full of color images and inspirational readings. Hardcover, with ribbon markers included. God for Us: Rediscovering the …
January 6 Echoes of Eternity If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the S…
January 6 Echoes of Eternity
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Galatians 5:25 (rsv)
I am caring for you, My child, I am caring for you. Remember, with Me there are no accidents, no surprises. What comes to you unexpectedly and unbidden has been long known and foreseen by Me. It comes by My permission and carries the seed of My blessing.
I bid you now to look up. Trust Me beyond your understanding and knowledge. Put your hand in My fatherly hand—to be guided into what lies ahead for you. Fear not and be not troubled. I am faithful, and will not leave or forsake you.
The Season of the Nativity- 40% OFF. Sale ends today. "Epiphany is the season w…
The Season of the Nativity- 40% OFF. Sale ends today.
#quot;Epiphany is the season when faith in Jesus takes root and begins its journey to the far corners of the earth.#quot; —Sybil MacBeth
The Season of the Nativity: Confessions and Practices of an Advent,…
The Season of the Nativity: Confessions and Practices of an Advent, Christmas #amp; Epiphany Extremist – Sybil MacBeth writes that Advent and Epiphany…
Keep an eye out for this new title coming in July!
Keep an eye out for this new title coming in July!
Just finished my wee foreword to the Collected Poems of Mr. Scott Cairns. Coming to you in just a few short months. And by collected, I mean it##039;s got EVERYTHING, including his middle school assignments. Nah, just kidding. Seriously, this one is the one to own. Except for the other books he publishes after the collected. Which will have to be re-collected one day…. ANYWAY, get the Collected-for-Now Poems when it comes out. Y##039;hear?