February 28 Echoes of Eternity
Provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Luke 12:33,34
Traveling along the road of your pilgrimage, there are lessons to be learned every day. There are old ties to be cut or loosened, so they will have no power to hold you back on your journey toward Me. Remember, My child, that is where your journey leads, toward Me— your true End and Home. All these earthly scenes are passing ones. They change constantly because that is their nature. They serve their purpose, but they are not the End. Mourn if you must the loosening ties, but do not linger long in tears. I am your Comforter and abiding Joy. Abide in Me.
Monthly Archives: February 2015
“With waffle crumbs and bacon drippings and brown sugar crystals, Jerusalem Jack…
“With waffle crumbs and bacon drippings and brown sugar crystals, Jerusalem Jackson Greer leaves a Hansel and Gretel-like path to follow as we travel through the seasons of the liturgical year. I was charmed and moved by this book.” —Sybil MacBeth, author of Praying in Color
40% OFF with coupon code HOMEMADEYEAR4LENT. http://www.paracletepress.com/a-homemade-year.html
February 27 Echoes of Eternity Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grai…
February 27 Echoes of Eternity
Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Matthew 17:20
Oceans and mountains are no problem for Me. Harder it is to work a change in the human heart. Not only does sin cling closely to the heart—the heart clings closely to its sin. You experience the same old aches and longings, My child, and are lazy in your struggle to be free of them. Struggle you must, because I will not violate your will and do it for you. I will give you the grace and strength you need, and I
want you to be free of them. It can take place—if your heart will let go.
The Sign of the Cross: The gesture, the mystery, the history 40% OFF using coup…
The Sign of the Cross: The gesture, the mystery, the history
40% OFF using coupon code SIGN40
#quot;This book is a little masterpiece: it informs and it explores, it recounts history and it provokes a religious quest. It##039;s a personal book, yet it explores the great questions of theology; it is full of learning, but not ponderous; it is written from the perspective of faith, but is not off-putting to the inquirer.#quot; —Thomas O##039;Loughlin, Professor of Historical Theology University of Nottingham
No time for devotional reading? Listen to the Psalms . . . 3 CDs for $30. Be tra…
No time for devotional reading? Listen to the Psalms . . . 3 CDs for $30. Be transported by the meditative and transparent beauty of the Psalms of David—at any place or time. http://www.paracletepress.com/anglican-psalmody-set.html
On Thick Ice http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4375885
On Thick Ice http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4375885
On Thick Ice | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other Last Sunday, I chose the path less traveled. That is to say, I refused to walk around, behind and through a building to get to my destination. Instead I followed a shorter path. Shorter, but ice-covered. With turtle-like steps, I wobbled atop a good three inches of frozen water. I sometimes wonder where memories come from. Not scientifically, but, why-and why now? [ 143 more words. ]
On Thick Ice
By Sr. Nun Other
Last Sunday, I chose the path less traveled. That is to say, I refused to walk around, behind and through a building to get to my destination. Instead I followed a shorter path. Shorter, but ice-covered. With turtle-like steps, I wobbled atop a good three inches of frozen water. I sometimes wonder where memories come from. Not scientifically, but, why-and why now? My twenty-five yard journey from one door to the other stirred “the memory pot.” As a child, I lived in awe of my older sister and her best friend. We grew up country in the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains. They often took their younger siblings on adventures, and in the winter dare devil sledding and ice skating on Hettenbaugh Creek topped the list. One very cold night, we built a small fire on the bank of that creek, and skated beneath a star-laden sky. It was magic created, not digitally or by a list of gifted people whose names are read at the end of a movie. It was melded creation and courage, grounded in trust that we were loved and watched over. No foolishness, mind you, but neither was there doubt we would return home frozen but victorious.
February 26 Echoes of Eternity We look not at the things which are seen, but at…
February 26 Echoes of Eternity
We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are unseen are eternal.
II Corinthians 4:18
Turn your eyes away from the drabness of the day and look at the brightness of My dwelling. I dwell in the high and holy place— and that means that where I am there is all the brightness and beauty you could desire. And I dwell with those who are of lowly and contrite hearts—which means that My beauty and glory will be yours to the extent that you have a contrite heart.
An Unknowing Gift-Giver http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4375882
An Unknowing Gift-Giver http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4375882
An Unknowing Gift-Giver | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk One of the ways I have often known God to talk to me is through other people, and at often unexpected moments. Last Tuesday, in the middle of a physical therapy appointment for my back, the therapist said rather plainly, “if your back starts to hurt doing an exercise, the answer here is not to push through the pain.” This was sort of a side-bar comment in between sets of exercises as she gave me the next set of instructions. [ 195 more words. ]
An Unknowing Gift-Giver
By Melodious Monk
One of the ways I have often known God to talk to me is through other people, and at often unexpected moments. Last Tuesday, in the middle of a physical therapy appointment for my back, the therapist said rather plainly, “if your back starts to hurt doing an exercise, the answer here is not to push through the pain.” This was sort of a side-bar comment in between sets of exercises as she gave me the next set of instructions. Inside of me, everything froze for a split second, and these words were emblazoned in my ears and minds-eye like a bright neon light.
Laying there on my back on top of the physio-ball, I immediately felt like these words were coming from God. As God often seems to be, His help was simple, clear…and unexpected! “The answer here is not to push through the pain.” Right away I knew this was God’s answer to a prayer I’d been specifically asking for guidance and clarity of direction on since early Monday morning. (The prayer request had nothing to do with my back)
Initially I was so excited I wanted to ask the therapist to: 1) please repeat what she had just said, 2) if there was any more to the message from God? 3) could she possibly answer a few more questions I have for the Almighty?! I’m sure she had no idea that she might have been speaking on behalf of God. Nevertheless, I still believe she was. I think God used those words to care for me, and to assure me once again that he is listening, and responding to our prayers.
Jesus loves the little children – Beloved gifts for Baptism & First Communion 30…
Jesus loves the little children – Beloved gifts for Baptism #amp; First Communion 30% OFF. http://www.paracletepress.com/books-childrens-baptism.html
Chicago Tribune Article on Flunking Sainthood Every Day: Spiritual roundup: 'The…
Chicago Tribune Article on Flunking Sainthood Every Day:
Spiritual roundup: ##039;The Norton Anthology of World Religions##039; Flunking Sainthood Every Day: A Daily Devotional for the Rest of Us, by Jana Riess, Paraclete, 328 pages, $21.59
Roundup: Books for the soul
If you##039;re inspirationally inclined — meaning you tend to rip wisdom-steeped paragraphs out of whatever your read and pin them prominently wherever they##039;ll stir you to action (the pantry, the dashboard, tucked under the toothpaste) — this little book has, effectively, hauled out the scissors, mastered the clipping and pasting, and packed a year##039;s worth of finely curated wisdom into its pages.
And these aren##039;t your everyday inspirers, the usual host of holy thinkers. Here, you##039;ll find the likes of Marmee from Louisa May Alcott##039;s #quot;Little Women#quot; or A.A. Milne##039;s #quot;Winnie the Pooh.#quot; You##039;ll find Annie Dillard at her literary best, and St. Augustine of Hippo, C.S. Lewis and Thomas Merton, for a sweep through the centuries. Kathleen Norris and Desmond Tutu are among the enlightened. The index at the back of the book will help you put your finger on thinkers from Angelou, Maya, to Singer, Isaac Bashevis.
It##039;s a book of daily readings centered on 12 spiritual practices Jana Riess explored in her wry and deeply humble 2011 memoir, #quot;Flunking Sainthood: A Year of Breaking the Sabbath, Forgetting to Pray, and Still Loving My Neighbor.#quot; Riess made it abundantly clear back then that trying and failing is more or less the whole point. And in her latest work, she offers day-by-day #quot;courage to laugh at our shortcomings as we pick ourselves up to try, once again, to inch just a little closer to God.#quot;
While it##039;s written with an eye and an ear to Christianity, this is a book that transcends denominations.
Flunking Sainthood Every Day: A Daily Devotional for the Rest of Us
Flunking Sainthood Every Day: A Daily Devotional for the Rest of Us – Over one year recounted in Flunking Sainthood, Riess failed twelve different spiritual practices. To her surprise, thought, she …
Global Ministries Newsletter February 2015 Issue 2 MISSION INSIGHTS FROM THE GE…
Global Ministries Newsletter
February 2015 Issue 2
Thomas Kemper.
The Holy Spirit and Lent
I was overjoyed when I discovered a Lenten resource centered on the Holy Spirit, published in time for this year’s observance of the season. 40 Days with the Holy Spirit (Paraclete Press) is a series of lively, provocative and inspiring meditations for these 40 days of preparation for Easter. The author is Jack Levison, professor of Old Testament interpretation and biblical Hebrew at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas.
Our very own Global Ministries’ statement of mission theology affirms the important role of the Spirit in leading us as Christians “to fullness in God’s purpose,” that is, in God’s mission. The centrality of the Holy Spirit in mission is also affirmed in “Together Towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes,” a document prepared by a group organized by the World Council of Churches. The focus on Spirit in each of these statements provides guidance for our engagement in God##039;s mission.
Each of the 40 sections in Levison##039;s book contains scripture, thoughts to consider, prayer and opportunity to reflect. Each also focuses on the breath in spiritual practice. I like this in part because it reflects the intention of “Take a Breath,” our weekly staff service of prayer and meditation at the General Board of Global Ministries. Taking a breath makes room for the Holy Spirit!
Those of us who work together in God’s mission need also to pray and study together—to be silent in one another’s presence, to listen to the Holy Spirit, who visits us in manifold ways.
This year for our Lenten preparation, the leadership team (the “cabinet”) of Global Ministries is using 40 Days with the Holy Spirit as our prayer and study guide.
I was privileged to have the opportunity to read and comment on the book prior to publication. I am deeply impressed by the sensitive, inclusive and biblically relevant insights Professor Levison brings to our awareness of the Holy Spirit and to the experience of Lent. I encourage others to spend “40 days with the Holy Spirit” this year in preparation for the celebration of the Risen Christ.
40 Days with the Holy Spirit
40 Days with the Holy Spirit – 40 Days with the Holy Spirit will inspire you to encounter God in fresh and surprising ways. You’ll develop stronger spiritual muscles as you breathe, read, reflect, and …
Scot McKnight, New Testament scholar, blogged about Jack's new book on the Holy…
Scot McKnight, New Testament scholar, blogged about Jack##039;s new book on the Holy Spirit:
Fresh Air for Every Day
Jack Levison studies, meditates, prays, and writes of the place of the Holy Spirit in our lives with more skill and understanding than anyone I know. His latest book, 40 Days with the Holy Spirit, is conspicuous for its lively, down-to-earth conversation in this much neglected and misunderstood aspe…
February 25 Echoes of Eternity Thus saith the Lord, In an acceptable time I have…
February 25 Echoes of Eternity
Thus saith the Lord, In an acceptable time I have heard thee, and in a day of salvation I have helped thee.
Isaiah 49:8
None ever called on Me in vain. None. Though they knew Me not, though they may never have realized that their cry was heard, their call was not in vain. My ears are open to the cries of all My children, and My heart is open to their needs. Think not that I am unmoved at the sight of the suffering in the world.
Today I give you this word: Trust Me in all things. Everything is in My hands, and you can leave to Me whatever is disturbing or troublesome to you. Trust Me and seek to live in My peace.
Love's Purpose: In love did He bring the world into being, and in love does He g…
Love##039;s Purpose:
In love did He bring the world
into being, and in love
does He guide its difficult,
slow-seeming journey now
through the arc of time. In love will He
one day bring all the world to a wondrous,
transformed state, and utterly
in love will it be taken wholly up
into the great mystery of the One
who has performed these things—and all of this so that
in love absolutely will the course
and form and governance of all creation
at long last be comprised.
—from The Endless Life: Poems of the Mystics
In 'Pray Like a Gourmet: Creative Ways to Feed Your Soul', David Brazzeal stirs…
In ##039;Pray Like a Gourmet: Creative Ways to Feed Your Soul##039;, David Brazzeal stirs together a love of French dining and his innovative prayer practices with a dash of international adventure to concoct an inspiring, reinvigorating prayer experience. Coming this Spring!
Call 1-800-451-5006 ex. 300 to Pre-order
February 24 Echoes of Eternity Ye also helping together by prayer for us . . . I…
February 24 Echoes of Eternity
Ye also helping together by prayer for us . . .
II Corinthians 1:11
My child, do not delay in coming to Me with every situation you face. Your life—your whole life—is in My care. Nothing happens or can happen outside that care. This is hard for you to grasp because you have allowed strongholds of unbelief to be built up in your soul. I said to My disciples when they asked the reason for their failure to exorcise the lunatic boy, “Because of your unbelief.” Faced with that situation and My absence, their faith failed them. And they were powerless. But there was another failure. “This kind goes forth only by prayer.” They were lacking in prayer.
Your strength and the inspiration and energy you need to fulfill your duties are dependent on your “prayer connection.” That is why I say, “Do not delay in coming to Me in every situation you face.” Prayer will make a difference, but it must be practiced to work.
February 23 Echoes of Eternity The light of the body is the eye: if therefore th…
February 23 Echoes of Eternity
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
Matthew 6:22
The eye is a precious gift. It allows the manifold wonders and beauty of the created world to enter your mind and soul. You are spiritually affected by what the eye sees. And herein lies a problem.
Your mind is not disciplined to focus on the inner vision. It grabs what the eye conducts to it and runs in many directions, always ending in self. This makes it a serious distraction, and is one of the reasons for praying with closed eyes. Even this is not a sure shield against distraction, for your mind will still process images stored in its memory.
Do not despair, My child, but do not accept this condition as unchangeable. Keep working at getting the inner vision calm, stable, and stayed on Me. It will not be easy, but nothing worthwhile comes without struggle.
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4373980
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4373980
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Cantor He Will Cover You with His Wings All of the Proper chants for the first Sunday of Lent come from Psalm 91. In reading through them — from the Introit Antiphon to the Communion Antiphon –I was amazed that all of the texts focus on God##039;s love and protection. Lent is a uniquely rich time for Gregorian chant. One notable difference between Lent and the other seasons is that there is a completely different set of Propers for each DAY, as opposed to each WEEK. [ 145 more words. ]
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
By Cantor
He Will Cover You with His Wings
All of the Proper chants for the first Sunday of Lent come from Psalm 91. In reading through them — from the Introit Antiphon to the Communion Antiphon –I was amazed that all of the texts focus on God’s love and protection.
Lent is a uniquely rich time for Gregorian chant. One notable difference between Lent and the other seasons is that there is a completely different set of Propers for each DAY, as opposed to each WEEK. Also, the texts for the Lenten chants are drawn from many different psalms and other Old Testament passages. What an incredible emphasis on God’s love and mercy for the beginning of Lent.
Psalm 91 also appears every night in the Divine Office of Compline. I find it so moving that that compliant has a long-standing connection with the season of Lent — times of physical and sometimes personal spiritual darkness. Psalm 91 bursts forth in both places, speaking of God’s love “covering us with His wings.” I believe this is one of the most beautiful and powerful moments in all of the Gregorian repertory, as it reminds us at the beginning of this season and every night before we go to sleep, just how much we are beloved of God.
Credit: 5070 – Music – Gregorian Chant mw.mcmaster.ca275 × 400
February 22 Echoes of Eternity Every good gift and every perfect gift is from ab…
February 22 Echoes of Eternity
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
James 1:17
My way is perfect and My love is pure. Your love is sullied with self-interest. It cannot be otherwise at this stage of growth. Only let there be growth, My child, growth away from all that the “natural you” implies—jealous, fearful, controlling, unmerciful—and let My spirit control and guide what you shall yet be.
In Me there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. All is light. All is known. All is life. The mystery, My child, which you find in thinking of Me, is a mystery of light, not darkness. The greatest mystery you can contemplate is the mystery of My love— “love to the loveless shown.” Think often of that. Let the theme of
it soften your heart and your thought of others, especially those who do not yet see the wonder and glory of it all.
February 21 Echoes of Eternity According to your faith be it unto you. Matthew 9…
February 21 Echoes of Eternity
According to your faith be it unto you.
Matthew 9:29
Your trouble in receiving, My child, is your trouble in believing. Not only these words that I give you day by day, but many other gifts I would freely bestow in answer to childlike faith. “The simple heart that freely asks in love, receives.”
I seek a people who are not afraid to believe boldly. History is a record of My faithful response to this kind of bold praying. I see instead, the tendency to rely on human schemes and worldly wisdom—and there is not simple, bold faith in that. So My blessing is delayed or its magnitude is diminished. “According to your faith
be it unto you.”
I set “impossible” goals before you to prove My power and goodness. You say, “They shall abundantly utter the memory of Thy great goodness.” Why? Because they were faced with their own limits and My limitless goodness. Think on these things today, My child, and grow more simple.
February 20 Echoes of Eternity There is no fear in love; but perfect love castet…
February 20 Echoes of Eternity
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.
I John 4:18
This is My word for today: just as love casts out fear, fear casts out love. You cannot love when fear is in control. You are not fighting your fear-filled thoughts hard enough. You too readily give ground to them. I bid you to remember—remember where you have been and what I have brought you through. Remember and rejoice—even when you can’t see how things are going to work out in the present.
20% OFF using coupon code HOMEMADEYEAR4LENT Sale ends today. http://www.paraclet…
20% OFF using coupon code HOMEMADEYEAR4LENT Sale ends today. http://www.paracletepress.com/a-homemade-year.html
All That Sparkles http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4370849
All That Sparkles http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4370849
All That Sparkles | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other Greetings from snow-entrenched Cape Cod! I spoke to someone yesterday who still loves snow, in spite of our current situation. Me? I##039;m ready to move on. Weather-enforced #quot;quiet moments#quot; in front of the fire no longer charm. Gazing at drifts and snow engraved foot prints does not delight me. I##039;m a house-bound fire cracker waiting for a match.
All That Sparkles
By Sr. Nun Other
Greetings from snow-entrenched Cape Cod! I spoke to someone yesterday who still loves snow, in spite of our current situation. Me? I’m ready to move on. Weather-enforced “quiet moments” in front of the fire no longer charm. Gazing at drifts and snow engraved foot prints does not delight me. I’m a house-bound fire cracker waiting for a match. But I’m aware I need to accept what God offers, in whatever form it comes. I have edges in need of smoothing and a will in need of taming. Isaiah 40:4 tells us that, “Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.” If snow is the agent, so be it.
A Homemade Year has 6 chapters for Lent and Easter with crafts, recipes and refl…
A Homemade Year has 6 chapters for Lent and Easter with crafts, recipes and reflections to help families and individuals experience this season in a creative, hands-on way.
20% OFF using coupon code HOMEMADEYEAR4LENT through Friday.
A Homemade Year
A Homemade Year – Let A Homemade Year inspire you to discover new and creative ways to experience the rhythm of God##039;s story in your home, with your family and friends, through fun, colorful crafts, …
February 19 Echoes of Eternity Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of g…
February 19 Echoes of Eternity
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16
My dear child, whenever you come to Me in prayer, whatever condition your soul may be in, come boldly and with full confidence. Drawing back, for whatever reason, is a form of rejection of Me and My love. False humility has no place in this relationship. I know you better than you know yourself. If I had put our relationship on the basis of your deserving, it would never have begun. So, in the words
of My Word, “come boldly to the throne of grace that you may find help in the time of need.”
"Fr. Bill Burton clearly explains the most baffling book of the New Testament an…
#quot;Fr. Bill Burton clearly explains the most baffling book of the New Testament and shows us how the book of Revelation offers hope to 21st century Christians.#quot; —Albert Haase, OFM, author of Catching Fire, Becoming Flame
See all New Releases- Up to 65% OFF DVDs through Sunday.
A great review on Jack Levison's new book, 40 Days with the Holy Spirit. http://…
A great review on Jack Levison##039;s new book, 40 Days with the Holy Spirit. http://www.paracletepress.com/40-days-with-the-holy-spirit.html
The In-Breathing of the Spirit (John 20:22)
#quot;When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peac…
Teach children about the 4 Sacraments in a fun, upbeat way with the Kids & The S…
Teach children about the 4 Sacraments in a fun, upbeat way with the Kids #amp; The Sacraments DVD. It even includes “on the road” field trips to explore in depth where certain things come from, like Baptism’s water, the altar bread of Communion, and Confirmation’s oil. Up to 65% OFF DVDs through Sunday
February 18 Echoes of Eternity And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; b…
February 18 Echoes of Eternity
And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
I Corinthians 13:13
My light and My truth, My child, are given according to your willingness and your ability to receive it. I am Light and I am Truth—so light and truth are never wanting in your dealings with Me—never wanting from My side of the relationship.
You mingle that light and truth with the darkness, so it does not shine in its purity and clarity. Although you are concerned about the distortions others may cause, you are not concerned enough about your own. Your perceptions of Truth are not always accurate. You know the truth of that from the changes in perception that have come over the years. But at each stage, you tend to believe that you no longer “see through a glass darkly,” and are too confident of your own “accurate” version. I do not want you to become wishywashy, “ready to change” instantly. I want you to desire fuller light and more truth—more of Me and less of the opinions by which you inwardly rise above others. Hold the truth you have, My child, even
what you think you have. But hold it with the sure knowledge that you yet see and know only in part. And long for, desire, pray for, and seek a fuller grasp of the Truth. Don’t be afraid to let go the dark shadows of opinion, to let the light that is in you shine brighter—to your good and to My glory.
Oblation: In all that I do, You act; In all that I say, You speak; In all that…
“Hope To Turn Again” http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4370013
“Hope To Turn Again” http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4370013
“Hope To Turn Again” | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk It’s a shame that lent has so many negative connotations. The introit Mass Proper for Ash Wednesday opens the liturgical season with these words: “Your mercy extends to all things, O Lord, and you despise none of the things you have made. You overlook our sins for the sake of repentance. You grant them your pardon, because you are the Lord our God.” —Wisdom 11:24-25, 27; Psalm 57 (56) [ 159 more words. ]
“Hope To Turn Again”
By Melodious Monk
It’s a shame that lent has so many negative connotations. The introit Mass Proper for Ash Wednesday opens the liturgical season with these words:
“Your mercy extends to all things, O Lord, and you despise none of the things you have made. You overlook our sins for the sake of repentance. You grant them your pardon, because you are the Lord our God.” —Wisdom 11:24-25, 27; Psalm 57 (56)
For any of us who struggle with self-acceptance, what a wonderful time to lean in towards a merciful God who made no mistakes in His creation. I still have so much to learn about this God of love.
In his eloquent poem titled “Ash Wednesday,” T.S. Eliot finishes the poem with a beautiful prayer-like litany to the Blessed Virgin. As we start this penitential and joy-filled season, I hope that my heart will echo his poetic words.
Blessed sister, holy mother, spirit of the fountain, spirit of the garden,
Suffer us not to mock ourselves with falsehood
Teach us to care and not to care
Teach us to sit still
Even among these rocks,
Our peace in His will
And even among these rocks
Sister, mother
And spirit of the river, spirit of the sea,
Suffer me not to be separated
And let my cry come unto thee
Image taken from : https://melaniejeanjuneau.wordpress.com/2013/12/22/ave-maris-stella-illustrated-with-icons/
The gravity point of a life before God is that his followers are to love God and…
The gravity point of a life before God is that his followers are to love God and love others with everything they have. The Jesus Creed for Students DVD is full of lessons on this theme- $10 through Sunday. Up to 65% OFF DVDs.
Christian Formation
Christian Formation – Forgiveness, prayer, and the roots of our faith are a few of the topics addressed in our DVD’s. Divided into segments and packaged with a Scripture-based study guide, these …
February 17 Echoes of Eternity That He might sanctify and cleanse [the church] w…
February 17 Echoes of Eternity
That He might sanctify and cleanse [the church] with the washing of water by the word.
Ephesians 5:26
The cleansing of the soul is a long process. The stain of sin goes very deep, and surface cleansing is only part of the process. You get discouraged that old sinful thoughts and temptations keep “coming back.” You are to learn to fight their early appearance more aggressively. Bring them to Me, My child, for you cannot handle
them alone. Confess—do not deny nor repress—but confess them and place them under My cleansing blood. “Sinners washed beneath this flood lose all their guilty stains.” This is an ongoing work of My grace, and I expect your full participation if you want to be prepared for the light I have in store for you “and for all who have loved My appearing.”
“With waffle crumbs and bacon drippings and brown sugar crystals, Jerusalem Jack…
“With waffle crumbs and bacon drippings and brown sugar crystals, Jerusalem Jackson Greer leaves a Hansel and Gretel-like path to follow as we travel through the seasons of the liturgical year. I was charmed and moved by this book.” —Sybil MacBeth, author of Praying in Color
20% OFF with coupon code HOMEMADEYEAR4LENT. http://www.paracletepress.com/a-homemade-year.html
February 16 Echoes of Eternity Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and…
February 16 Echoes of Eternity
Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me.
Psalm 139:23,24 (rsv)
I am your Sun, your everlasting Light. When your heart is turned toward Me, My light illumines your soul. There you see many faults, many wounds, much that is not beautiful. This must be, My child, because the work is not yet complete. You cannot expose yourself to My light without this consequence. Your prayer, “see if there be any wickedness within me,” is fulfilled each time you allow My light to shine in your heart.
Just as the sunlight destroys that which lives in darkness on this earth, the sunlight of My presence does its work in your soul. And so, though there is still much to do, and the faults and wounds are many, the healing and cleansing are going on and will go on as you turn your heart to My light.
Monumental Presidents Day DVD Sale- up to 65% OFF! Order Online or call 1.800.45…
Monumental Presidents Day DVD Sale- up to 65% OFF! Order Online or call 1.800.451.5006 ex 309 http://www.paracletepress.com/new-dvd.html
Lenten devotionals 30% OFF through today! http://www.paracletepress.com/devotion…
Lenten devotionals 30% OFF through today! http://www.paracletepress.com/devotional-season-lent-easter.html
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4365315
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4365315
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Cantor Chant: The Lord##039;s voice in Song I started to write this blog four different times this morning. I try to pray and meditate each week on some aspect of chant about which to write. Sometimes the ideas appear quickly and sometimes, like today, they did not. However, as I started over for the fifth time, I realized that the Kyrie chant from the Gregorian daily ordinary time mass was quietly going through my head. [ 199 more words. ]
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
By Cantor
Chant: The Lord’s voice in Song
I started to write this blog four different times this morning. I try to pray and meditate each week on some aspect of chant about which to write. Sometimes the ideas appear quickly and sometimes, like today, they did not. However, as I started over for the fifth time, I realized that the Kyrie chant from the Gregorian daily ordinary time mass was quietly going through my head. Very gently, this simple tune was repeating itself over and over. The chant itself carries a profound cry – “Lord, have mercy” and yet is no more complex than a nursery rhyme tune.
I wanted to share this with you for two reasons. One, it is often the simplest of chants which become part of our subconscious, just as children’s songs do, through both their simplicity and daily repetition. (You can find this Kyrie online and make it part of your daily prayers – see p. 56 of the pdf located at this link: http://media.musicasacra.com/pdf/kyriale-solesmes.pdf).
The second reason I wanted to share this with you is that the Lord was using the chant the entire time I had been trying to “figure out what to write.” I had not been listening. God had been singing an answer to my request the entire time but I was not settled enough to listen. This time, I believe, the Lord himself was chanting into my ears a message that He wanted written and that I needed for that moment.
Image Credit: Chants from a choirbook from Florence
Victoria and Albert museum www.vam.ac.uk1000 × 1500
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
By Cantor
Chant: The Lord’s voice in Song
I started to write this blog four different times this morning. I try to pray and meditate each week on some aspect of chant about which to write. Sometimes the ideas appear quickly and sometimes, like today, they did not. However, as I started over for the fifth time, I realized that the Kyrie chant from the Gregorian daily ordinary time mass was quietly going through my head. Very gently, this simple tune was repeating itself over and over. The chant itself carries a profound cry – “Lord, have mercy” and yet is no more complex than a nursery rhyme tune.
I wanted to share this with you for two reasons. One, it is often the simplest of chants which become part of our subconscious, just as children’s songs do, through both their simplicity and daily repetition. (You can find this Kyrie online and make it part of your daily prayers – see p. 56 of the pdf located at this link: http://media.musicasacra.com/pdf/kyriale-solesmes.pdf).
The second reason I wanted to share this with you is that the Lord was using the chant the entire time I had been trying to “figure out what to write.” I had not been listening. God had been singing an answer to my request the entire time but I was not settled enough to listen. This time, I believe, the Lord himself was chanting into my ears a message that He wanted written and that I needed for that moment.
Image Credit: Chants from a choirbook from Florence
Victoria and Albert museum www.vam.ac.uk1000 × 1500
Let Gregorian chant create a sacred space for illumination and reflection this L…
Let Gregorian chant create a sacred space for illumination and reflection this Lent. All Gregorian Chant CDs 35% OFF
through today. http://www.paracletepress.com/cds-gregorian-all.html
February 15 Echoes of Eternity They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing f…
February 15 Echoes of Eternity
They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the Lord.
Isaiah 24:14
The curtains of your mind have been partially drawn back, My child, to give you a vision of the greatness and grandeur of My kingdom. “From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same”—“as far as East is from West”—“from generation to generation”—these are some of the divinely inspired descriptions of that greatness.
You need to bathe your soul in the vision, for your faith has been dwarfed, too encased in the timidity of your own heart. When I open your eyes to see, even briefly, what a great heritage you have, you must grasp and hold on to the larger reality. It will help you in fighting the extreme self-centeredness of your old nature.
Lent is a time of new life and fresh beginnings. In this unique daily reader for…
Lent is a time of new life and fresh beginnings. In this unique daily reader for the season of Lent, short readings from extraordinary Christians will open windows on your spiritual life, allowing fresh air to burst in. 30% OFF Lenten Devotionals through Monday. http://www.paracletepress.com/devotional-season-lent-easter.html
Bestselling Lent Devotional available as Daily Email Subscription. The subscript…
Bestselling Lent Devotional available as Daily Email Subscription. The subscription starts Shrove Tuesday, February 17th and lasts through Easter Sunday, April 5th.
God for Us: Daily Email Subscription
God for Us: Daily Email Subscription – Each morning, take time to discover the renewed meaning of a season that is at best neglected and misunderstood. God for Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Lent …
A great article on 'The Grace of Incorruption: The Selected Essays of Donald She…
A great article on ##039;The Grace of Incorruption: The Selected Essays of Donald Sheehan on Orthodox Faith and Poetics##039; coming out this Spring! Call 1-800-451-5006 ex. 300 to Pre-order.
The Grace of Incorruption: The Selected Essays of Donald Sheehan on Orthodox Faith and Poetics
The Grace of Incorruption is a tribute to my husband’s discovery of a grace that transfigures and redeems the disaster of evil
February 14 Echoes of Eternity We know that the whole creation groaneth and trav…
February 14 Echoes of Eternity
We know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22
Yes, My child, the world is full of pain and suffering. Think not that I have forgotten it, or that My heart is unmoved by the cries of My children. It is not for you to understand My ways and My delays. It is for you to keep on looking to Me for your daily needs, and to be faithful in holding up the bundle of concerns I have laid
on your heart.
One day your eyes will be opened to see what is now hidden from your view. In the meantime, do not turn your heart away from the suffering you see in this world. Turn every sight of pain and hurt into prayer. Learn to transform the pain into petition, knowing that I am at work to bring good out of every evil.
Looking for peace of mind this Lent?… 35% OFF Gregorian Chant CDs through Sund…
Looking for peace of mind this Lent?… 35% OFF Gregorian Chant CDs through Sunday. http://www.paracletepress.com/cds-gregorian-all.html
Eyes Have I that See: Eyes have I that see behind the eye, within the tree abov…
February 13 Echoes of Eternity Though I have the gift of prophecy, and understan…
February 13 Echoes of Eternity
Though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
I Corinthians 13:2
My word brings joy, even when it causes pain. It brings life, even when it brings death to your wonted ways. Rather, it brings joy because it brings pain, and life because it brings death.
The deepest things of life remain a mystery to you, My child, and it must be so. In the mystery there are realities as yet only faintly grasped or dimly seen. But their presence assures you that there is more to life with Me than you have yet experienced.
Do not be afraid of the mysteries, and do not try to explain them away. This foolish effort on your part has robbed you of blessings and stunted your growth in Me for many years. Expand the capacity of your soul to admit what you cannot understand or reason out— and let My word bring the life and joy you so much want and need.
35% OFF Lent for Kids Books and Prayer Cubes through today! “You may have heard…
35% OFF Lent for Kids Books and Prayer Cubes through today! “You may have heard about this thing called Lent. This is your guide to not only surviving it, but also—dare we suggest?—loving it. Wait. Allow us to explain…” —excerpt from The Lenten Survival Guide for Kids http://www.paracletepress.com/lent-for-children.html
Worrier or Warrior?
By Sr. Nun Other
In Matthew 6:25-27, Jesus tells us not to be anxious. He reassures us he’s in control, and we have nothing to worry about. I’ve always found comfort in that concept, but I think its intent is more than to make me feel better. It really is a command and an important one, mentioned multiple times in the New Testament. Jesus knows what we can carry and what we cannot. When I allow my mind to dwell on all things negative, I become weak and ineffectual. I’m no longer a spiritual warrior, focused on my spiritual journey. Worrier or Warrior — it’s a daily choice.
Interior About-Face
By Melodious Monk
Have you ever asked yourself honestly, does God love me? While the answer YES! comes quickly to mind, I know many times today I’ll ask myself this question and doubt. Over small worries, unfairness, fears — and over situations I don’t know how to handle, or am powerless to change — I’ll ask this question and doubt.
These words from Henri Nouwen’s well-known meditations on the story of the Prodigal Son are hopeful in bridging the gap of faith between knowing about God’s love, and allowing oneself to live inside of this love. Nouwen shares: ‘For most of my life I have struggled to find God, to know God, to love God. I have tried hard to follow the guidelines of the spiritual life–pray always, work for others, read the scriptures–and to avoid the many temptations to dissipate myself. I have failed many times but always tried again, even when I was close to despair. Now I wonder whether I have sufficiently realized that during all this time God has been trying to find me, to know me, and to love me. The question is not “How am I to find God?” but “How am I to let myself be found by him?” The question is not “How am I to know God?” but “How am I to let myself be known by God?” And, finally, the question is not “How am I to love God?” but “How am I to let myself be loved by God?”
I’m certain I put forth much extra work to answer the wrong questions; extra efforts to “find God,” and to “know God” rather than simply allowing myself to be loved by him. Nouwen continues: “But if I am able to look at the world with the eyes of God’s love and discover that God’s vision is not that of a stereotypical landowner or patriarch, but rather that of an all-giving and forgiving father who does not measure out his love to his children according to how well they behave, then I quickly see that my only true response can be deep gratitude.”
I have so much to be grateful for, all the time, every day.
Here's a short video clip about Paraclete's newest DVD- Demystifying the Book of…
Here##039;s a short video clip about Paraclete##039;s newest DVD- Demystifying the Book of Revelation: with Father William Burton, OFM. http://www.paracletepress.com/demystifying-the-book-of-revelation.html
February 9 Echoes of Eternity Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vai…
February 9 Echoes of Eternity
Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it; except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
Psalm 127:1
Unless I build the house, their labor is vain who build it. Unless I guard the city, the watchmen wait in vain. It is not just to the generation to whom those words first came, but to yours that I send them. Beware of the arm of flesh. Beware of leaning on human wisdom and worldly means. Be as wise as serpents and as harmless
as doves. You are in danger of being seduced by human reasoning— reducing your dependence on My sovereign power and wisdom. Caution is needed and much prayer that you will see, find, and follow the right path.
When verbal prayers feel stale, or you simply want to try something fresh, open…
When verbal prayers feel stale, or you simply want to try something fresh, open this inviting guide and pray wherever the pen leads!
25% OFF Active Prayer Books Through Today!
The Active Prayer Series
The Active Prayer Series …
Mark Burrows interprets one of Said's 99 Psalms.
Mark Burrows interprets one of Said##039;s 99 Psalms.
February 8 Echoes of Eternity Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of gr…
February 8 Echoes of Eternity
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16
My dear child, know that I love you. You long to be loved and yet you are afraid of love, and close your heart against Me and those who seek admission. You need My love, not just as an objective reality— which it is—but as a subjective, inner heart experience, which you
do not, for the most part, have. I say this not to condemn you, but to invite you to open the door that I may comfort and sustain you in your times of need.
30% OFF Lent Books Through Today! Choose a wise companion for your Lenten journey.
30% OFF Lent Books Through Today! Choose a wise companion for your Lenten journey.
Books for Lent
Books for Lent – …
February 7 Echoes of Eternity And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking i…
February 7 Echoes of Eternity
And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.
Genesis 3:8
I have walked and talked with many a soul over the years. Yet surprisingly few of My people understand and avail themselves of this privilege. It was My first plan, as revealed in the Garden of Eden, to have fellowship with those I had created in My image. Then misuse of the freedom. Which, that image carried with it meant a loss on both sides—and the possibility had to be re-established. You catch glimpses of it in the Old Testament writings, for there were, even then, those who discovered and claimed this fellowship.
I came in full measure with the gift of the Holy Spirit, poured out on My people. The veil of the temple was rent, and access—an open door—placed for the highest and lowest among them.
Still even My own seem to prefer distance to nearness. They erect new barriers and place new conditions and restrictions on this invitation to fellowship. You are required to continue to struggle against the willful and rebellious nature that seeks to deafen your ears to My voice. Practice instant obedience to My Spirit’s “nudges”—the gentle voice you so often ignore. This will put you “on track” to have a closer walk with Me.
25% OFF Active Prayer Books Through Monday. "This is the most invigorating and…
25% OFF Active Prayer Books Through Monday.
#quot;This is the most invigorating and enabling book about prayer that I have seen in years! Wry, funny, accessible, wise beyond all appearances, and deeply spiritual, MacBeth warms the soul as well as the heart. So will Praying in Color.#quot; —Phyllis Tickle, compiler, The Divine Hours
30% OFF Lent Books Through Sunday! “If you think you might be hungry for God, bu…
30% OFF Lent Books Through Sunday!
“If you think you might be hungry for God, but haven’t experienced God directly, or if you are a believer who still feels malnourished, I hope this little book might be for you a kind of manna. Taste. See.” —from the Introduction of ##039;O Taste and See##039;
The Lenten Survival Guide also available as an ebook! "You may have heard about…
The Lenten Survival Guide also available as an ebook!
#quot;You may have heard about this thing called Lent. This is your guide to not only surviving it, but also—dare we suggest?—loving it. Wait. Allow us to explain…#quot; —from the book
Lenten Survival Guide for Kids: I am supposed to do what?!
Written for 7-11 year olds, this playful guide appeals to kids who want to know more about what adults are telling them is a serious time. Without talking down to them, and challenging them to learn and do more, the following topics are explored in detail: What Lent Is, What Lent Definitely Is No…
Flash Friday- $5 Today- Sign of the Cross: The Gesture, the Mystery, the History…
Flash Friday- $5 Today- Sign of the Cross: The Gesture, the Mystery, the History. Explore the mystery of the ancient gesture that invites the Cross of Christ into our lives. http://www.paracletepress.com/the-sign-of-the-cross-the-gesture-the-mystery-the-history-p.html
Vulnerable Faith: Missional Living in the Radical Way of St. Patrick by Jamie Ar…
Vulnerable Faith: Missional Living in the Radical Way of St. Patrick by Jamie Arpin-Ricci coming this spring! Call 1-800-451-5006 ex. 300 to Pre-order. http://www.paracletepress.com/vulnerable-faith.html
This is #quot;VULNERABLE FAITH – Book Trailer#quot; by RebelSkyMedia on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
February 6 And God saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very good…
February 6
And God saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very
Genesis 1:31
I am He who gives existence to all things. It is My overflowing love expressed in My universe—My creation. You exist because of My desire to share My life with others. When My love reaches your hearts, and you begin to love Me and one another, then My creative purpose is being fulfilled. It is My will that there be a creation moved by and filled with love. You call it “heaven.” It is the Home toward which I am leading you. You have only “tasted” it thus far—there is far more.
This Lent Pray with Your Body, Soul and Spirit- All Active Prayer 25% OFF throug…
This Lent Pray with Your Body, Soul and Spirit- All Active Prayer 25% OFF through Monday.
#quot;A new prayer form gives God an invitation and a new door to penetrate the locked cells of our hearts and minds. For many of us, using only words to pray reduces God by the limits of our finite words.#quot; —Sybil MacBeth
The Active Prayer Series
The Active Prayer Series …
Everyday Holiness http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4158554
Everyday Holiness http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4158554
Everyday Holiness | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other I live in a wing of our Convent called #quot;Elim#quot;. It##039;s a Biblical name that means oasis, a shelter in the desert, a place of serenity and refuge. I##039;m fully aware that my personality brings daily chaos to the oasis, and that its godly purpose rests on fragile ground. One thing I can do is help create order and beauty in the space itself.
Everyday Holiness
By Sr. Nun Other
I live in a wing of our Convent called “Elim”. It’s a Biblical name that means oasis, a shelter in the desert, a place of serenity and refuge. I’m fully aware that my personality brings daily chaos to the oasis, and that its godly purpose rests on fragile ground. One thing I can do is help create order and beauty in the space itself. I discovered an interesting verse, Psalm 93:5, that says: Your statutes, Lord, stand firm; holiness adorns your house for endless days. It occurred to me that all places (and people) dedicated to God should be adorned with holiness. I’m not sure what all that means, but I do know that beauty in ordinary things is an important component.
Check out this phenomenal Book Trailer for Jamie Arpin-Ricci's new Book, 'Vulner…
Check out this phenomenal Book Trailer for Jamie Arpin-Ricci##039;s new Book, ##039;Vulnerable Faith: Missional Living in the Radical Way of St. Patrick##039; coming this Spring!
This is #quot;VULNERABLE FAITH – Book Trailer#quot; by RebelSkyMedia on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
February 5 Echoes of Eternity All Mine are Thine, and Thine are Mine; and I am g…
February 5 Echoes of Eternity
All Mine are Thine, and Thine are Mine; and I am glorified in them.
John 17:10
All are Mine—the living and the dead. Those who have gone from your sight and left their bodies to return to dust—still live in My sight. You are connected with the unseen world with ties that were made during their earthly life span. You are never alone in that sense, My child.
You have tended to think of your life as a solo performance. That is a grave misunderstanding. Whenever you can you should strengthen the inner sense of connectedness with your companions. Loneliness is not inevitable. Once you catch the vision of being part of the great company, not imaginary or mystical, but real, you will
begin to experience the benefits I planned in My divine scheme of
things. Don’t be afraid of “the company of heaven,” My child. It is real and you are called to be part of it one day.
Caution, Slippery!
In the last 10 days we’ve received more than our yearly average for annual snow fall. This had been a mild winter until winter storm “Juno” blasted in last Monday. Outside in the cold sun, we keep trying to make the walkways and paths clear and safe around our community so that people can get to their cars, offices, and homes safely. We, and many others in the area, put a great deal of care and effort to protect people physically (with ice melt, sand, boots for better footing etc ), while trying to continue our lives “as normal” (the best we can due to the circumstances). We have all sorts of methods and tools we use to do this — plows, snowblowers, rock-salt, sand, shovels etc.
But what about our spiritual lives? Generally I spend much less time trying to protect myself from spiritual forces than I do for a snow storm. How many methods and tools do I gather, and what plans do I make to protect us from oncoming spiritual storms? Ephesians reminds us,”For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
Maybe in the midst of all the snow clearing, God is reminding me to put more time and energy into fighting the battles that will keep me from slipping on our most important journey, the journey into the spiritual realms.

Pray Twice: A blog post from David Brazzeal. Praying Like a Gourmet coming soon!…
Pray Twice: A blog post from David Brazzeal. Praying Like a Gourmet coming soon! http://www.goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/7756064-pray-twice?utm_medium=email#amp;utm_source=author_blog_post_digest
Choose a wise companion for your Lenten journey- 30% OFF Books for Lent. http://…
Choose a wise companion for your Lenten journey- 30% OFF Books for Lent. http://www.paracletepress.com/lent-books.html
Books for Lent
Books for Lent – …
February 4 Echoes of Eternity Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me. Matthew 11:…
February 4 Echoes of Eternity
Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me.
Matthew 11:29
Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me. Learn. Learn. You know so little, and have so far to go! You tell others of My glory and
My grace, but inwardly know precious little of either. O My child, how often would I have led you in paths of righteousness, and you would not! Another master would have grown weary and impatient, but I am “slow to anger and of great mercy.” I have had to bring
suffering into your life because your proud and haughty nature would not otherwise bend. Do you think this was a joy to Me, to see you broken and sick? No, for I am afflicted in the affliction of My people. But I did look for positive results—and in part they came. But only in part. The proud and arrogant person still lives—subdued somewhat—but far from dead!
My yoke—My restraining and guiding Hand, the harness of My call—these are your safeguards and through the restraint of that yoke you are learning of Me. Learn! Listen and learn! Do this, My child, for the sake of My love for you.
February 3 Echoes of Eternity And when He [the Comforter] is come, He will convi…
February 3 Echoes of Eternity
And when He [the Comforter] is come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.
John 16:8
I come not to praise you nor condemn you, but to build you up in spirit. Your adversary would use both praise and condemnation to confound you and tear you down. The memory of past sins should not linger, but hasten you to thankfulness for forgiveness and mercy.
The sobering result of reminders of your wrong choices should keep you from vainglory. Remembering who you are is not a cause for despair but wonder. My presence in your life has saved you from many disasters—so let them remind you that your help has been, is,
and ever shall be from Me.
Scott Cairns – Idiot Psalms: New Poems – The Journey with Jesus
Weekly sermons on the lectionary for pastors, along with reviews of poetry, books, film and music. Updated every Monday. All free all the time. Readers in 230 countries.
A great blog post by Jack Levison. See his new book, 40 Days with the Holy Spiri…
A great blog post by Jack Levison. See his new book, 40 Days with the Holy Spirit- a meaningful devotion for Lent that will inspire you to encounter God in fresh and surprising ways. http://www.paracletepress.com/40-days-with-the-holy-spirit.html
Is the Spirit in Everyone, even Richard Dawkins?
This morning I watched, in a half-embarrassed sort of way, while Nicola Menzie, of The Christian Post, interviewed me. At first, the angle of my head was odd: I looked like a balloon–fat around the jowl–with glasses and a little tuft of hair on my narrowed head. Once I got over that, I settled in t…
A New Look at Thomas Merton in time for his Centennial – 30% OFF 'Merton and Wau…
A New Look at Thomas Merton in time for his Centennial – 30% OFF ##039;Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old Man, and The Seven Storey Mountain##039; through Wednesday.
Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old Man, and The Seven Storey Mountain
Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old Man, and The Seven Storey Mountain – From 1948 to 1952 the lives of Trappist monk Thomas Merton and British novelist Evelyn Waugh were closely intertwined. …
Jack Levison talks about how God's Spirit is in everyone, not just Christians.
Jack Levison talks about how God##039;s Spirit is in everyone, not just Christians.
Is God##039;s Spirit in Everyone, Even in Aggressive Atheists Like Richard Dawkins?
A survey examining Americans##039; views on Christian theology revealed that, among even self-identified Christians, there is confusion or disagreement about the Holy Spirit. Is the spirit a force or a personal being? Is the spirit present in only Pentecostal Christians, or in all believers? According to…
February 2 Echoes of Eternity Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkne…
February 2 Echoes of Eternity
Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness; He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.
Psalm 112:4
Light arises in the darkness for those who love Me. No threat can thwart the ongoing fulfillment of My will. Say to those of a fearful heart: Behold your King! Have I failed you in the past? Has My help been withheld from your cry? Let everything conspire to propel
you forward in the path I have laid out for you. No, you cannot see the distant end—but there is light on your path today. Keep your eye on the light, and the darkness will lose its power to trouble you.
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4100023
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4100023
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Cantor Talk to Me today In the Rule of St. Benedict, we find the instruction to #quot;prefer nothing to the work of God.#quot; The #quot;work#quot; to which Benedict refers is that of praying the Divine Office. In his monastery, the monks prayed the offices seven times a day, always coming from their various activities of work, recreation, or even sleep, The number of Divine Offices prayed in monasteries today may vary, but the principal is still the same — #quot;prefer nothing to the work of God.#quot; [ 148 more words. ]
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
By Cantor
Talk to Me today
In the Rule of St. Benedict, we find the instruction to “prefer nothing to the work of God.” The “work” to which Benedict refers is that of praying the Divine Office. In his monastery, the monks prayed the offices seven times a day, always coming from their various activities of work, recreation, or even sleep, The number of Divine Offices prayed in monasteries today may vary, but the principal is still the same — “prefer nothing to the work of God.”
Sometimes, it is quite easy to stop what I am doing and attend the Office. Other times, it feels like an unwanted interruption. In either case, the opening chant of the Divine Office is always a reminder to me that God knows these thoughts and feelings I have. The service of Lauds, which means “praise,” opens with the text, “O Lord, open Thou my lips and my mouth will show forth Thy praise.” The other offices open with “O Lord, come to my aid and help me.” In both cases, these simple opening chants, which are a “call and response,” remind me instantly that it is God’s action which “taps on my shoulder” and says “Remember and talk to me throughout your whole day.”
Image credit: www.musicappreciation.com200 × 283Search by image
Illumination from the Cantigas de Santa Maria medieval-era manuscripts.
February 1 Echoes of Eternity O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel…
February 1 Echoes of Eternity
O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our
Psalm 95:6 (rsv)
The bowed head and contrite heart are fitting as you wait for My word. They are fitting, too, before the circumstances I will to place in your path. Your head does not bow easily—for you still long to be in charge. Little do you realize the hold that desire has on your life, and the peace you forfeit as a result. Esau despised his birthright for a mess of pottage. You forfeit yours for less!! O My dear child, learn to bow the head. Learn to bow the heart! My way truly is best.
February 1 Echoes of Eternity O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel…
February 1 Echoes of Eternity
O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our
Psalm 95:6 (rsv)
The bowed head and contrite heart are fitting as you wait for My word. They are fitting, too, before the circumstances I will to place in your path. Your head does not bow easily—for you still long to be in charge. Little do you realize the hold that desire has on your life, and the peace you forfeit as a result. Esau despised his birthright for a mess of pottage. You forfeit yours for less!! O My dear child, learn to bow the head. Learn to bow the heart! My way truly is best.
A great article remembering Thomas Merton by Mary Frances Coady. 30% OFF her new…
A great article remembering Thomas Merton by Mary Frances Coady. 30% OFF her new book, Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old Man, and The Seven Storey Mountain, through Monday. http://www.paracletepress.com/merton-and-waugh.html
Beyond The Seven Storey Mountain – Collegeville Institute
Mary Frances Coady reflects on the life and work of Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk and prolific spiritual writer.
A great article remembering Thomas Merton by Mary Frances Coady. 30% OFF her new…
A great article remembering Thomas Merton by Mary Frances Coady. 30% OFF her new book, Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old Man, and The Seven Storey Mountain, through Monday. http://www.paracletepress.com/merton-and-waugh.html
Beyond The Seven Storey Mountain – Collegeville Institute
Mary Frances Coady reflects on the life and work of Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk and prolific spiritual writer.