April 30 Echoes of Eternity
Thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark. . . . and there I will meet with thee and commune with thee from above the mercy seat.
Exodus 25:21,22
My dear child, comfort your heart at My mercy seat. Here there is a foretaste of the blessedness which I have prepared for you and all My children. Here there is a breakthrough from the dullness and opaqueness that characterizes most of your life. That is the wellspring of your tears—the unguardedness of your heart. Do not be surprised that no great “words” or revelations come in these meetings.
You do not need them. What you need, child, is the assurance of My love and care. I see you trying to reach out and make “connections” in different directions—children, family, friends—and for the most part they fail you. But that is because they cannot supply what only I can give. Remember the word, “Thou openest Thy hand and satisfieth the desire of every living thing.” One thing must precede that:
the shaping of the desire away from destructive ends. When the heart is at peace, yearning for that which is withheld ceases. All things are yours when your heart is at peace.
So come to this seat often—this mercy seat. I have promised in My holy Word: I will meet with you here. Learn here the secret of My love.
Paraclete Impressions