April 18 Echoes of Eternity I will put upon you no other burden, but hold fast t…

April 18 Echoes of Eternity
I will put upon you no other burden, but hold fast that which ye have already till I come.
Revelation 2:24,25
The burden of My word is a light burden. It must be borne faithfully, My child. Carry it in your heart throughout the day, a companion to your thoughts and actions. Carry it as a treasure, more precious than gold, for it is that. “The love of Jesus, what it is, None but His loved ones know.” That word is appropriate here.

April 17 Echoes of Eternity There failed not ought of any good thing which the L…

April 17 Echoes of Eternity
There failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to Israel; all came to pass.
Joshua 21:45
My child, do not doubt My love. Put away the accusing thoughts that rise in your mind. These are not from Me, but from the enemy camp. Rehearse often the footprints of My deliverances and My provision. Trace the outlines of My mercy.
The supply of manna never ran short for My people. It has never run short for you. There have always been the angels of My presence to aid and provide what you needed. The more you realize this, the more your gratitude will displace your doubts.

Mother's Day Gifts – Beautiful Books and Music – 30% Off for a limited time only…

Mother##039;s Day Gifts – Beautiful Books and Music – 30% Off for a limited time only. Take a moment to choose a gift, and we##039;ll take care of the rest for you!

MOTHER’S DAY GIFT IDEAS, Gifts for every Mother who savors a quiet moment to listen, to hope, to…
Mother##039;s Day Gift Ideas – MOTHER’S DAY GIFT IDEAS, Gifts for every Mother who savors a quiet moment to listen, to hope, to pray. We will gladly ship any order directly to the recipient including a …

Never Alone http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4721552

Never Alone http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4721552

Never Alone | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other Transition is my word of the week. It means changing from one state or condition to another; a passage or metamorphosis. I see transition at my doorstep in the flowers of early spring: crocuses, daffodils and tete-a-tetes form a gentle army to challenge winter##039;s lock down. For me, transition is one of life##039;s most difficult journeys. It can result from unmitigated failure, unmitigated success, or simply the passage of time.

Never Alone

By Sr. Nun Other

Transition is my word of the week. It means changing from one state or condition to another; a passage or metamorphosis. I see transition at my doorstep in the flowers of early spring: crocuses, daffodils and tete-a-tetes form a gentle army to challenge winter’s lock down. For me, transition is one of life’s most difficult journeys. It can result from unmitigated failure, unmitigated success, or simply the passage of time. One is left “in the middle zone,” waiting for reformation, definition, and transformation. (If a tadpole can become a frog and a caterpillar a butterfly, isn’t just about anything possible?) If you find yourself in transition, be grateful, remain hopeful, for Jesus walks with us in the shadow-times as well as the light.

The Community of Jesus

A good review on 'The Grace of Incorruption'. "For the reader keen to delve dee…

A good review on ##039;The Grace of Incorruption##039;.
#quot;For the reader keen to delve deep into the riches of the Orthodox tradition in the multi-faceted aspects of its glory, this will be a treasure, a source of joy, and a blessing to read.#quot; —from the Review

The Garden Window: The Grace Of Incorruption


David Brazzeal

A CANADIAN REVIEW OF Pray Like a Gourmet: Creative Ways to Feed Your SoulBY DAVID BRAZZEAL (Paraclete Press)If your prayer routine was a meal, would it be a frozen dinner or a multi-course banquet? With wit and insight, author David Brazzeal encourages us to savour our devotions and banish the bland. Joining a love of prayer with a fondness for French dining, he serves up a feast of ideas that will inject flavour and freshness into spiritual practice.http://www.ucobserver.org/culture/2015/04/watch_list/

April 16 Echoes of Eternity Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the e…

April 16 Echoes of Eternity
Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? When the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Job 38:4,7
The day is Mine. It is a gift of My love to My creation. The sun shines at My behest, and light goes forth according to My will. My creation does not understand, and takes it all for granted. But a few souls can see and know. Be one of them, My child, and enter into the secret joy of thankfulness. Take nothing for granted any more. Praise and gratitude carry their own reward. You cannot become what I created you to be by any other path.

April 15 Echoes of Eternity But whoso hath this world’s goods, and seeth his bro…

April 15 Echoes of Eternity
But whoso hath this world’s goods, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
I John 3:17
This is my word today: compassion. Pray for compassion! You have an unmerciful heart. You rejoice at the discomfiture of those who have offended you. You place yourself “above” them in your mind, forgetting who and what you are in truth. Your harsh and unmerciful attitude puts a wall—a strong barrier between us. Little wonder that you are then plagued with fear and anxiety. I am your peace; I am the place of tranquility and quietness—but an unmerciful heart cannot dwell there.

Security Blanket http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4706821

Security Blanket http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4706821

Security Blanket | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk One of my favorite prayers at Eucharist is the Proper Preface leading into the Sanctus of the Mass. These prayers seem so resolute, so secure, and so unwavering in faith. For the second Sunday of Easter, one version prays: #quot;It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, at all times to acclaim you, O Lord, but in this time (Easter) above all to laud you yet more gloriously.#quot; The absoluteness, the beauty imagined, and the clarity from these words temporarily pushes away nagging thoughts of self, of doubt and of fear.

Security Blanket

By Melodious Monk
One of my favorite prayers at Eucharist is the Proper Preface leading into the Sanctus of the Mass. These prayers seem so resolute, so secure, and so unwavering in faith. For the second Sunday of Easter, one version prays: “It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, at all times to acclaim you, O Lord, but in this time (Easter) above all to laud you yet more gloriously.” The absoluteness, the beauty imagined, and the clarity from these words temporarily pushes away nagging thoughts of self, of doubt and of fear. It’s a hopeful moment when the best promises are again declared aloud that they will be so. For “Through him, the children of light rise to eternal life and the halls of the heavenly Kingdom are thrown open to the faithful…”

The Community of Jesus

Great review on Timothy Verdon's new book, 'Art & Prayer: The Beauty of Turning…

Great review on Timothy Verdon##039;s new book, ##039;Art #amp; Prayer: The Beauty of Turning To God##039;.
#quot;It is a rich, meditative read, as satisfying as prayer, and I believe it will enhance anyone’s prayer life.#quot;–from the Review

The Art of Prayer
Historian Timothy Verdon##039;s new book captures the ##039;beauty of turning to God##039; during the Renaissance

April 14 Echoes of Eternity O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy v…

April 14 Echoes of Eternity
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
I Corinthians 15:55-57
O My child, hear My good word to you today. Death has been defeated. It no longer has dominion over my people. I am the Lord, and I choose how to call each of My own to Me. Death is a door—a door out and a door in. For My children, a door out of suffering and pain, with all the uncertainties they feel in this earthly life; a door into the life I have prepared for you. That is enough for you—if you will remain close to Me. You do not need to know more, just that through that door, I will be waiting for you.

Lectio Divina: From God's Words to Our Lives by Enzo Bianchi Review by Patricia…

Lectio Divina: From God##039;s Words to Our Lives by Enzo Bianchi Review by Patricia McKenna, ##039;The Catholic Bookshelf##039;

My love of scripture drew me to read Lectio Divina: From God’s Words to Our Lives, a book in which Enzo Bianchi examines the meaning of an ancient practice that has recently resurfaced in certain communities of the faithful. This practice, which is called Lectio Divina, is a beautiful spiritual reading and praying of scripture. As I had only limited experience with this specific type of worship before reading Bianchi’s work, I was immediately drawn to the subtitle “From God’s Words to Our Lives. The original version was written in Italian in 2008. Now I have the privilege of previewing this new English translation.

According to Origen (a third century church father), “There are three senses concealed in the words of scripture-literal, moral and spiritual.” We need to draw all of this out of the Bible as we read. The author tells us “The Bible as the heart of the church was rediscovered in Vatican II’s conciliar document Dei Verbum.” I love the description of scripture itself being God incarnate, not only as Christ (The Word) as he descends into flesh as a baby in the manger, but also as the written human words of the bible.

Lectio Divina begins with the history of how the bible has been interpreted, which has changed over time. Following this summary, Bianchi analyzes the importance of scripture in the church with the liturgy of the word…. Bianchi depicts The Bible as a call to an encounter with God. My favorite part of the work is the description of the four parts of lectio divina: lectio, meditatio, oratio, and contemplatio. Lectio is the literal historical part. Meditatio is about discovered revelation. Oratio is prayer and dialogue with God. Contemplatio is applying what we have read to our lives. There are several examples of how to integrate this breakdown and analysis into readings in the bible. Through my reading of Binachi’s work, I have developed a new reverence for the bible as a relationship, a relationship I can use to spend time with God in his word.

…I would highly recommend this book not only to those who are already experienced readers of scriptures, but also to those who are new to bible reading. While the Lectio Divina is a Catholic approach to bible study and prayer, all Christians will enjoy learning about a process of divine reading that was practiced by the early church fathers in the beginning years of Christianity.

the Catholic bookshelf

Another wonderful review on "Praying Like A Gourmet". "If I were a beginner in p…

Another wonderful review on #quot;Praying Like A Gourmet#quot;.
#quot;If I were a beginner in prayer, I would want David Brazzeal to be my teacher. Even as someone who has prayed for most of my life, I found PRAY LIKE A GOURMET to be nourishing, delicious, and delightful.#quot;–from the blog

Not Dark Yet: Pray Like a Gourmet: A Book Review

Another wonderful review on "Praying Like A Gourmet". "If I were a beginner in p…

Another wonderful review on #quot;Praying Like A Gourmet#quot;.
#quot;If I were a beginner in prayer, I would want David Brazzeal to be my teacher. Even as someone who has prayed for most of my life, I found PRAY LIKE A GOURMET to be nourishing, delicious, and delightful.#quot;–from the blog

Not Dark Yet: Pray Like a Gourmet: A Book Review

A well written and insightful review of 'Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old…

A well written and insightful review of ##039;Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old Man, and The Seven Storey Mountain##039;.

CatholicHerald.co.uk » Book Review: Why Evelyn Waugh wanted Thomas Merton to shut up
Mary Frances Coady’s new book, subtitled “A Monk, A Crusty Old Man and The Seven Storey Mountain”, is a fascinating new collection of correspondence between the Catholic novelist Evelyn Waugh and the Kentucky-based Trappist monk and author Thomas Merton. Through 20 letters and accompanying critical…

A well written and insightful review of 'Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old…

A well written and insightful review of ##039;Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old Man, and The Seven Storey Mountain##039;.

CatholicHerald.co.uk » Book Review: Why Evelyn Waugh wanted Thomas Merton to shut up
Mary Frances Coady’s new book, subtitled “A Monk, A Crusty Old Man and The Seven Storey Mountain”, is a fascinating new collection of correspondence between the Catholic novelist Evelyn Waugh and the Kentucky-based Trappist monk and author Thomas Merton. Through 20 letters and accompanying critical…

April 13 Echoes of Eternity But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless them that…

April 13 Echoes of Eternity
But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.
Matthew 5:44
Bless those who love you and those who hate you. That is My command and that is the path to healing. I have allowed some to respond negatively to your sin without the covering of My love. They reacted to what they saw and felt in you, without the covering of mercy. So their feelings are the natural outcome of soul meeting soul. On your part, because of the light I have given you, you must take responsibility for your sins and their reaction. Don’t ask if that is fair! That is not
the point. Do you want healing? Do you desire My will? Those are the questions, and if the answer is Yes, then the path will lead you to where you want to go. Watch out for the “demon of self-justification.” Remember—when My mercy is removed, your sin, your nature naturally causes a negative reaction—hate. That should be ample material for ongoing repentance—and a deep desire to claim My mercy over all your relationships. And remember this word, My child: Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. You will always be in need of that.

April 13 Echoes of Eternity But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless them that…

April 13 Echoes of Eternity
But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.
Matthew 5:44
Bless those who love you and those who hate you. That is My command and that is the path to healing. I have allowed some to respond negatively to your sin without the covering of My love. They reacted to what they saw and felt in you, without the covering of mercy. So their feelings are the natural outcome of soul meeting soul. On your part, because of the light I have given you, you must take responsibility for your sins and their reaction. Don’t ask if that is fair! That is not
the point. Do you want healing? Do you desire My will? Those are the questions, and if the answer is Yes, then the path will lead you to where you want to go. Watch out for the “demon of self-justification.” Remember—when My mercy is removed, your sin, your nature naturally causes a negative reaction—hate. That should be ample material for ongoing repentance—and a deep desire to claim My mercy over all your relationships. And remember this word, My child: Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. You will always be in need of that.

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4690689

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4690689

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Fidelis Easter 2 The second Sunday of Easter is full of spiritual meaning and has been given several different names over the centuries. It is known as #quot;Low Sunday#quot;, because it finishes the Octave of Easter. It is also known as #quot;Quasi modo Sunday.#quot; This immediately brings to mind Victor Hugo##039;s protagonist in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but the name is actually taken from the first words of the Introit for that day! [ 92 more words. ]

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4690689

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4690689

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Fidelis Easter 2 The second Sunday of Easter is full of spiritual meaning and has been given several different names over the centuries. It is known as #quot;Low Sunday#quot;, because it finishes the Octave of Easter. It is also known as #quot;Quasi modo Sunday.#quot; This immediately brings to mind Victor Hugo##039;s protagonist in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but the name is actually taken from the first words of the Introit for that day! [ 92 more words. ]

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song

By Sr. Fidelis

Easter 2

The second Sunday of Easter is full of spiritual meaning and has been given several different names over the centuries.  It is known as “Low Sunday”, because it finishes the Octave of Easter.  It is also known as “Quasi modo Sunday.”  This immediately brings to mind Victor Hugo’s protagonist in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but the name is actually taken from the first words of the Introit for that day!   1 Peter 2:2, reads: “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word.”

This is a word to those newly baptized on Easter Eve.  The introit is a simple chant in Mode 6, punctuated with Alleluias. “St. Thomas Sunday” is also a name given to the day, perhaps because the Communion for that day is Mitte manum, Jesus’ words to Thomas: “Place your hand in my side and be not faithless but believing.”

There is such a connection between the chant and the liturgy!  These well-known melodies actually helped to identify the day.

The Community of Jesus


April 12 Echoes of Eternity I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the…

April 12 Echoes of Eternity
I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
Luke 15:10
My dear child, put away vain thoughts and regrets. I know all your way—and I have never abandoned you, no matter how far you strayed from the straight path of My will. Let this be a cause of rejoicing and thanksgiving, even as you mourn the folly of your self-directed course. Repentance is forward-looking, not backward-gazing. I am God, and still restore the locust-eaten years. Your great
need, My child, is more faith in Me.

April 12 Echoes of Eternity I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the…

April 12 Echoes of Eternity
I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
Luke 15:10
My dear child, put away vain thoughts and regrets. I know all your way—and I have never abandoned you, no matter how far you strayed from the straight path of My will. Let this be a cause of rejoicing and thanksgiving, even as you mourn the folly of your self-directed course. Repentance is forward-looking, not backward-gazing. I am God, and still restore the locust-eaten years. Your great
need, My child, is more faith in Me.

April 11 Echoes of Eternity For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many…

April 11 Echoes of Eternity
For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.
I Corinthians 1:26,27
I have not called you to greatness as the world counts greatness. Yours is to be plowed under, the seed that falls into the ground that life may spring forth. My life in you requires a corresponding death in yours. This is done in part by the denial of your craving for recognition and applause.
The glory I offer you will not feed your sin-appetite. When I lead you “from glory to glory” you will know and recognize that the glory is Mine and the blessing of it is more than all the world could give.

April 10 Echoes of Eternity For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus…

April 10 Echoes of Eternity
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
My dear child, your identity as My child does not depend on you. You have been created, redeemed and called by My sovereign will, and your sonship rests on that solid foundation. Do not forget that you were bought with a great price, and allow that fact to hold you steady when temptations assault your soul. The adversary will
attempt to sow doubts and distance in our relationship. Press closer to Me.

Mathewes-Green invites us to a deeper understanding of the Eastern Orthodox fait…

Mathewes-Green invites us to a deeper understanding of the Eastern Orthodox faith in her new book, ##039;Welcome to the Orthodox Church: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity##039;.

Welcome to the Orthodox Church: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity
Welcome to the Orthodox Church: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity – There are other introductory books about Orthodoxy. This one comprehensively covers the history, theology, and practice …

Abstract http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4674549

Abstract http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4674549

Abstract | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other I tend to sift, categorize, and make reasonable things I don##039;t understand. But, I must confess, the infinite holiness of Easter and its many mysteries are beyond my grasp. Jesus##039;s arrest, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection – those four words alone – represent a highly complex series of events that forged a new symmetry between God and humankind.


By Sr. Nun Other

I tend to sift, categorize, and make reasonable things I don’t understand. But, I must confess, the infinite holiness of Easter and its many mysteries are beyond my grasp. Jesus’s arrest, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection –  those four words alone – represent a highly complex series of events that forged a new symmetry between God and humankind. The sinister, the dark, and the reprehensible now stand in shadow, and we follow in His footsteps of light.

The Community of Jesus

April 9 Echoes of Eternity But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bru…

April 9 Echoes of Eternity
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisements of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5
When I was crucified, I gave up My life for your sake and the sake of My other children. I did it in obedience to My Father and yours, and tasted the bitter uncertainties that you face in death. It was a real battle, and I want you to realize that you have the same weapons in your fight that I had in Mine. I have promised you My help in all your needs. I keep My promises. I am the Faithful One. Remember this.

April 8 Echoes of Eternity But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord a…

April 8 Echoes of Eternity
But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and for ever.
II Peter 3:18
Becoming. You are becoming that for which I created and redeemed you. You are becoming what you are not yet. You are becoming what only I can see. When your love for Me is perfected, there will be no fear of Me. When you know as you are known, there will be no need to hide. Where My image and My plan have become what you are, then fullness of joy will be yours. In the meantime, My child, press toward the mark. Keep becoming.

Take your students through a travelogue of music history with the new Masters of…

Take your students through a travelogue of music history with the new Masters of Sacred Choral Music collection.
Expand the experience of your students with fifteen centuries of choral music from Gregorian chant and the sacred works of Mozart to Virgil Thomson##039;s Mass for Choir and Percussion to one of today##039;s most popular violinist/fiddler Mark O##039;Connor and his first composition for choir Let Us Move.
With a unique emphasis on sacred text and its influence on music history, this collection includes rarely performed choral music from many of the great composers.

Masters of Sacred Music Library
Masters of Sacred Music Library – Your one-stop collection for music education or your own CD library Expand your collection with fifteen centuries of choral music from Gregorian chant and the sacred …

Back to Heaven http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4655556

Back to Heaven http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4655556

Back to Heaven | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk “Back to Heaven” I’ll go back to heaven again. Hand in hand with the dew That melts at a touch of the dawning day, I’ll go back to heaven again. With the dusk, together, just we two, at a sign from a cloud after playing on the slopes I’ll go back to heaven again. At the end of my outing to this beautiful world I’ll go back and say: It was beautiful… [ 141 more words. ]

Back to Heaven

By Melodious Monk

“Back to Heaven”
I’ll go back to heaven again. Hand in hand with the dew That melts at a touch of the dawning day,
I’ll go back to heaven again. With the dusk, together, just we two, at a sign from a cloud after playing on the slopes
I’ll go back to heaven again. At the end of my outing to this beautiful world I’ll go back and say: It was beautiful…
By Ch’ôn Sang Pyong

I wonder what I will say when I arrive at heaven’s door — will it be words of thanks? Ch’ôn was a Korean poet who suffered greatly in his life from brutal torture as a prisoner, and from alcoholism. But Ch’ôn was said to be a very happy man despite all of his hardships. There’s a reassuring simplicity to his words and his poetry reflects a hope that grew out of him through his struggles.

This Easter season, through the power and miracle of the resurrection, God has given us a perpetual chance to live, repent, and keep living, with-in and as His creation.  As the weather warms, and the earth starts to grow again, we should take time to notice and appreciate what he has given us—for all creation is beautiful!

The Community of Jesus


April 7 Echoes of Eternity Let your light so shine before men, that they may see…

April 7 Echoes of Eternity
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
I am the Light of the world. In Me there is no darkness at all. My light still shines in the darkness of this world, and it will never be put out. You, My child, live in a mixture of light and darkness. Some of the darkness is your own choice, because you “love darkness rather than light.” You fear too much light because your pride hides your secret thoughts and sins. Humble yourself before Me, and do not
fear what any human may say or think. Light brings life. Darkness brings death. My will for you is LIFE.

Introducing 'Hear My Prayer: The Complete Audio Book of Psalms (NRSV)'. The Psal…

Introducing ##039;Hear My Prayer: The Complete Audio Book of Psalms (NRSV)##039;. The Psalms were written by human beings, and here, they are read by human beings—a wide range of ordinary and extraordinary Christians representing every expression of Christianity. One psalm follows another, 1 through 150, creating a powerful listening experience that you will return to again and again.

Hear My Prayer: The Complete Audio Book of Psalms (NRSV)
Hear My Prayer: The Complete Audio Book of Psalms (NRSV) – Listen to the voices of poets, theologians, novelists, scholars, priests, pastors, and spiritual writers as they pointedly and poignantly …

April 6 Echoes of Eternity But ye are come to Mount Zion, and unto the city of t…

April 6 Echoes of Eternity
But ye are come to Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.
Hebrews 12:22
“The place whereon you stand is holy ground.” All ground is holy when it becomes a place of meeting. I am ever with you, and yet there need to be these places and times where My glory breaks through to you. You could not bear yet to live constantly in the vision of My glory. Your eyes and your heart are not yet prepared. But these glimpses are foretastes, and they are My gift to you.

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4643271

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4643271

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Cantor The Life of Christ in Chant Happy Easter! We have just experienced the most amazing of weeks in the liturgical year — Holy Week leading to Easter. The chants composed for this week audibly take us through each of the various parts of the week. Christ##039;s entry into Jerusalem was heralded by one of the most famous of all chants, Hosanna, Filio David (Hail, Son of David!). [ 132 more words. ]

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song

By Cantor

The Life of Christ in Chant

Happy Easter!

We have just experienced the most amazing of weeks in the liturgical year — Holy Week leading to Easter.

The chants composed for this week audibly take us through each of the various parts of the week. Christ’s entry into Jerusalem was heralded by one of the most famous of all chants, Hosanna, Filio David (Hail, Son of David!).  Maundy Thursday, on which Christ gives “a new commandment,” was characterized by the chanting of Ubi Caritas (Where true love is, God himself is there.) > On Good Friday we had the ancient Gospel Passion chanted for the Veneration of the Cross. Holy Saturday opened with the well-known response Lumen Christi (Christ, Light of the World), followed by the Exultet in which the history of our salvation was chanted. Ultimately, we heard chanted the most famous Gregorian Hymn — Victimae Paschali Laudes (Christ, the Paschal Victim) to celebrate Christ’s Resurrection!

This is the richest time in the entire church year for which Gregorian chant does her most beautiful work of illuminating Christ’s life.

The Community of Jesus







Image Credit: maxresdefault.jpg www.youtube.com1280 × 720
Introit for Easter Day: Resurrexi,

April 5 Echoes of Eternity Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a…

April 5 Echoes of Eternity
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.
Galatians 6:7
My loving kindness is ever before you. There is no end to it. What you perceive as judgment or wrath in no way contradicts it. I cannot be false to Myself—and I am not like you. My sternness is also an expression of My mercy.

Baptism: What can a widowed mother do? God gives a son only to tease? That other…

What can a widowed mother do?
God gives a son only to tease?
That other something there
has taken him away from me.

His place is set at table here, but usually unfilled.
His bed is made, but always now unused.
His name is called, but commonly unanswered.

He has finally gone
from us.

The neighbor women told me.
they had seen him there
with wild, mad, camel-vested John;
and, oh, I know he goes to certain trouble
in those Jordan waters.

And then those stories
about a bird,
about a sound some called a voice!

It is too much
when piled upon my heap of misery,
my store of mystery.

How can it ever lead to good
when I,
when we
are left behind?
—Poem by John Julian, from ##039;Eyes Have I That See##039;

April 4 Echoes of Eternity Who maketh the clouds His chariot; who walketh upon t…

April 4 Echoes of Eternity
Who maketh the clouds His chariot; who walketh upon the wings of the wind.
Psalm 104:3
Clouds and storms are also part of My way. The sunshine of My grace is hidden from view as they do their necessary work. See how in My natural world these things play their necessary role to the ongoing of life, and be aware, My child, of their beneficial role in your spiritual life. Clouds and storms are also part of My way.

April 3 Echoes of Eternity O taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34:8 To…

April 3 Echoes of Eternity
O taste and see that the Lord is good.
Psalm 34:8
To taste, you must take the food into yourself. Taste is a way of trying, of testing the goodness of the food. In like manner, the tasting, the testing of spiritual food is a necessary part of your experience. You have “tasted” many unhealthy substitutes, and your soul was wounded—harmed—by taking in corrupting and tainted substances. The effects have been serious but not fatal, because My sovereign purpose overruled your foolish choices.
Taste and see the food that I supply—the nourishing and healing food of My Word and Spirit. Doubt not that I am the Bread of life—and that I stand the “taste test”!

Love Undeserved http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4622886

Love Undeserved http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4622886

Love Undeserved | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other I wonder. I wonder what Jesus thought as he walked the way of the cross. Did he say to himself, #quot;One step at a time, one foot before the other?#quot; Did he see beyond the cross, the glory to come? Or was it sinners in need of a savior and love for the undeserving that compelled him?

Love Undeserved

By Sr. Nun Other

I wonder. I wonder what Jesus thought as he walked the way of the cross. Did he say to himself, “One step at a time, one foot before the other?” Did he see beyond the cross, the glory to come? Or was it sinners in need of a savior and love for the undeserving that compelled him? He unleashed from the confines of the cross immeasurable treasures: mercy, forgiveness, and triumph of life over death. Jesus reached out from suffering to suffering for the sake of love.

The Community of Jesus

Jesus: First-Century Rabbi is now available in paperback! http://www.paracletepr…

Jesus: First-Century Rabbi is now available in paperback! http://www.paracletepress.com/jesus-first-century-rabbi-2015.html

This bold, fresh look at the historical Jesus and the Jewish roots of Christianity challenges both Jews and Christians to re-examine their understanding of Jesus’s commitment to his Jewish faith. Instead of emphasizing the differences between the two religions, this groundbreaking book explains how the concepts of vicarious atonement, mediation, incarnation, and Trinity are actually rooted in classical Judaism.

Jesus: First-Century Rabbi
Jesus: First-Century Rabbi – This bold, fresh look at the historical Jesus and the Jewish roots of Christianity challenges both Jews and Christians to re-examine their understanding of Jesus’s …

Paraclete Poetry is dedicated to the notion that great poems are for everyone an…

Paraclete Poetry is dedicated to the notion that great poems are for everyone and their themes are universal. Poetry allows us to linger with language and explore light and darkness. Great poems permit us to wander, to linger, to grow—in ways that other writing does not. It has been this way since the Bible was written. King David wrote poems about every emotion imaginable, and the prophets wrote in poetic form because they knew they had a truth too deep for prose. So, too, Paraclete Poetry is dedicated to the idea that verse is one of the best ways to explore spiritual meaning, to help all of us find our way home.

Join the Paraclete Poetry Facebook group by clicking here. We invite you to share, post and interact!

Paraclete Poetry

  • Paraclete Poetry is dedicated to the notion that great poems are for everyone and their themes are universal. Poetry allows us to linger with language and explore light and darkness. Great poems permi…
  • 7 members

Publishers Weekly Review
I##039;m very thankful for this splendid review from PUBLISHERS WEEKLY! Brazzeal has written a cookbook for prayer—literally. After a first section that likens learning to pray to learning to cook and also notes the importance of food in the Bible, the author, who lives in Paris, divides the book into sections. Instead of soups, salads, sides, main courses, and desserts, these sections cover different types of prayer, such as thanksgiving, confessing, and asking, complete with “recipes.” Thus “praising” prayers, which are likened to hors d’oeuvre, contain “recipes” that call for praying by writing down all the verbs in Psalm 147 or by creating a physical movement that opens you to God.

April 2 Echoes of Eternity And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and h…

April 2 Echoes of Eternity
And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God.
Ephesians 5:2
Begin and end the day with Me, My child. Let the hours between be a walking together in love. Remember that you are My servant, and you are responsible to spend the hours in My service. Your life is not your own. You have been bought with a great price. Do not take it back to yourself, for that is robbery. Learn what it means to be a purchased possession—a ransomed soul. Live out your freedom in the light of who I am and who you are. Begin and end the day with Me, My child, and let all the hours between be a walking together in love.

Special Meditation for Good Friday – Click here to listen to the Passion Narrative.

Special Meditation for Good Friday – Click here to listen to the Passion Narrative.

The Passion Narrative
The Passion Narrative – The Passion Narrative according to the Gospel of John – A Good Friday tradition This week Christians around the world relive the final days of Christ##039;s life on earth. …

A terrific review on 'Lectio Divina: From God's Word to Our Lives'. "Reading the…

A terrific review on ##039;Lectio Divina: From God##039;s Word to Our Lives##039;.
#quot;Reading the Bible involves listening as well for the Bible is dialogical and relational. We listen to God and sense God listening to us. Obedience is listening in faith. Listening in faith means learning to move from letter to spirit, to let the Spirit guide our understanding of the ancient texts to the practice of modern living.#quot;—Dr. Conrade Yap

Panorama of a Book Saint

God is God http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4608086

God is God http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4608086

God is God | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk God is God …should we forget our Savior##039;s praise, the stones them-selves would sing! As we finished the final stanza of James Montgomery##039;s hymn on Sunday, I turned to the person next to me to point out the humor and multiplicity of meanings to this last line. I was chuckling at the literal picture of a singing stone, and two other aspects as well: firstly, how it puts us in our place; and secondly, how it shows the bottomless depth##039;s of God##039;s love for us. [ 209 more words. ]

God is God

By Melodious Monk

God is God

…should we forget our Savior’s praise, the stones them-selves would sing!

As we finished the final stanza of James Montgomery’s hymn on Sunday, I turned to the person next to me to point out the humor and multiplicity of meanings to this last line. I was chuckling at the literal picture of a singing stone, and two other aspects as well: firstly, how it puts us in our place; and secondly, how it shows the bottomless depth’s of God’s love for us. Let me explain.

How quickly I forget that God is God. God loves us — but he doesn’t need us. I’m reminded of a conversation I had earlier this week were I was discussing how disappointed I feel with myself when I so often turn bitter and angry in certain situations. I fall again and again into the same trap of accusation and self-pity. It feels pathetic, and I assume God surely feels the same way about me. Or does he? A wise friend suggested to me that since God continually seems to be calling each of us to move  on with him, maybe He doesn’t care about my failings the same way I do.

Which brings me back to the stones. Why does God even bother to care for us? After all, he has the stones, or the ability to just create someone else who would be better at praising him! But God hasn’t given up on me, even though I give up on myself all the time – and I don’t know why, I just know he hasn’t. God calls us to life. The remembrances of Holy Week, especially, remind us of how much God wants each of us to live our lives to their fullest potential.

The Community of Jesus


March 31 Echoes of Eternity Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; b…

March 31 Echoes of Eternity
Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.
Hosea 10:12
Break up the fallow ground. Break up the hard tracks of your mind, hardened with the frequent footprints of your old thinking patterns. Tend the new plants of My planting, the engrafted Word, the living knowledge that I impart on a daily basis. Your life is meant to be lived, not endured. It is a gift, not a cursing. Recognize and
welcome My comings, My appointments, My tender mercies. Break up the hardened tracks—and live.

Jerusalem Jackson Greer shares fabulous ideas of how to bring this sombering, ye…

Jerusalem Jackson Greer shares fabulous ideas of how to bring this sombering, yet joyful observance of Holy week and the Triduum into our homes.

Holy Week at Home: Family Practices for the Triduum – Building Faith
There are many ways to bring the fullness of Holy Week into the home. Try these specific activities for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday with your household.

Prepare for the Passion and the Resurrection during this Holy Week- 2 CDs for $2…

Prepare for the Passion and the Resurrection during this Holy Week- 2 CDs for $20 – 2 Day Sale.

Easter Set
Easter Set – This commemoration of the Passion of Christ and the Joy of the Resurrection of our Lord is sung in Gregorian chant by the Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola renowned for their intense sacred …

A review on Enzo Bianchi's new book, 'Lectio Divina: From God's Word to Our Lives'.

A review on Enzo Bianchi##039;s new book, ##039;Lectio Divina: From God##039;s Word to Our Lives##039;.

God Speaks
#quot;Wait a minute, #quot; I interrupted. #quot;Read that again. Is that really in Deuteronomy?#quot; My husband and I are reading through the Bible this year — together and out loud. Aside from the challenge of …

March 30 Echoes of Eternity I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with th…

March 30 Echoes of Eternity
I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also; I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.
I Corinthians 14:15
Pray with your eyes open. Pray with your heart open. Pray with your ears open—open to Me and My word. Pray with a song in your heart, a song of deliverance, a song of thanksgiving. Fit yourself to be in My company with repentance and confession—covered with My forgiveness and the mantle of My mercy. Thus we can have sweet concourse together—a blessing to you and a joy to My fatherly
heart. Put away fear of offending Me as long as you observe to do what I have told you. A lively, living trust is more pleasing than groveling at My feet. Enter My presence with thanksgiving, and come boldly to the Throne of grace. I welcome you, My beloved child.

The Eighth Day: It is not for you or me to know the times, which the Father has…

The Eighth Day:
It is not for you or me to know the times,
which the Father has kept within His own
benign authority. After the current season
in which we find ourselves, the God shall rest,
as on the seventh day, and there He will give us–
who shall be the seventh day–rest within Himself.

Suffice to say that the seventh shall be
brought to a close, not by an evening,
but yet another day, the Lord##039;s day, as an eighth
and an eternal day, consecrated by the radiating
resurrection of Christ, and prefiguring
the eternal reposition and repose,
not of spirit only, but of the body too.

There we shall rest and see, see and love,
love and praise. This is what shall be
in our exalted end without end.
— Poem by Scott Cairns, from ##039;Endless Life##039;

A great review on '40 Days with the Holy Spirit', by Jack Levison. "If you are l…

A great review on ##039;40 Days with the Holy Spirit##039;, by Jack Levison. #quot;If you are looking for a devotional which will enlarge your vision (and experience) of God, look no further. Five stars.#quot;—Jamie Smith

Forty Days for Breathing Deeply: a book review
A few years ago I read Jack Levison##039;s Fresh Air: The Holy Spirit for the Inspired Life. I wrote a gushing review of it. My enthusiasm for that book was due in part to the way Levison unfolded the …

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4595077

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4595077

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Cantor The Chanted Passion Yesterday, Palm Sunday, we entered into Holy Week, in which our greatest remembrance is the Passion of Christ. One of the most ancient of all chants — the chanted Passion according to St. John — reflects this remembrance. This gospel passion has been chanted for centuries on Good Friday, first being noted in the scriptures with nothing more than symbols indicating those parts chanted by Christ, those by other characters (such as the #quot;turba#quot; or crowd, or Pilate) and finally, a narrator. [ 123 more words. ]

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song

By Cantor

The Chanted Passion

Yesterday, Palm Sunday, we entered into Holy Week, in which our greatest remembrance is the Passion of Christ. One of the most ancient of all chants — the chanted Passion according to St. John — reflects this remembrance. This gospel passion has been chanted for centuries on Good Friday, first being noted in the scriptures with nothing more than symbols indicating those parts chanted  by Christ, those by other characters (such as the “turba” or crowd,  or  Pilate) and finally, a narrator.

Here is a perfect example of the ancient  tradition of  chanting scripture to “lift it up.”  God’s word was meant to be sung in order to help reflect the depth of its meaning.

There is no other chant that carries more weight — more spiritual “gravitas”  — than the chanted Passion narrative. It is perhaps one of the simplest chant recitations, yet it carries some of the greatest truths. I think that that is the real lesson inside of this particular chant: its sheer simplicity is the very thing that seems to let it bring forth the incredible beauty of the Good Friday Passion.

The Community of Jesus








Image credit: chant grégorien – Music in Parc musicinparc.canalblog.com

Unburdened: And that is why I think it far better than anything that a man shoul…

And that is why I think it far
better than anything that a man
should abandon himself wholly to God,
whatever it may be that God desires
to impose on him—contempt or heavy labor
or any manner of hardship—so long
as he accepts it joyfully, in gratitude,
and gives himself to be led solely by God.
Just so, if you tilt your head to learn from God
and gladly, and thereby follow Him,
all will be well with you.
With such a disposition, you
can easily accept honors and ease.
Should hardships and disgrace arrive,
you will bear them also, and be
oddly pleased to bear them.
—Poem by Scott Cairns

Unburdened: And that is why I think it far better than anything that a man shoul…

And that is why I think it far
better than anything that a man
should abandon himself wholly to God,
whatever it may be that God desires
to impose on him—contempt or heavy labor
or any manner of hardship—so long
as he accepts it joyfully, in gratitude,
and gives himself to be led solely by God.
Just so, if you tilt your head to learn from God
and gladly, and thereby follow Him,
all will be well with you.
With such a disposition, you
can easily accept honors and ease.
Should hardships and disgrace arrive,
you will bear them also, and be
oddly pleased to bear them.
—Poem by Scott Cairns

March 29 Echoes of Eternity When I am weak, then I am strong. II Cor inthians 12…

March 29 Echoes of Eternity
When I am weak, then I am strong.
II Cor inthians 12:10
I have seen your affliction. The wounds and scars of your soul are not hidden from Me. “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” That is My gracious and self–chosen work within you, My child. It is My work, and yours to accept with faith and gratitude. Let no thoughts from the adversary bring doubts in your mind about My purpose and My power. I do not work as man works, and the process is largely hidden from your view. This is where I call on you to fight doubt and discouragement and to exercise faith in Me. I give you this part of the battle out of My love for you. Don’t try to understand, but stand under the mercy which covers you.

March 29 Echoes of Eternity When I am weak, then I am strong. II Cor inthians 12…

March 29 Echoes of Eternity
When I am weak, then I am strong.
II Cor inthians 12:10
I have seen your affliction. The wounds and scars of your soul are not hidden from Me. “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” That is My gracious and self–chosen work within you, My child. It is My work, and yours to accept with faith and gratitude. Let no thoughts from the adversary bring doubts in your mind about My purpose and My power. I do not work as man works, and the process is largely hidden from your view. This is where I call on you to fight doubt and discouragement and to exercise faith in Me. I give you this part of the battle out of My love for you. Don’t try to understand, but stand under the mercy which covers you.

March 28 Echoes of Eternity For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not…

March 28 Echoes of Eternity
For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of; but the sorrow of the world worketh death.
II Corinthians 7:10
Can you see, My child, how the rod of My judgment is the rod of My mercy? Can you agree with Me that the rod was a necessary part of your healing and salvation? Bitterness spoils the fruit borne of such judgment and mercy. I will cleanse it from you if you are willing to let it go.
You are still too defensive before “verbal onslaughts.” Your walls of defense, your inner deafness to the essential truth being spoken are very hurtful, and I want you to give them up. Your pride is a poor substitute for the freedom I offer in its place. “Don’t stint yourself!”

March 27 Echoes of Eternity Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name…

March 27 Echoes of Eternity
Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of our Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.
Colossians 3:17
You cannot be faithful to Me, My child, unless you are grateful. Gratitude is like the rich soil out of which grows the fruit of faithfulness. As long as other motives are mixed in your obedience, the fruit will not be perfect. Pride of achievement, the desire for recognition or reward, competition and jealousy—all these add
bitterness to the fruit. Gratitude is the theme of heaven’s praise. It binds My people’s hearts to Me and to one another, and destroys dividing walls. So do not lag in the exercise of this grace. Gratitude is the key that unlocks the inner treasury of grace.

The Perfect Baptism Gifts – New Albums & My Baptism Book 25% OFF through Easter.

The Perfect Baptism Gifts – New Albums #amp; My Baptism Book 25% OFF through Easter.

Baptism Gift Ideas – First Communion Gift Ideas
Baptism Gift Ideas – First Communion Gift Ideas – Looking for a gift for Easter, Baptism, or First Communion? Browse our meaningful selection of gift books for children. Commemorate and celebrate …

March 26 Echoes of Eternity Being confident of this very thing, that He which ha…

March 26 Echoes of Eternity
Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:6
In the safety of My care you may rest your soul. No harm can reach you here where My power and protection prevail. With lustful eye, you have often looked beyond that safety, fantasizing how much better life would be apart from the narrowness of My way. You have robbed yourself of much peace that was available to you.
My work is still going on in your soul. Yes, it is “repair work,” and therefore slow and painstaking. But it is My work, and it must be done according to My design, not yours. If My ways seem strange, recall often My tender mercies. Stand on solid ground, look up, believe, and you will see the glory of God.

Saying Yes http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4567570

Saying Yes http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4567570

Saying Yes | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk Yesterday, we celebrated the feast of the Annunciation, a feast that once again comes wholly unexpected at this time of year. In reading the story again, I’m struck by two things. Firstly, this visit from the angel on this March day, not Christmas, is the moment that God entered our world in the flesh; and secondly, on this day that Mary made her famous #quot;fiat#quot; — but she could have said no. [ 181 more words. ]

Saying Yes

By Melodious Monk

Yesterday, we celebrated the feast of the Annunciation, a feast that once again comes wholly unexpected at this time of year.  In reading the story again, I’m struck by two things.  Firstly, this visit from the angel on this March day, not Christmas, is the moment that God entered our world in the flesh; and secondly, on this day that Mary made her famous “fiat” — but she could have said no.  While I easily glide over both these events, hardly thinking more than, “of course that happened, the angel came and Mary agreed, and that’s wonderful and amazing and we love her for it!”

But I would do well to take a moment this week to ponder the amazing and multi-layered spiritual events that happened on this day.  In his book on saints, Father Alban Butler said this about the feast day: “The world, as heaven had decreed, was not to have a Savior till she had given her consent to the angel’s proposal; she gives it, and behold the power and efficacy of her submissive fiat!”

I see in this statement God giving Mary (and I believe all of us) a choice to say yes.  Not a one time offer, but daily, even many times a day we are given “angels’ proposal’s” or choices.  I tend to forget that in all situations, I have a choice for or against God.  On this feast, Mary’s example reminds us that the Savior will come readily after we say yes.

The Community of Jesus


March 25 Echoes of Eternity And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the c…

March 25 Echoes of Eternity
And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord.
I Kings 17:16
My goodness never fails. If My people would only trust me more, they would see the unending stream of mercy flowing like a mighty river, an unending supply. Your life is a testimony to the surprising ways I use to supply the needs of My children. From the day you gave your heart to me, the cruse of oil has never run dry. Through lean times and fat, you have never “wanted” for what you needed. I have
fed you with the finest wheat.
Go over them in your mind and praise My faithfulness! Surprise yourself anew at the remembrance of My goodness. There is a pattern there that I want you to recognize. This, too, is a part of the blessing I give you—the joy and trust that such memories bring.

Just In! Pray Like A Gourmet: Creative Ways to Feed the Soul (watch the Trailer)…

Just In! Pray Like A Gourmet: Creative Ways to Feed the Soul (watch the Trailer) ##064;Brazzeals

Pray Like a Gourmet: Creative Ways to Feed Your Soul
Pray Like a Gourmet: Creative Ways to Feed Your Soul – Imagine that prayer could be like savoring a fine French meal—a flow of engaging courses featuring creative recipes, infusing all your senses, …

Just In! Pray Like a Gourmet: Creative Ways to Feed Your Soul—Newest book in the…

Just In! Pray Like a Gourmet: Creative Ways to Feed Your Soul—Newest book in the Active Prayer Series. David Brazzeal: author of Pray Like a Gourmet ##064;Brazzeals

Pray Like a Gourmet: Creative Ways to Feed Your Soul
Pray Like a Gourmet: Creative Ways to Feed Your Soul – Imagine that prayer could be like savoring a fine French meal—a flow of engaging courses featuring creative recipes, infusing all your senses, …

March 24 Echoes of Eternity For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered…

March 24 Echoes of Eternity
For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb.
Psalm 139:13
My dear child, I accept your thanks and praise. I am glad for you that you recognize My great tenderness and compassion toward you all the days of your life. I saw you in your mother’s womb and set you apart for My purposes. I watched you in your disobediences and in your guilt and pain. I am God and not man, that I should abandon My purpose. Yes, you caused Me pain in your hard-headed, selfchosen way. You have inflicted pain on others, too. The process of
healing is still going on, and your faithful repentance must be part of that process. Keep the stream of gratitude flowing, for it gives life to the necessary repentance. My glory shall yet be revealed. That is My promise.

A terrific Englewood featured Review on Vulnerable Faith! http://www.paracletepr…

A terrific Englewood featured Review on Vulnerable Faith! http://www.paracletepress.com/vulnerable-faith.html

Jamie Arpin-Ricci – Vulnerable Faith [Feature Review]
Page 2: Jamie Arpin-Ricci – Vulnerable Faith But to imagine Patrick, sitting in a metal folding chair and drinking a bitter cup of coffee, confessing to a life-long compulsion of addiction, asking for help and solidarity, squarely seating himself with the rest of the tired a

March 23 Echoes of Eternity Break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek…

March 23 Echoes of Eternity
Break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteousness upon you.
Hosea 10:12
Feast on My Word. This is the true food for your soul. The words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life. By this I mean that they become sustenance for your spirit and life for your soul. I quicken “words” by My Spirit so that they become expressions of My Word.
You need to trust, to learn to trust, the living word that comes to you. My word comes to break up the hard, fallow ground of your heart. Do you not see it? Is it not happening? But there is much work still to be done. I am the Restorer of breaches. I am He who breaks down walls of separation.

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4545953

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song http://www.communityofjesus.org/?p=4545953

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Cantor Hosanna Filio David! This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday and the Sunday of the Passion. It carries incredible drama and meaning as it announces the arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem, and sets the stage for all that happens in the ensuing days. We will be heralded into the service by one of the most famous of all Gregorian chants — [ 133 more words. ]

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song

By Cantor

Hosanna Filio David!

This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday and the Sunday of the Passion. It carries incredible drama and meaning as it announces the arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem, and sets the stage for all that happens in the ensuing days.

We will be heralded into the service by one of the most famous of all Gregorian chants – Hosanna Filio David! (Hosanna to the Son of David). This introit chant opens with the famous “trumpet call” motive which we have explored over the course of the past few months. In fact, it bears extraordinary resemblance to the chant which opens Christmas morning mass — Puer Natus est (A Boy is Born). The sound of the chant reminds us that Jesus is King. However, its liturgical placement reminds us that this King came as a child and was welcomed into Jerusalem by children as well as adults. I find myself amazed that this chant is able to give us such beautiful parallels, bringing to mind the innocence and humility of the King of Heaven.

Have a blessed Palm Sunday!

The Community of Jesus







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March 22 Echoes of Eternity Moses said, “We are journeying unto the place of whi…

March 22 Echoes of Eternity
Moses said, “We are journeying unto the place of which the Lord said, I will give it to you.”
Numbers 10:29
Press on past the barriers you meet in your earthly pilgrimage toward Me. Your tendency is to linger and let them delay your progress. Life is not static. It was not meant to be. The past is gone, yet present in your memory and in consequences of past decisions. The future is not yet, but present in the consequences which will flow from decisions made now. Lingering at the barriers is but a cowardly indulgence of faithlessness. The barriers of guilt, of anger and resentment,
of fear, of grief—what are these compared with that which I have set before you? Press on toward the Light. Again I say, press on!

March 21 Echoes of Eternity For the Lord thy God is a merciful God. He will not…

March 21 Echoes of Eternity
For the Lord thy God is a merciful God. He will not forsake thee.
Deuteronomy 4:31
Fear not the path which I have laid out for you. Flinch not at what I ask you to bear. You will not bear it alone. Lo, I am with you, My child, in every moment. I tell you this because I know you from your conception in your mother’s womb. She, too, feared many things. Your feeling of aloneness and abandonment are made more intense by your sin. The fear you feel is a punishment for your rebellion
against My love. All rebellion is against My love, because I, the Lord, am love. That is the essence of My nature. You are a creature, a creation of My love. When you understand that simple truth, you will know freedom from fear. You will know that I will never leave you nor forsake you. Never. That is my promise.

Spring Weekend Warehouse Sale! Bestselling Books, CDs & DVDs 40% OFF including '…

Spring Weekend Warehouse Sale! Bestselling Books, CDs #amp; DVDs 40% OFF including ##039;My Baptism Book##039;. Sale lasts through Sunday.

Bestselling Religious books from Paraclete Press
This collection of bestselling religious books from Paraclete Press will lead you to explore the possibilities for a deeper relationship with God. Our ecumenical pool of authors will offer you views of God##039;s love from many angles, through the richness and variety of the Body of Christ.

Spring Weekend Warehouse Sale! Bestselling Books, CDs & DVDs 40% OFF including '…

Spring Weekend Warehouse Sale! Bestselling Books, CDs #amp; DVDs 40% OFF including ##039;My Baptism Book##039;. Sale lasts through Sunday.

Bestselling Religious books from Paraclete Press
This collection of bestselling religious books from Paraclete Press will lead you to explore the possibilities for a deeper relationship with God. Our ecumenical pool of authors will offer you views of God##039;s love from many angles, through the richness and variety of the Body of Christ.

March 20 Echoes of Eternity Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the we…

March 20 Echoes of Eternity
Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation, and in that day shall ye say, Praise the Lord.
Isaiah 12:3,4
With joy you shall draw water from the wells of salvation. The wells are deep and sometimes you must wait for the plumbing of the depths. The surface of your soul is like the surface of the sea—busily moving in many directions at the gusts of wind that blow on it. There is a restlessness there that must be gotten past. Or change the picture, My child, and compare it to a dry and thirsty desert. Unstable and shifting in many directions. So do not be discouraged that I require you to go deeper than the shifting sand, the restless sea. Quietness is in the depths. The “water of salvation” is plentiful and pure, but must be drawn from its source. Since most of your life is lived on the surface, it is all the more necessary that you take the time
to go deep and tap the life-giving wells.