By Sr. Spero
In the Lauds service this morning, I noticed that the psalm verse familiar to me as “Let me hear of joy and gladness” (Psalm 51:8) was translated “Let me hear joy and gladness.” At first I thought it was a mistake. But then I considered—is this what the Psalmist really meant. Not—“ let someone come to me with good news,” but “let me hear joy.” Hearing joy has nothing to do with outward circumstances. It is an act of the will to listen to the joy that is surrounding us. The heavens declare the glory of God. (Psalm 19:1) The heavens praise your wonders, LORD (Psalm 89:5). The Scriptures that that it is there. Do I listen for joy? Do I open my ears to catch it? Not often. But is it possible if I set my will to listen for it? Yes!