October 12 Echoes of Eternity
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Hebrews 11:3
New every morning is My love for you. Let your love for Me be renewed in this meeting. Put the fears and shadows of the night behind you, and see Me in the unfolding of the day.
This world extends in time by My permission and My will. Ages and eons and epochs—these are but moments in eternity. I have created you and called you to live in eternity. You cannot grasp or
understand what that means. But you can embrace My love anew every day—every moment you are given to live. In this way you are entering eternity even while confined in time. Do not waste these little moments—seek to be renewed in your love for Me. Redeem the time.
Fight the battle of faith.
Paraclete Impressions