July 10 Echoes of Eternity
They looked unto Him, and were lightened; and their faces were not ashamed.
Psalm 34:5
My child, do not hurry. Wait for Me. Let the natural impatience of your soul be put to death by My delay. I know your need. You need not distress yourself. I always come on time. You will learn that if you will continue to wait on Me. I come laden with the gifts you need. Before you call, I am prepared with My answer. Yet your call is necessary, because you need to become needy in your own eyes. Take your eyes off the circumstances that cause inner turmoil. Leave them to Me. Let My Spirit convict and convert your heart—not out of fear of what others may think or say or do—but in holy sorrow and compunction of heart toward Me. You have yet much to learn about true conviction, deep repentance, and the peace that forgiveness brings.
Paraclete Impressions