November 30 Echoes of Eternity
As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
John 9:5
Morning by morning I speak to your heart. Morning by morning I renew your hope. The darkness of night is dispelled by the light, and the darkness of self is dispelled by My light. There is no life without My light—and whenever you choose your own way, you walk in the darkness of death. Joy and gladness do not—cannot—live in that self-chosen darkness. Fear and foreboding warn of the danger ahead if you persist in it. Seek the light, My child, seek the light.
Monthly Archives: November 2014
November 29 Echoes of Eternity . . . that in me first Jesus Christ might show fo…
November 29 Echoes of Eternity
. . . that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on Him to life everlasting.
I Timothy 1:16
I am the God of mercy. Your life, My child, is a manifestation of it. You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and set My mercy upon you. In a vessel such as you are—weak, unstable, hidden, and high-minded—only My mercy can bring forth any lasting good. The unlovable elements in your nature work against that mercy— war against it—striving for ascendancy and recognition. They are
always self-defeating. They produce their own punishment. But My mercies fail not. And your life is meant to show the fruit which grows from both. Let mercy prevail!
40% Off All Books, CDs & DVDs through Monday! "We make a living by what we get,…
40% Off All Books, CDs #amp; DVDs through Monday!
#quot;We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.#quot; —Winston Churchill
Free Shipping on orders of $50 or more.
Ebook sale! – Bestselling titles .99 and 2.99 at and on Amaz…
Ebook sale! – Bestselling titles .99 and 2.99 at and on Amazon – Heather King, Jana Reiss, Sybil MacBeth, Frederica Mathewes-Green, Scott Cairns, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove and others!
November 28 Echoes of Eternity He upbraided them with their unbelief and hardnes…
November 28 Echoes of Eternity
He upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart.
Mark 16:14
Yes, you are fearful to open the door of your heart to My voice. You are afraid of what I will say about your sins. And so this delay in our communion, while you “dance about,” insisting that you want to hear My word to you. You are still divided and pride still rules where humility should reign. O proud and foolish one! How long will you linger in the shades of separation when we might be
walking together in the path of light? I am grieved at your slowness of heart. I appeal to you by My many mercies—give up this pride and get on with it!
No Easy Thing
No Easy Thing
No Easy Thing | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other I believe true forgiveness is a process, and not a single event. I can say the proper words to end an unpleasant and difficult encounter, but I know words are not enough. I##039;ll rehash the hurt, sense of injustice, and anger many times before the work of genuine forgiveness is complete. I##039;m not proud of my slowness of heart, nor am I particularly ashamed of it. [ 25 more words. ]
No Easy Thing
By Sr. Nun Other
I believe true forgiveness is a process, and not a single event. I can say the proper words to end an unpleasant and difficult encounter, but I know words are not enough. I’ll rehash the hurt, sense of injustice, and anger many times before the work of genuine forgiveness is complete. I’m not proud of my slowness of heart, nor am I particularly ashamed of it. Forgiveness is a cherished commodity, forged as gold, and worthy of the perseverance it requires. It equally benefits both the forgiver and the forgiven.
Gives Thanks: I thank you that the day is quiet, the sun is bright, that awaren…
November 27 Echoes of Eternity When He putteth forth His own sheep, He goeth bef…
November 27 Echoes of Eternity
When He putteth forth His own sheep, He goeth before them, and the sheep follow Him: for they know His voice.
John 10:4
My voice is a mighty voice. My voice is a still, small voice. I speak in tones designed to carry out My will. Your ear is still too much attuned to your own voice and the voice of the world. Silence is essential to tuning in to My words to you. Do not think the time wasted in waiting. Do not grow impatient or disheartened that it takes you so long. Remember how long you have lived without this necessary preparation—and how sporadic and scattered were the
times you “heard” My voice. I have had to speak in “loud” tones of circumstances—some of them drastic—to guide you in My chosen way. But I would prefer to speak in the still, small voice, and see you willingly hear and obey. So I bid you, My child, do not give up on your waiting and listening—and learn to be still and know My voice.
Discipline of Gratitude
Discipline of Gratitude
Discipline of Gratitude | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk One November many years ago, our first president proclaimed: “Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be– That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks–for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country…” [ 401 more words. ]
Discipline of Gratitude
By Melodious Monk
One November many years ago, our first president proclaimed:
“Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be– That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks–for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country…”
Following in Washington’s footsteps during a difficult time for our nation, Abraham Lincoln said this:
“Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do hereby appoint and set apart the last Thursday in November next as a day which I desire to be observed by all my fellow-citizens, wherever they may then be, as a day of thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God, the beneficent Creator and Ruler of the Universe. And I do further recommend to my fellow-citizens aforesaid that on that occasion they do reverently humble themselves in the dust and from thence offer up penitent and fervent prayers and supplications to the Great Disposer of Events for a return of the inestimable blessings of peace, union, and harmony throughout the land which it has pleased Him to assign as a dwelling place for ourselves and for our posterity throughout all generations.”
Fast forwarding to our generation, the late Henri Nouwen, a man who seemed to know and cherish man’s universal purpose to glorify and give thanks to God, left us this advice. “In the past I always thought of gratitude as a spontaneous response to the awareness of gifts received, but now I realize that gratitude can also be lived as a discipline. The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy. Gratitude as a discipline involves a conscious choice. I can choose to be grateful even when my emotions and feelings are still steeped in hurt and resentment. It is amazing how many occasions present themselves in which I can choose gratitude instead of a complaint…the choice for gratitude rarely comes without some real effort. But each time I make it, the next choice is a little easier, a little freer, a little less self-conscious.”
Each day, and especially today, we can continue the generations-old tradition of choosing to place our thanks and trust in the loving “great disposer of events” as president Lincoln affectionately worded our creator. I hope that in some way, my small offering of thanks today, together with yours, can join myriad legions of angels to help guide all of us to taste some inestimable blessings.
Photo credit: Artist’s depiction of George Washington praying at Valley Forge. (Public Domain)
Shop for Advent and Christmas!
Paraclete Press is a publisher of Christian books, music and DVD##039;s from Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox and Jewish perspectives and traditions.
A great review in Christianity Today on Sarah Arthur's new book, Light upon Ligh…
A great review in Christianity Today on Sarah Arthur##039;s new book, Light upon Light: A Literary Guide to Prayer for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany
##039;Light upon Light##039; Brings Meaning to Advent and Beyond
A book review
November 26 Echoes of Eternity Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and ar…
November 26 Echoes of Eternity
Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.
Psalm 139:3
I am the first and the last, the beginning and the destiny of your life. I called you into being out of nothing, and willed your existence on earth. I loved you, even before you were conceived in your mother’s womb, and planned the path of your earthly life. I took into account your nature and the wrong choices you would make. They could not defeat My power and My plan, but they would cause you grief and suffering. My will for you is life, health, and strength. Weakness and sickness are allowed but are not My perfect will. Nevertheless
they are useful in fulfilling My plan. My persevering grace has kept you from falling headlong into ruin. Repentance and praise now are necessary to advance in the path I have set before you. Praise is repentance for it is a recognition and acceptance of My way over yours. Go forward along that path, for I am with you.
Circle of Life
Circle of Life
Circle of Life | The Community of Jesus
By Renaissance Girl Isn##039;t it interesting that at the same time we are ending the calendar year, we begin the church year? My type A personality brain says — couldn##039;t we have coordinated this better? But as I think about our decorating this past weekend, hanging lights from the huge tree in front of the Convent, stringing garland along the walkways, making baked goods for the gift shop or putting candles in windows, it strikes me that logic and coordination are not what this season is about. [ 49 more words. ]
Circle of Life
By Renaissance Girl
Isn’t it interesting that at the same time we are ending the calendar year, we begin the church year? My type A personality brain says — couldn’t we have coordinated this better?
But as I think about our decorating this past weekend, hanging lights from the huge tree in front of the Convent, stringing garland along the walkways, making baked goods for the gift shop or putting candles in windows, it strikes me that logic and coordination are not what this season is about.
Our human minds tell us the year is closing, things are ending, darkness is prevalent and sleep is the order of the day. Into this bursts the new Liturgical year, with light enough to illuminate the world, and cries “Sleepers Wake!” And we leave off endings and begin again.
Daily Email Subscription for Advent – $9.99. Reflections by Scott Cairns, Richar…
Daily Email Subscription for Advent – $9.99. Reflections by Scott Cairns, Richard John Neuhaus, Kathleen Norris, Emilie Griffin, Eugene Peterson, Luci Shaw.
November 25 Echoes of Eternity Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlastin…
November 25 Echoes of Eternity
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the people say Amen. Praise ye the Lord.
Psalm 106:48
My child, your thankfulness gladdens My heart and strengthens yours. It truly is a good thing to be thankful, because gratitude aligns your soul with My Spirit and opens you to the healing streams of My mercy. My heart is always gladdened when any child of mine becomes open to My mercy. Gratitude opens the “channels of reception,” which are necessary for you to receive the blessings I would willingly pour out on you. Gratitude is an antidote to false pride and
its distortions of the soul. It is an antidote to fear, because the soul recognizes the benevolence and good will which lay behind the gift. Gratitude opens the channels of fellowship and charity, because it kills false competition and jealousy. I have called you many times to praise and give thanks. My Word exhorts My people to give thanks. These are some of the inner reasons why praise is essential for your life with Me. Praise opens clogged channels, and the soul can grow stronger in the purer sunlight of My love and goodness when it turns away from itself and exercises this holy privilege.
Yes, My child, your thankfulness gladdens My heart and strengthens yours.
November 24 Echoes of Eternity For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all…
November 24 Echoes of Eternity
For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things, to whom be glory for ever. Amen.
Romans 11:36
Hear, My child, the word for today. There is no need that I cannot fill. There is no situation that I cannot redeem. Your faith is still dwarfed and stymied by your reasoning, and your deep fear is the product. Only by trusting Me beyond the limits of your reasoning can you begin to have freedom from the plaguing fears.
The future is Mine—your future and the future of your loved ones. My arm has not been cut off, and My resources are limited only by My nature and My will. I am aware of all your circumstances and the anxieties you entertain even in sleep about those you love. Be of good cheer. The end is not yet, and I am still at work. I have not forgotten My promises, and My plans for you are good, not evil. Stay on the path I have set before you, and trust Me for all that is to come.
Stand up for The King!
Stand up for The King!
Stand up for The King! | The Community of Jesus
By Cantor We often hear the phrase #quot;chant is so peaceful.#quot; Certainly, many chants do have an inherent sense of peace about them. But not all of them — sometimes the chant demands our attention, insisting that we stand up and listen! Last week, the communion antiphon began with the text #quot;Amen, dico vobis.#quot; Translated, that means #quot;So be it, I say to you.#quot; These words of Jesus are not set to a gentle recitation but rather burst forth on a trumpet-like motive that leaves no room for doubt that we need to listen to Jesus##039; words that follow. [ 119 more words. ]
Stand up for The King!
By Cantor
We often hear the phrase “chant is so peaceful.” Certainly, many chants do have an inherent sense of peace about them. But not all of them — sometimes the chant demands our attention, insisting that we stand up and listen!
Last week, the communion antiphon began with the text “Amen, dico vobis.” Translated, that means “So be it, I say to you.” These words of Jesus are not set to a gentle recitation but rather burst forth on a trumpet-like motive that leaves no room for doubt that we need to listen to Jesus’ words that follow.
All week, I found myself “hearing” that trumpet motive from other times of the church year. In fact that same sound occurs in the communion for Pentecost — “Factus est repente de caelo sonus” (A mighty sound came rushing out of Heaven); the introit for Christmas Day mass — “Puer natus est” (A boy is born unto us); the procession for Palm Sunday — “Hosanna, Filio David” (Hosanna to the Son of David), to name a few. In moments, I had been taken through much of the church year, reminded by a simple musical motive of the Kingship of Christ.
Credit for image 5070 – Music – Gregorian Chant
November 23 Echoes of Eternity And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my pe…
November 23 Echoes of Eternity
And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people.
Isaiah 65:19
I, the Lord God, Maker of heaven and earth, delight to hold fellowship with My lowly creatures. My love created them and gave them life and breath. My Spirit quickened them into new life, to enable them to seek Me and find Me in the appointed time. Marvel not that such is the case, for it is the nature of love to seek the good and happiness of others. My delight can only be increased as My
children find true joy and delight. My divine happiness, My joy, is increased by theirs. The joy that was set before Me on the cross was the sure faith-knowledge that My death would bring joy and delight to My children.
I do not seek craven servants, but joyful children. I do not find pleasure in fear-inspired service, though I accept it as a way-station toward maturity. When the fullness of love comes, our relation can be based on a mutual desire to bring joy to the other. Learning to see My design in purging out false dreams and aims is a step—a necessary step in the path to maturity. The tapestry of My plan begins to “make sense” as you view your life in this light.
The Death of Death: Put fear aside. Now that He has entered into death on our be…
The Death of Death:
Put fear aside. Now
that He has entered
into death on our behalf,
all who live
no longer die
as men once died.
That ephemeral occasion
has met its utter end.
As seeds cast to the earth, we
will not perish,
but like those seeds
shall rise again—the shroud
of death itself having been
burst to tatters
by love##039;s immensity.
— Scott Cairns, from The Endless Life
"This gorgeous book is going to remain at my reading chair, dog-eared and bookma…
#quot;This gorgeous book is going to remain at my reading chair, dog-eared and bookmarked, all through the Yuletide season. It will also be under the tree of just about everyone on my gift list. We will all have more interesting winters, and greater intimacy with Jesus, because of it.#quot;
—Lauren F. Winner, author of Still and Mudhouse Sabbath
November 22 Echoes of Eternity Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least…
November 22 Echoes of Eternity
Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.
Matthew 25:40
Interruptions are also of Me. Do not forget the parable of the priest and the Levite. Never let your predetermined agenda keep you from seeing My hand in the interruption. It is there, whether you recognize it or not.
November 21 Echoes of Eternity Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord, and…
November 21 Echoes of Eternity
Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord, and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father.
Isaiah 58:14
My dear child, I delight in those who find their delight in Me. I grieve for those whose delights are of this passing world. They will suffer great loss and rob themselves of many joys.
I call you to center your heart upon Me. Your failures and successes are not the goal of life. The true goal is to seek and find true life in Me.
I tell you again that I have loved you with an everlasting love. When fear and darkness come upon you, recall this word to your mind. Resist the accusations of the adversary that My grace is not sufficient for your needs. Oh, there is plenteous grace beyond your direst need. Am I not God? Let love cross out fear and be one of those who find their delight in Me.
Flash Friday- $10 Today Only- The Christmas Countdown: Creating 25 Days of New A…
Flash Friday- $10 Today Only- The Christmas Countdown: Creating 25 Days of New Advent Traditions for Families. Prepare your heart and home for a meaningful Christmas!
Assume The Best
Assume The Best
Assume The Best | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other It##039;s so easy to assume the worst, at least if you##039;re anxious by nature. I think of the Pilgrims, who, for the sake of their children and love of God, surrendered their fear of the unknown. They embarked on a rigorous journey of sacrifice, to establish one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all…
Assume The Best
By Sr. Nun Other
It’s so easy to assume the worst, at least if you’re anxious by nature. I think of the Pilgrims, who, for the sake of their children and love of God, surrendered their fear of the unknown. They embarked on a rigorous journey of sacrifice, to establish one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Facing fast and furious seas, starvation, disease, and desolate wilderness, they pressed on. Then, in thanksgiving, joined hands in a symbolic feast of community. May we all be thankful, assume the best, and rest in God’s love this Thanksgiving!
All Lumen Christi Candles 25% Off Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh Candles add light…
All Lumen Christi Candles 25% Off
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh Candles add light and heavenly fragrance to any room. This beautiful trio of handmade candles make a unique and meaningful gift.
#quot;They entered the house and saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then, they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.#quot; Matthew 2:11
"This is a wonderful story about the power of a child's imagination and a remind…
#quot;This is a wonderful story about the power of a child##039;s imagination and a reminder to adults that we should encourage children to use it often. It##039;s a good reminder that it is the simple gifts that are the most valuable. This will be a must read each Christmas season.#quot;
— A Reviewer on
Little Rascal: How is it birds who come in plain packets sing so extravagantly?…
Little Rascal:
How is it birds who
come in plain packets sing so
Little brown winged-thing,
hardly worth looking at,
urchin hid in shrub,
tell me where you stole
that dazzling necklace
strung with diamond notes?
Out of God##039;s pocket?
— Paul Quenon, from Unquiet Vigil
November 20 Echoes of Eternity Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Fa…
November 20 Echoes of Eternity
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
James 1:27
I send you out from these quiet times to live out and prove the realities you meet here. Only in the press of the day and the needs of the night can you come to know that what I tell you here is truth. Otherwise it would become an escape into an unreal world of fantasy, cut off from your real life. That is certainly not what these quiet times are meant to be. They are organically connected with the
whole of your life: all your struggles, relationships, and uncertainties, your temptations and your wounds. Use them more faithfully. Recall them to mind more frequently. Refresh yourself here at the fountain of life for the heat of the day, and return hither in heart and mind in the dry season. My grace is sufficient for you.
Pieces of Prayer
Pieces of Prayer
Pieces of Prayer | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk Jesus once told us, #quot;Truly, I say to you, ##039;Everything you ask for, praying, believe that you will receive (it), and it will be done for you.##039; #quot; All this week during communion we sing these words from Matthew in the Communion proper for the day. As I stand waiting to receive communion, I##039;m aware of who##039;s in my immediate vicinity, a Catholic man from New Jersey, a Methodist from Texas, and several elementary and middle school aged kids, all of us singing this prayer together. [ 171 more words. ]
Pieces of Prayer
By Melodious Monk
Jesus once told us, “Truly, I say to you, ‘Everything you ask for, praying, believe that you will receive (it), and it will be done for you.’ ”
All this week during communion we sing these words from Matthew in the Communion proper for the day. As I stand waiting to receive communion, I’m aware of who’s in my immediate vicinity, a Catholic man from New Jersey, a Methodist from Texas, and several elementary and middle school aged kids, all of us singing this prayer together. I don’t know why it caught my attention, but it struck me that all of us from very different backgrounds and age groups were being united through prayer and through this song.
And I wonder what each of us was asking God this morning? Perhaps a wide variety of things.
Among many, one thing on my mind was the headline to the Boston Globe I saw on the way out the door this morning; that 5 people were killed in a synagogue in Jerusalem, four of them while praying, and the 5th man trying to protect the others. I wonder what these men were asking of God in their house of worship. I wonder how God’s “in-box” works for all the requests he must receive. Does he sort them by the ones that are sent with belief, and the ones without? I find comfort in praying. But in my pieces of prayer tossed to the heavens, do I actually believe that they can and will happen? Or do I only ask?
JUST IN! Flunking Sainthood Every Day: A Daily Devotional for the Rest of Us. A…
JUST IN! Flunking Sainthood Every Day: A Daily Devotional for the Rest of Us. A wonderful way to start the new year.
Special Discount— 30% Off
“This devotional will stimulate your brain, companion your soul, and inspire you.” —Lauren F. Winner, author of Mudhouse Sabbath and Still
Free study guide on our website invites you to explore Advent in a group. Throug…
Free study guide on our website invites you to explore Advent in a group. Through the exchange of ideas and mutual encouragement, study of this book can enhance the season for you, your family, and your congregation. Four 1-hour sessions are offered that focus on Advent and segue into Christmas and Epiphany by session 4. Session 1 begins the week prior to the first Sunday of Advent. (Think: soon!)
The Season of the Nativity: Confessions and Practices of an Advent, Christmas #amp; Epiphany Extremist
The Season of the Nativity: Confessions and Practices of an Advent, Christmas #amp; Epiphany Extremist – Sybil MacBeth writes that Advent and Epiphany are the often-neglected parentheses around Christmas. …
November 19 Echoes of Eternity For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but…
November 19 Echoes of Eternity
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and of a sound mind.
II Timothy 1:7
In mercy I come to you to renew your spirit. Life is My gift to you, not only your physical life, but the spiritual life I impart. All life is Mine. That is a mystery too deep for your understanding. What you can understand, My child, is that your life is My gift and continually comes from Me. So why the worry and fear? Why do you allow ground for accusation against Me? Have I not promised to be with
you to the end? Have I failed you hitherto? Be more aggressive against these wicked thoughts when they come in the night. Reclaim what you have surrendered and recognize the enemy when he appears.
Life is My gift to you. Your life continually comes from Me. Don’t waste it in faithless fears and wicked accusations.
Risking Advent-ure
Risking Advent-ure
Risking Advent-ure | The Community of Jesus
By Renaissance Girl I was talking with a friend last night, just in passing. Talking about life, and change, and being afraid of new things. She said that someone had recently pointed out to her that the word adventure has the word advent in it. I know Advent is still two weeks away, but actually, it really caught my attention. I love words, and I love exploring where they come from and what they mean. [ 177 more words. ]
Risking Advent-ure
By Renaissance Girl
I was talking with a friend last night, just in passing. Talking about life, and change, and being afraid of new things. She said that someone had recently pointed out to her that the word adventure has the word advent in it. I know Advent is still two weeks away, but actually, it really caught my attention. I love words, and I love exploring where they come from and what they mean. Both the root of advent and adventure can be traced back to the Latin advenire — “to come to, reach for, arrive at.” Later uses introduced a sense of risk or danger. One definition that struck me was, “a risky undertaking of unknown outcome.”
Look at the story of Christ, who arrived on earth as a vulnerable baby, forced to flee shortly after his birth, challenged in the desert by the devil himself, betrayed by a friend, nailed to a cross, and raised from the dead… Talk about risk and unknown outcome!
But here’s what really got my attention — the suffix -ure indicates “act, process or result.” Start putting these parts together and you get things like — “the act of reaching for, the process of arriving at, the result of coming to.” So of course adventure requires risk, and unknown outcome — but can’t we hang on to the outcome that we do know? That Christ’s “risky undertaking of unknown outcome” resulted in our redemption. And so we reach for the adventure of Advent.
Sybil MacBeth has started a "Holiday Revolution"!
Sybil MacBeth has started a #quot;Holiday Revolution#quot;!
Christmas as a Season: Sybil MacBeth’s “The Season of Nativity” and a Holiday Revolution
There is perhaps no holiday for which it is possible to go more “all out” than Christmas. Stores start their marketing campaigns before the calendar has turned to Fall; Christmas trees go up before Thanksgiving dinners have even been digested (or earlier!); yards quickly fill with ever-more-enormous…
From ImageUpdate (the biweekly e-mail newsletter from Image): Light Upon Light:…
From ImageUpdate (the biweekly e-mail newsletter from Image): Light Upon Light: A Literary Guide to Prayer for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany by Sarah Arthur
#quot;You’re invited to a feast this Christmas. Sarah Arthur, editor of the collection At the Still Point: A Literary Guide to Ordinary Time, has published another volume with Paraclete Press, Light Upon Light: A Literary Guide to Prayer for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. If you’ve prepared for past Christmas seasons with the help of God With Us, Image’s own book of meditations from some of our favorite spiritual writers, you’ll find Light Upon Light to be another rich tapestry of poetry, fiction, and scripture. A mix of the venerable and the fresh, pieces from Eliot, Chesterton, and Rosetti are paired with contemporary writers like Amit Majmudar (read Arthur##039;s recent interview with Majmudar on Good Letters here), Susanna Childress, and Tania Runyan (all Image contributors). Arthur##039;s curation is sensitive and inviting to epiphany: for the narrative of Christ##039;s birth, she pairs Li-Young Lee’s #quot;The Eternal Son,#quot; a poem aching with the necessary abandonment of growing up (#quot;and if she’s weeping / it##039;s because she’s misplaced / both our childhoods#quot;), bookended by an excerpt from Gary D. Schmidt##039;s The Wednesday Wars, in which a seventh-grade protagonist witnesses the tarnishing of a childhood hero. Not every piece is Christmas-themed; pieces from the canon (Dickens##039; The Christmas Carol, Andersen##039;s fairy tale #quot;The Snow Queen,#quot; classic poems by Donne and Tennyson) are laid side by side with Jeanne Murray Walker##039;s #quot;Staying Power#quot; (epigraph: #quot;In appreciation of Maxim Gorky at the International Convention of Atheists, 1929#quot;) and an excerpt from Dostoevsky##039;s Notes from the Underground. You##039;ll find food for nostalgia as well as delightful new voices, including Arthur##039;s own. In short: both spiritual succor and pure pleasure.#quot;
Light up your season with this gem of a collection: buy your copy here.
November 18 Echoes of Eternity It is good that a man should both hope and quietl…
November 18 Echoes of Eternity
It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.
Lamentations 3:26
In quietness you shall possess your soul. In stillness you shall hear My voice. Strive to enter into My rest. Learn the secret, while you yet have time, of letting go. You still cling to the old ways of anxiousness and care. Your fears are grounded in this clinging, so you are bound rather than free, troubled rather than peaceful.
Do you not know, My child, that I am the Source and Giver of the peace for which you long? Seek that peace which is Mine, for in it you will be freed from the night demons of panic and terror. Claim the inheritance which is yours as My child, and do not despise My dealings. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
O Come Emmanuel: A Musical Tour of Daily Readings for Advent and Christmas- A wo…
O Come Emmanuel: A Musical Tour of Daily Readings for Advent and Christmas- A wonderful gift for your choir members!
Special Price: $8.00
November 17 Echoes of Eternity My beloved is mine, and I am His . . . until the…
November 17 Echoes of Eternity
My beloved is mine, and I am His . . . until the day break and the shadows flee away.
Song of Solomon 2:16,17
I am here. I am here for you. I wait to be gracious. I wait to touch your heart with My tenderness. “Majestic sweetness sits enthroned.” You have as yet touched only the edges of My ways, the hem of My garment. Remember this, My child, I am the Savior. I did not come into your life and your world to condemn you. I came to save you, to call you out of darkness into My light.
Where I am there is light. Darkness flees before My face, and the darkness in you must flee and find no room if you are to dwell in My light. I call you to be a light-dweller and a light-bearer, and My grace is sufficient for you.
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Cantor Follow the theme! Friday Lauds opens with Psalm 51, perhaps the most famous of all the penitential psalms — Have mercy on me, O God. As we began Lauds last Friday, I thought again about the fact we always begin Friday morning asking God##039;s mercy. However, as we continued through the service, the word mercy began to present itself in other places — in the opening of the 2nd psalm # 143, [ 146 more words. ]
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
By Cantor
Follow the theme!
Friday Lauds opens with Psalm 51, perhaps the most famous of all the penitential psalms – Have mercy on me, O God. As we began Lauds last Friday, I thought again about the fact we always begin Friday morning asking God’s mercy. However, as we continued through the service, the word mercy began to present itself in other places — in the opening of the 2nd psalm # 143, O Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in the brief response, Make me to hear your mercy in the morning; in the Gospel antiphon, By the inmost mercies of our God, the rising sun has visited us from on high; and the 4th verse of the Benedictus, to show mercy to our fathers. I realized that we had been moved through an entire service by the theme of God’s mercy!
This idea of a theme throughout a worship service — the Divine Office or the Eucharist — is not new. On the contrary, it is quite old! But the power of a theme to speak is not diminished by time, only enhanced. Mary Berry used to call these themes the “hidden gems.”
Credit for Chant Image:Concert of Gregorian Chant – Mdina, Malta
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
By Cantor
Follow the theme!
Friday Lauds opens with Psalm 51, perhaps the most famous of all the penitential psalms – Have mercy on me, O God. As we began Lauds last Friday, I thought again about the fact we always begin Friday morning asking God’s mercy. However, as we continued through the service, the word mercy began to present itself in other places — in the opening of the 2nd psalm # 143, O Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in the brief response, Make me to hear your mercy in the morning; in the Gospel antiphon, By the inmost mercies of our God, the rising sun has visited us from on high; and the 4th verse of the Benedictus, to show mercy to our fathers. I realized that we had been moved through an entire service by the theme of God’s mercy!
This idea of a theme throughout a worship service — the Divine Office or the Eucharist — is not new. On the contrary, it is quite old! But the power of a theme to speak is not diminished by time, only enhanced. Mary Berry used to call these themes the “hidden gems.”
Credit for Chant Image:Concert of Gregorian Chant – Mdina, Malta
November 16 Echoes of Eternity Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, l…
November 16 Echoes of Eternity
Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
Hebrews 4:11
My child, do not despise My chastening and do not doubt My love. Bend your neck to My yoke, and do not resist My leading. I know the way that is best for you. You do not know the way. Left to yourself, you would wander far afield from My path, and so, in mercy, I check and turn. Be not dismayed at these turns in the road. Do not willfully push past them, but trust the processes that I am using for your good. Go over the lessons you have learned and remember how much you still need to grow in faith and trust in me. Blessed are those who persevere in this path and do not “kick over the traces” by which I would steer them. You can choose to “stay the course” I have set before you. Do not resist My leading and do not doubt My love.
Monk's Prayer: At the monastic center is always a cloister an orchestrated empti…
Monk##039;s Prayer:
At the monastic center
is always a cloister
an orchestrated emptiness,
a place of light,
a fountain to feed
the heart##039;s garden.
Give me this life:
a center empty
of all but light,
the stillness of Eden
before fruit was plucked,
my heart a spring
of living water.
— Bonnie Thurston
November 15 Echoes of Eternity I know, O Lord, that Thy judgments are right, and…
November 15 Echoes of Eternity
I know, O Lord, that Thy judgments are right, and that Thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.
Psalm 119:75
I, the Lord, try the hearts of those I love. The furnace of affliction burns away the dross of self-love, the overgrowth of worldly cares. Though it seems hard, even cruel, it is love in action. Few understand this, and many of My children allow themselves to become confused and bewildered when the afflictions come. The heart must be tried, because it is fickle and untrustworthy. Your affections are not pure, but are mixed with personal desires that have nothing to do with My
will for you. So with these “severe mercies,” I trim away and purge away—with your cooperation and assent. Nothing about these trials is automatic, for I do not force your will. Be aware, My child, of the quality of mercy in all your afflictions—emotional and physical. They are meant to free you of guilt, fear, and false goals.
Musical Merriment for Anyone on Your List – 35% off All CDs http://www.paraclete…
Musical Merriment for Anyone on Your List – 35% off All CDs
35% Off All CDs through November 20th! The perfect gift for anyone who can’t mak…
35% Off All CDs through November 20th!
The perfect gift for anyone who can’t make it to a service for Christmas Eve—Beloved Carols and the traditional Christmas story from the Gospel of Mathew. It will become a favorite tradition for years to come!
Flash Friday— Life is A Gift: A Book for Thankful Hearts— $10 Today! "The most i…
Flash Friday— Life is A Gift: A Book for Thankful Hearts— $10 Today!
#quot;The most important prayer in the world is just two words long: ##039;Thank you##039;. #quot; — Meister Eckhart
November 14 Echoes of Eternity For God, who commanded the light to shine out of…
November 14 Echoes of Eternity
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
II Corinthians 4:6
You are blessed, My child, when your mind is stayed on Me. When you allow your mind to wander in forbidden paths, thorns and pain await you. I said “allow” because you must give your mind permission to wander in paths of darkness.
My light is ever shining. It is always available to My children. I do not withhold it from those who are willing to seek it and walk in it. So choose light rather than darkness. Choose life rather than death. Choose My peace rather than torment. You are blessed when your mind is stayed on Me.
An Ecounter With Joy
An Ecounter With Joy
An Ecounter With Joy | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other If I were to write a musical, I would juxtapose two hymns that are beautifully simple, and simply beautiful. Our Communion hymn for last week was the 18th. century Shaker hymn, Simple Gifts. I stood near the altar during the singing of it, surrounded by delightful mosaic tile flowers, insects, butterflies, mammals, and sea creatures. They swirled and flourished beneath my feet with enviable freedom and energy, content to be as God created them. [ 93 more words. ]
An Ecounter With Joy
By Sr. Nun Other
If I were to write a musical, I would juxtapose two hymns that are beautifully simple, and simply beautiful. Our Communion hymn for last week was the 18th. century Shaker hymn, Simple Gifts. I stood near the altar during the singing of it, surrounded by delightful mosaic tile flowers, insects, butterflies, mammals, and sea creatures. They swirled and flourished beneath my feet with enviable freedom and energy, content to be as God created them. Mind and imagination took over, and I added my own (non auditory!) touch as we sang: ‘Tis the gift to be simple,’tis the gift to be free…all things bright and beautiful…’tis the gift to come down where we ought to be…all creatures great and small…in the place just right….all things wise and wonderful…in the valley of love and delight… the Lord God made us all! Creation interrupts our busy, sometimes chaotic lives, to teach simplicity of heart, humbleness of spirit, and unfailing trust in God.
A lovely gift. 35% off. "…be transported to a timeless place of eternal beauty…
A lovely gift. 35% off. #quot;…be transported to a timeless place of eternal beauty.#quot;
November 13 Echoes of Eternity Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure,…
November 13 Echoes of Eternity
Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His.
II Timothy 2:19
I have spoken to your fear and to your faith. I have laid a sure foundation on which to walk and stand. My foundation is sure—it cannot fail because it is Mine. Too many times, My child, you have stepped aside and stood on false foundations. When they gave way and betrayed your trust, fear grew in you. Now that your eyes have been opened and enlightened, you can choose to remain upon that Solid Rock which cannot fail. Build there and you will have nothing to fear when the storms come.
Surprised by Joy
Surprised by Joy
Surprised by Joy | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk I haven##039;t wanted to get out of bed all week. I wasn##039;t sure if it was tiredness, the gloomy weather, or all of the above! I couldn##039;t muster enough will-power to make this feeling go away. I asked for help from friends, tried exercising, praying, eating differently, but even the parts of the week I look forward to and expect to uplift me, didn##039;t help. [ 124 more words. ]
Surprised by Joy
By Melodious Monk
I haven’t wanted to get out of bed all week. I wasn’t sure if it was tiredness, the gloomy weather, or all of the above! I couldn’t muster enough will-power to make this feeling go away. I asked for help from friends, tried exercising, praying, eating differently, but even the parts of the week I look forward to and expect to uplift me, didn’t help. Sunday a group of young kids from Boston came to sing in our church. As I came through the back door of our Church in the afternoon, I heard their sound, and stopped. I had forgotten these suburban area kids had traveled down to the Cape to spend a day at our facilities. I ran to the back door to peak in on their rehearsal. Youthfulness, joy and honesty rang around the room. I stopped and listened long enough to see and hear the joy it was for these kids to sing. It made me smile, and remember that sometimes we must just keep putting one foot in front of another, not knowing when God might use a moment to re-awaken us inside.
Sybil MacBeth, the Praying in Color lady, makes a confession and then challenges…
Sybil MacBeth, the Praying in Color lady, makes a confession and then challenges us to take a moment on November 30, the First Sunday in Advent, to contemplate new, deeper, more playful ways to approach the season of the Nativity.Watch her here…
Advent Video.MOV
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40% off today! “Maybe it’s not right to think of feasting during the somewhat pe…
40% off today! “Maybe it’s not right to think of feasting during the somewhat penitential season of Advent, but that is what this book is: a sumptuous feast.” Lauren F. Winner (A Literary Guide to Prayer for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany)
The team at Paraclete has put together thoughtfully selected gifts for anyone on…
The team at Paraclete has put together thoughtfully selected gifts for anyone on your list. Let us add a personal touch with gift wrapping and a handmade card. Your purchase will be handled with care and sent with our prayers for a most blessed Advent and Christmas season!
"O Lord who lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness." — Willia…
#quot;O Lord who lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.#quot;
— William Shakespeare
Life Is A Gift Set is on Sale!
Life is a Gift Set
Life is a Gift Set – Become a Person of Gratitude! This beautiful book and journal are designed for recounting and recording all the good things…
November 12 Echoes of Eternity That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to…
November 12 Echoes of Eternity
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine . . . whereby they lie in wait to deceive.
Ephesians 4:14
Put aside your petty thoughts and ways, My child, and allow your soul to be enlarged before My greatness. There are many mysteries you cannot understand for you are finite, dust. Yet I have loved you and called you forth from nothingness to share My glory and My love. This mystery will always remain a source of joy and wonder.
Do not try to reason out how My purposes unfold. Keep close to the central truths you have been shown, and do not wander into vain speculations. Remember that you are dust, and remember, My child, how vulnerable you are to temptation. Let no pride nor delusion of strength deceive you about your true condition. Your struggles are not
over, and your mind easily moves into harmful areas which bring doubt, fear, and guilt.
I want you to come to a settled peace in Me. It can happen. You must seek this and be willing to cooperate with Me if it is to be yours.
Give Thanks in all Things
Give Thanks in all Things
Give Thanks in all Things | The Community of Jesus
By Renaissance Girl I logged on to the other day and was startled to see, staring back at me, a #quot;countdown to Black Friday#quot; (which, as it turns out, now begins for many stores at 5pm on Thanksgiving Day). The one day a year that we are actually encouraged as a nation to express gratitude for what we have, is fast becoming another day we are encouraged to aggressively go after what we want. [ 73 more words. ]
Give Thanks in all Things
By Renaissance Girl
I logged on to the other day and was startled to see, staring back at me, a “countdown to Black Friday” (which, as it turns out, now begins for many stores at 5pm on Thanksgiving Day).
The one day a year that we are actually encouraged as a nation to express gratitude for what we have, is fast becoming another day we are encouraged to aggressively go after what we want.
I felt myself self-righteously puffing up with a rant about lack of gratitude and “where are our values” and then ground to a halt. How often do I live this way myself? Not grateful in the moment for the blessings in my life, but clocking my own personal countdown to the next thing on the horizon that I am sure will make my life perfect.
Perhaps “Thanksgiving Day” could be every day.
Timeline Photos
We are grateful to Veterans and their families. God bless you on this day and always. Thank you.
#quot;Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure our liberty.#quot;
-John F. Kennedy
Donna Marie Cooper- O'Boyle met with Fr. Andrew Apostoli to discuss her book, An…
Donna Marie Cooper- O##039;Boyle met with Fr. Andrew Apostoli to discuss her book, Angels for Kids, on EWTN.
Sunday Night Prime | Eternal Word Television Network, Global Catholic Network
Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) featuring Catholic Q and A, a Catholic Document Library, an Audio Library, Catholic News, a daily Catholic podcast, programming information for EWTN Television and EWTN radio
The Season of the Nativity by Sybil MacBeth- Now the #1 New Release for Christia…
The Season of the Nativity by Sybil MacBeth- Now the #1 New Release for Christian families on Amazon!
The Season of the Nativity: Confessions and Practices of an Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany…
Advent and Epiphany are the often-neglected parentheses around Christmas. Sybil MacBeth wants to change that. The Season of the Nativity Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany deserves more attention and better publicity. As the opening three acts for the liturgical year, it sets the stage…
Sybil MacBeth talks about her new book, The Seasons of the Nativity. http://www….
Sybil MacBeth talks about her new book, The Seasons of the Nativity.
Confessions of an Advent Extremist: A Q#amp;A with Sybil MacBeth
#quot;Praying In Color#quot; author and retreat leader Sybil MacBeth discusses her new book, #quot;The Season of the Nativity: Confessions of an Advent, Christmas and Epiph…
“Music has power. . . . When used appropriately, music can shift mood, manage st…
“Music has power. . . . When used appropriately, music can shift mood, manage stress-induced agitation, stimulate positive interactions, facilitate cognitive function, and coordinate motor movements.” —Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
35% Off All CDs through November 20th.
Travel to Italy and learn about St. Francis with 3 scholars in a beautiful conte…
Travel to Italy and learn about St. Francis with 3 scholars in a beautiful context for reflection and contemplation, an atmosphere of monastic hospitality and peace. Mount Tabor Books is a series from Paraclete Press.
November 10 Echoes of Eternity The Lord hath prepared His throne in the heavens;…
November 10 Echoes of Eternity
The Lord hath prepared His throne in the heavens; and His kingdom ruleth over all.
Psalm 103:19
In My will for you there is much still to be learned. The horizons of your mind are still too narrow and confined. Your heart must become larger and freer if you are to follow My plan for you. I have
allowed you to see some of the vastness of My creation and to see the results of My patient process in creation. Let these images challenge the smallness and pettiness that is natural to you. Come out of the rigid narrowness of your nature and indulge yourself in the greatness
of Mine.
My plans for you are not yet fulfilled. Embrace each day with a new enthusiasm and hope. Fight against the fear and negative outlook that lurks beneath the surface of your most positive days. My kingdom will come and My will shall prevail—so live and pray with a new confidence. This is pleasing in My sight—and more pleasing by far than cringing, fearful prayer that doubts My fatherly care!
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
By Cantor The Mood of the Mode One of the beauties of chant is that it teaches through sound. It is difficult for most of us to realize, without considerable effort, what life would be like if we could not read — it seems unimaginable. Yet, in the centuries when many of our most ancient chants were newly composed, only the educated minority could read. [ 196 more words. ]
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
By Cantor
The Mood of the Mode
One of the beauties of chant is that it teaches through sound. It is difficult for most of us to realize, without considerable effort, what life would be like if we could not read — it seems unimaginable. Yet, in the centuries when many of our most ancient chants were newly composed, only the educated minority could read. So, in an effort to teach the chant, composers often united certain sounds with certain texts or seasons. In this way, through repetition, people started to learn things such as the seasons of the church year, feast days, etc., through association with sound.
However, these composers did not just wake up one morning, get out their “catalog of modes” and say, “today, I shall compose in Mode II.” The definition and categorization of modes actually came after the chant already existed. It was a subtle skill they employed which was based upon a sense of using particular sounds to evoke or underscore certain emotions, thoughts, or ideas.
The image below is actually a chart with simple, modal descriptions of some of the great music theorists and composers of the last 1000 years: Guido d’ Arezzo (11th century), Adam de Fulda, (15th Century) and Juan Espinoza (17th Century). If you look at these descriptions and then take a look at some of your favorite chants, you might find you have a fresh perspective of some pieces that you know quite well!
Image Credit: Mode Chart copyright Community of Jesus, Inc, 2014.
November 9 Echoes of Eternity . . . that your love may abound yet more and more….
November 9 Echoes of Eternity
. . . that your love may abound yet more and more.
Philippians 1:9
My dear child, My thoughts are not like your thoughts, and My ways are not like your ways. That old truth is being underlined during this phase of your earthly journey. Your thoughts are erratic, moved by fear at the slightest shadow, ever ready to excuse yourself. By now you should know and accept that about yourself. When you are confronted with conflicting thoughts, especially about yourself, I counsel you to listen, to pray and to refuse to retreat into a stronghold of righteousness.
Only in this way can you allow the truth further entrance into your soul. Only in this way can your thoughts align themselves with Mine. That, My dear child, is My aim and desire for you.
November 8 Echoes of Eternity Now the God of peace, that brought again from the…
November 8 Echoes of Eternity
Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus. . . make you perfect in every good work to do His will.
Hebrews 13:20,21
Serve me with gladness, My child, and rejoice in My mercy. Wait for Me when I bid you wait, and do not let your impatience betray you into disobedience. Faithfulness often involves waiting during quiet or dry seasons.
Purify your heart from hatred and bitterness. Purge out the leaven of desire for that which I have held from you. Self-pity has no place in our relationship. Serve me with gladness. Rejoice in My mercy. This is the path of true fulfillment, and you have the privilege of choosing it.
New and Bestselling Books 40% off this weekend-Lovely Gifts. http://www.paraclet…
New and Bestselling Books 40% off this weekend-Lovely Gifts.
Flash Friday Sale! $5 Today- Centering Prayers: A One-Year Daily Companion for G…
Flash Friday Sale! $5 Today- Centering Prayers: A One-Year Daily Companion for Going Deeper into the Love of God.
November 7 Echoes of Eternity With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and…
November 7 Echoes of Eternity
With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord.
Ephesians 6:7,8
You are still too concerned about what others think of you. This is a serious block in your relationship with Me. It distorts your perception and hobbles your feet. I would not have you to be unmindful and deaf to what others say to you, but you magnify their input to such a degree that it does not do its intended work. You are seeking life in their good opinion of you and you interpret their negative words as destruction rather than helpful correction of some fault.
This, My child, is immature behavior. Part of your hidden design in all your work is the demand that it be accepted and approved. Take courage and trust Me. I will not fail you!
Rely On, Relied Upon
Rely On, Relied Upon
Rely On, Relied Upon
I consider it my right to demand that God earn my trust. I certainly have enough unrequited hurts to justify skepticism…or so I believed. Then along came a single Bible verse that turned me upside down and led to considerable inward debate. Psalm 25:7: The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. The Hebrew word yare – to fear – also means to respect or reverence.
Rely On, Relied Upon
I consider it my right to demand that God earn my trust. I certainly have enough unrequited hurts to justify skepticism…or so I believed. Then along came a single Bible verse that turned me upside down and led to considerable inward debate. Psalm 25:7: The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. The Hebrew word yare – to fear – also means to respect or reverence. To paraphrase, The Lord confides in those who respect him and shares with them the desires of his heart. The Lord searches for those he can trust with his love for another, patience and kindness in adversity, or joy in a time of sorrow. Will I respond unselfishly or demand for myself?
November 6 Echoes of Eternity Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an…
November 6 Echoes of Eternity
Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a purchased people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
I Peter 2:9
I make the light of My countenance to shine upon you. I look upon you with mercy and compassion, because I know who you are. Look on yourself not with disdain or despising. You are the work of My hands, and too much negative attention on your failures and faults is an exercise in self. There is a better way—rejoicing in My saving work, rejoicing in what I have accomplished for you, rejoicing in My incarnation and My complete identification with you. I became what you are without sinning, in order to lead you toward what you are yet to be. The light of My countenance still shines upon you, and the path before us still leads to your true destiny. So do not whine or repine. Rejoice in Me, and all I have given you.
Spoiled with Riches
Spoiled with Riches
Spoiled with Riches
The church is full of so many riches. After morning Lauds and Eucharist, I##039;m asking myself, #quot;why do we so settle for so little?#quot; Beautiful prayers, full of profound and extraordinary possibilities, mystery and hope roll off our tongues. But I know at crossroads throughout the day, the prayers and beliefs I##039;ve just spoke will be temporarily sidelined. I##039;ll forget to include God moment by moment in the conversations of the day and will settle for less then He would give me.
Spoiled with Riches

The Surface of Things: Is everything really illusion? Might I pass through this…
The Surface of Things:
Is everything really illusion?
Might I pass through this heavy oak door
without opening it?
I lean gently to and feel it yield to weight
swaying in agreement—
my respect for it##039;s solidity,
to my passage it yields a breath of concession.
Jesus had such exquisite care
not to disturb the surface of water
that he could walk on it.
— A Poem by Paul Quenon, author of Unquiet Vigil
40% OFF This Book and All New Releases Through Sunday. http://www.paracletepress…
40% OFF This Book and All New Releases Through Sunday.
A great review on Sybil MacBeth's new book, currently featured on the Patheos Bo…
A great review on Sybil MacBeth##039;s new book, currently featured on the Patheos Book Club! (Her new book is 30% off at
Watching #amp; Waking: A New (old) Approach for the Seasons of Advent, Christmas #amp; Epiphany
Part reflection, part intentional activity, Sybil MacBeth##039;s new book, The Season of the Nativity, offers readers the opportunity to experience the church seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Ep…
November 5 Echoes of Eternity Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalte…
November 5 Echoes of Eternity
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:10
Be still. For in the stillness My Voice can be heard. I have brought you here for My purposes. Listen for My Voice and My guidance. Put aside your own preferences and reasoning. Listen, so
that My purposes may prevail. I enter your thoughts as light enters darkness. Without sound
or fury, all becomes different. What was hidden is revealed, truth replaces error, reality replaces fantasy. Seek this grace, so that you will not stumble and lead others astray. My word and My will are worth seeking, and when found, they are worth following, at any cost.
Remember always, My child, I seek your good. My will for you is good. Despise not My ways, for they are the Way to life, peace, hope and joy.
Come Wind and Weather!
Come Wind and Weather!
Come Wind and Weather!
Sunday we had a #quot;Nor##039;easter.#quot; Actually, it started Saturday with rain and high winds, and a sudden drop in temperature. I was outside Saturday evening greeting for the choir concert. The cloudy, rainy sky made things seem even darker than they were, and I wondered if people would come out on such a night. At around 7:00 they started to arrive — and they kept arriving straight through until 7:30!
Come Wind and Weather!
Sunday we had a “Nor’easter.” Actually, it started Saturday with rain and high winds, and a sudden drop in temperature. I was outside Saturday evening greeting for the choir concert. The cloudy, rainy sky made things seem even darker than they were, and I wondered if people would come out on such a night. At around 7:00 they started to arrive — and they kept arriving straight through until 7:30! There were old people and young people, people with walkers, and a trio of laughing women holding their hoods tight against the wind. There was a blind woman and a deaf man and the proud family of one of the violin players. They hopped on the back of waiting golf carts and clung to the sides, laughing their way up the path to the church. I walked back and forth, offering my arm to people leaning against the wind. Everyone was smiling. One man even commented on how beautiful everything was. And I had to pause. I had started the evening almost apologetically, as if the bad weather was somehow my fault. It was a beautiful sight. The windows of the church and surrounding buildings lit the night with a warm light, almost like a beacon. And inside the church, while the choir, soloist and orchestra filled the space with the breathtaking music of Gerald Finzi, the beauty shone in the faces of the people listening. I forgot about the storm. There, gathered with strangers who somehow felt like friends, I found exactly why one would come out on such a night.
Send a gift to honor or to say thank you a Veteran – Veteran's Day is next Tuesd…
Send a gift to honor or to say thank you a Veteran – Veteran##039;s Day is next Tuesday. Free shipping this week for anything you send to those who have served our country. Use code FREESHIPVET at checkout.
A Patheos Book Club interview with Sybil MacBeth. (Her new book is 30% off at ww…
A Patheos Book Club interview with Sybil MacBeth. (Her new book is 30% off at #quot;I like that Advent mixture of prayer and play, and the serious and the joyful, and the hopeful and the despair, and all of those things that go along with Advent….#quot;
Confessions of an Advent Extremist: A Q#amp;A with Sybil MacBeth
Even as we throw out the empty candy wrappers and put away the costumes from Halloween, the season of Advent looms just around the corner. Starting the last Sunday of November, Advent announces the beginning of the Christmas season in the Christian liturgical calendar. In our hyper-consumer culture…
November 4 Echoes of Eternity For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are…
November 4 Echoes of Eternity
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
Isaiah 55:8
Yes, My child, My mercies are beyond numbering, and they are new every morning. It is My pleasure to do good things to My children and for My children. Just as you desire good for yours, I seek good for Mine.
My ways are not your ways and thereby you often become confused. You think of me as one like yourself—but My love is a pure love, not contaminated with self and sin and guilt as is yours.
So, as My love and My ever-new mercies operate in your life and the life of your loved ones, learn to entrust them and yourself to My tender care. Only then can you know the “peace that passes understanding,” for your peace will not depend on your understanding.
Join the Patheos Book Club featuring Sybil MacBeth's new book, The Season of the…
Join the Patheos Book Club featuring Sybil MacBeth##039;s new book, The Season of the Nativity: Confessions and Practices of an Advent, Christmas #amp; Epiphany Extremist.
"We’re not above giving in to holiday shopping pitches here, so we’re just going…
#quot;We’re not above giving in to holiday shopping pitches here, so we’re just going to come out and say that this book should definitely be on your list for anyone who has a love for the heritage of Christian art. …Get this book and allow great art to deepen your prayer life.#quot; — Image Update, October 2014
Read the full Review at
"They were once what we are now, travelers on earth. They had the same weaknesse…
#quot;They were once what we are now, travelers on earth. They had the same weaknesses we have. We have difficulties; so had the saints.#quot; — Alban Butler
50% OFF All Saints books. Sale ends today.
November 3 Echoes of Eternity You were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,…
November 3 Echoes of Eternity
You were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance.
Ephesians 1:13,14
My gift to you is My indwelling Spirit. With no conscious awareness on your part, I dwell within, because you have been sealed unto the Day of redemption. I am gathering unto Myself a people
to dwell eternally with Me. Even now that dwelling is prepared, and your life span is preparation to fit you for it. By My Spirit’s indwelling, a work of training, pruning, cleansing, and nourishing is going on in your soul, so that when I raise you up, you will be prepared for the joys I have prepared. Do you see, My child, how My mercy covers all that happens, and that I am never far from you?