Tools of the Trade

By Sr. Nun Other

I have great admiration for those who fix broken things. Carrying a metal box filled with mysterious objects, they arrive prepared for any task. The Psalmist speaks of a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart, sacrifices that God finds acceptable. We’re also assured the Lord is near the broken hearted and delivers those who are discouraged (some translations say “crushed in spirit.”) So then, what’s in His tool box? I suggest the following:

Hymns of recollection and hope
Scriptures that inspire
A small prayer answered
Visual beauty
A moment of solitude
A friendly interaction
A change in direction

We’re surrounded by God’s intervention. He’s in the repair business, eager to make us whole, and waits for us to recognize His presence.

The Community of Jesus


June 22 Echoes of Eternity Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that y…

June 22 Echoes of Eternity
Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
James 4:3
Desires granted, desires denied—both flow from My sovereign will. You see and recognize My goodness in those I have granted. You do not yet see and recognize clearly My goodness in those I have denied. But it is all the same—My goodness at work for your good. It could not be otherwise, My child. Even now, as you wait long-delayed “answers” to your prayers, My work is still going on. Your faith is still weak and unstable. A small set-back throws it into confusion. My goal for you
far exceeds what you can think or imagine. So do not spend time and energy mourning the loss of desires denied. Let them go in their time and be replaced by hopes that harmonize with My loving will.

By Sr. Fidelis Splendor Paternae Gloriae The Office of Lauds, traditionally sung…

By Sr. Fidelis Splendor Paternae Gloriae The Office of Lauds, traditionally sung at dawn, is filled throughout with references to both the light and the #quot;Light.#quot; We take for granted that we can have light today at the flip of a switch, while in earlier centuries, they were dependent upon the light of day, and were attuned to the sun##039;s rising and setting, and the spiritual significance of these natural events. [ 218 more words. ]

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song June 22, 2015 By Sr. Fidelis Splendor Paternae Gloriae The Office of Lauds, traditionally sung at dawn, is filled throughout with references to both the light and the “Light.”  We take for granted that we can have light today at the flip of a switch, while in earlie…

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song

By Sr. Fidelis

Splendor Paternae Gloriae

The Office of Lauds, traditionally sung at dawn, is filled throughout with references to both the light and the “Light.”  We take for granted that we can have light today at the flip of a switch, while in earlier centuries, they were dependent upon the light of day, and were attuned to the sun’s rising and setting, and the spiritual significance of these natural events.  The Monday hymn for Lauds is filled with symbolic imagery.  It is a power-packed prayer text to begin a day.

O splendor of the Father’s glory, bringing forth light from light,
light of Light, and fountain of light, O Day, illuminating the day:

O true Sun, descend, sparkling with uninterrupted brightness;
O radiance of the Holy Spirit, pour in upon our senses.

Let us also call upon the Father with vows, the Father of perennial glory,
the Father of powerful grace, that he may remove the impure fault.

May he inspire steadfast acts; may he blunt the teeth of the envious;
may he direct favorably harsh situations; may he give grace to those who are bearing them.

May he govern and rule the mind in a chaste, faithful body;
let faith burn with zeal, may it not know the poisons of deceit.

Let Christ be food to us, let faith be our drink;
joyful, let us drink the sober intoxication of the Spirit.

May this day pass joyfully:  let modesty be as the dawn,
faith as the noonday;  let the spirit not know dusk.

Dawn carries on its course;  let the dawn go forward to every thing;
all the Son is in the Father, and all the Father is in the Word.  Amen   

                                                                                         Ambrose of Milan

The Community of Jesus



June 21 Echoes of Eternity Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shine…

June 21 Echoes of Eternity
Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined.
Psalm 50:2
I take pleasure in providing blessings for My children. The beauty you see and enjoy is a gift of My love. You have a super abundance of it where I have placed and kept you. To enjoy it fully you must accept it as My gift of love. To reap all the benefits I intend, you must surrender your fretting. The earth is Mine and the fullness thereof. Do not lust after what I have denied you, but embrace what I have given so freely. I take pleasure in providing blessings for you, but I am saddened and grieved when you despise them and fail to recognize My fatherly care.

June 20 Echoes of Eternity If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts u…

June 20 Echoes of Eternity
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask Him?
Matthew 7:11
My heart is a free and ever-flowing heart of generous love. I take pleasure in doing good for My children. Beyond mere perfunctory gratitude for My gifts, I seek a relationship of unshakable trust in My goodness. I seek hearts that come to rest in My unfailing goodness. Those hearts cannot be shaken from their sure foundation by any change of circumstances. Circumstances do and must change, but My goodness changes not. This, My child, is what all My blessings and provisions are meant to effect—your unshakable faith in My unchanging goodness.

June 19 Echoes of Eternity Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor a…

June 19 Echoes of Eternity
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.
Revelation 4:11
You are held in the Hand that holds the world. You are kept by the Power that rules the universe. I have said, “None can pluck you from My hand.” It is not your feelings that keep you. It is not even your faith—for I know that waxes and wanes quickly under differing circumstances. No, it is My hand that holds you, My child, and protects you when you are least aware of it. When your eyes are open and you are able to see this reality, give thanks and offer praise. When you cannot see or feel the reality, still give thanks and offer praise. That is an act of faith with which I am pleased. And by the exercise of your faith, it will grow stronger and steadier.

By Sr. Nun Other I love when the Holy Spirit brings new understanding to a famil…

By Sr. Nun Other I love when the Holy Spirit brings new understanding to a familiar scripture. This week, I found inspiration in words from Psalm 11 — In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me, #quot;Flee like a bird to your mountain. For look, the wicked bend their bows; they set their arrows against the strings.#quot; [ 103 more words. ]

Abide Not Hide
Abide Not Hide June 19, 2015 By Sr. Nun Other I love when the Holy Spirit brings new understanding to a familiar scripture. This week, I found inspiration in words from Psalm 11 — In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me, “Flee like a bird to your mountain. For look, the wicked bend the…

Abide Not Hide

By Sr. Nun Other

I love when the Holy Spirit brings new understanding to a familiar scripture. This week, I found inspiration in words from Psalm 11 — In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me, “Flee like a bird to your mountain. For look, the wicked bend their bows; they set their arrows against the strings.” I think of my many mountains. Some are actual objects, like ice cream in the freezer, a good book, or newspaper where the news is worse than my own. But more often, it’s an inward mountain of my own construction. When I’m anxious, uncomfortable, hurt, or ashamed, I’m adept at remaining physically present, but emotionally far away. It takes courage to say (and mean it), “In the Lord I take refuge.” It requires standing firm while the enemy within tells you it’s safer to head for the shadows. Why choose a lonely place, when life and healing are a simple prayer away?

The Community of Jesus


Great review on 'A Homemade Year' by Jerusalem Jackson Greer http://lecfamily.o…

Great review on ##039;A Homemade Year##039; by Jerusalem Jackson Greer

Book Review: A Homemade Year by Jersualem Greer
Friend of LECFamily Jerusalem Greer has released a great church and family Christian resource, A Homemade Year. We allowed another friend of LECFamily, Monique McBride, to review the book. Check it out! by Rev. Monique McBride Have you ever read a book and heard your own story in the words? Though y…

June 18 Echoes of Eternity For whosoever shall save his life shall lose it; but…

June 18 Echoes of Eternity
For whosoever shall save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the Gospel’s, the same shall save it.
Mark 8:35
My child, give over your desire to be liked or loved. You are much too easily affected by signs of being slighted. I have told you that I love you with an everlasting love. My love determines what I allow to come into your life. Yes, My love determines that, so be at peace and learn to love others with an undemanding, unself-conscious love, which I will give you—if you seek it sincerely and earnestly.

June 17 Echoes of Eternity Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord? Who can sh…

June 17 Echoes of Eternity
Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord? Who can show forth all His praise?
Psalm 106:2
Praise My infinite compassion which I have freely bestowed on you. Praise befits the upright. Praise lifts up the spirit. Praise builds up faith. Praise defeats the enemy’s stratagems. Praise joins your prayer to heaven, where My saints are already united in unending praise. Earth’s sorrows are but the backdrop against which the glory of My compassion shines. They cannot dim that glory in the heart that is filled with praise. Praise is a weapon too little appreciated and too little used by My people. I have given it as a gift and have long instructed that it be used. There are no obstacles that cannot be overcome. But My ways are not the ways of the world. Worldly wisdom will fail. But praise—true praise and persistent praise in the face of darkness—will prevail.

By Melodious Monk Realization of our wonderful life in the Holy Ghost also rests…

By Melodious Monk Realization of our wonderful life in the Holy Ghost also rests on our trust. Despite our indwelling Spirit we often feel tired and frightened and disheartened because we do not trust the Spirit of God sufficiently for him to be able to make something of us. We believe more in our own unworthiness than in the creative impulse of God. [ 271 more words. ]

Creative Impulse
Creative Impulse June 17, 2015 By Melodious Monk Realization of our wonderful life in the Holy Ghost also rests on our trust. Despite our indwelling Spirit we often feel tired and frightened and disheartened because we do not trust the Spirit of God sufficiently for him to be able to make something…

Creative Impulse

By Melodious Monk

Realization of our wonderful life in the Holy Ghost also rests on our trust. Despite our indwelling Spirit we often feel tired and frightened and disheartened because we do not trust the Spirit of God sufficiently for him to be able to make something of us. We believe more in our own unworthiness than in the creative impulse of God. -Alfred Delp, SJ

I’m still both shocked and awed by the truths in this statement. Of course, put very plainly, God is the creator. He put all of us into being, and has shown he can use whatever and whomever to accomplish his purposes. But, I still so quickly succumb to hopelessness when I feel incapable or “unworthy.”

In a short writing about Father Delp’s life, Thomas Merton gives a generalized insight on why modern man can be so spiritually blind.

Merton writes, “It is assumed that we know what is wrong, and that all we lack is zeal and opportunity to fix it: then everything will be right. It is not a question of truth or insight but of power and will, we imagine; we concentrate on ways and means of gaining influence so that we can obtain a hearing for our familiar answers and solutions.”  Isn’t this true?  We think we can fix our problems with more efforts and more hours — but we can’t.

In my daily life I put limits on what God can do. (Of course it’s absurd to think I actually have power over the Almighty, but absurdity doesn’t keep me from still operating out of this premise!) We need God’s Spirit. This indwelling spirit is waiting for us to accept our own incapabilities and burst open our horizons. The Holy Spirit is always creatively fresh and Merton reminds us that we need to be careful about what we may assume, especially towards religious piety. For, “preoccupation with petty or imaginary problems of piety substitutes for the creative unrest of the truly spiritual man.”

The Community of Jesus


June 16 Echoes of Eternity Thou tellest my wanderings: put Thou my tears in Thy…

June 16 Echoes of Eternity
Thou tellest my wanderings: put Thou my tears in Thy bottle: are they not in Thy book?
Psalm 56:8
You are still a wandering sheep, scurrying about in your mind in various corners of My pasture. You still gaze out over the protective wall I have erected for your safety, and let your mind go after that which I have denied you. This inevitably brings turmoil and confusion when you could be advancing in a tranquil, settled stability. It is natural for lambs and young rams to gambol in playful wandering, but in maturity I expect more—a graver, more serious focus on the eternal verities I have revealed to you in My love. Let My word dwell in you richly as you choose to dwell in My will.

June 15 Echoes of Eternity Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swif…

June 15 Echoes of Eternity
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.
James 1:19
My child, My message today is this: watch your thoughts and your speech. They carry the potential of great harm. Be swift to hear and slow to speak—swift to hear any word against you, swift to hear the gentlest rebuke of My Spirit—and slow to speak the impulsive, critical thought that elevates you momentarily in your own eyes. The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. Take your eyes off false goals. Let me lead you to the joys of My kingdom, where pride and place have no place, and where true rest is found even in the midst of work. That is what I offer you today—today—if you will listen to My voice and heed.

By Sr. Fidelis The Summer Hymns for Lauds The weekday hymn for Lauds has a new…

By Sr. Fidelis The Summer Hymns for Lauds The weekday hymn for Lauds has a new text for each day of the week. The season is indicated by a different tune for winter and summer; but the text remains the same for each day. Right now we are chanting the summer tune, which we began right after Pentecost. We will continue to use this tune until after the autumnal equinox toward the end of September, when we will switch to the winter tune. [ 127 more words. ]

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song June 15, 2015 By Sr. Fidelis The Summer Hymns for Lauds  The weekday hymn for Lauds has a new text for each day of the week.  The season is indicated by a different tune for winter and summer; but the text remains the same for each day.  Right now we are chanting th…

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song

By Sr. Fidelis

The Summer Hymns for Lauds 

The weekday hymn for Lauds has a new text for each day of the week.  The season is indicated by a different tune for winter and summer; but the text remains the same for each day.  Right now we are chanting the summer tune, which we began right after Pentecost.  We will continue to use this tune until after the autumnal equinox toward the end of September, when we will switch to the winter tune.

The Lord’s Day Lauds hymn however has a completely different tune as well as different text for each of the seasons of Ordinary Time.  As one might expect, the text of the summer hymn begins with reference to longer days. It is attributed to Alcuin, who died in 804.

Behold, already the shadow of night is diminishing, the dawn of light is gleaming red:  Let us all keep on with every effort beseeching the Almighty.

May our compassionate God drive away all our anguish, bestow health, and give us by the lovingkindness of the Father, the kingdom of the heavens.

Grant us this, O blessed Godhead of the Father, and of the Son, and also of the Holy Spirit, whose glory resounds in all the world.  Amen.

The Community of Jesus


Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song

By Sr. Fidelis

The Summer Hymns for Lauds 

The weekday hymn for Lauds has a new text for each day of the week.  The season is indicated by a different tune for winter and summer; but the text remains the same for each day.  Right now we are chanting the summer tune, which we began right after Pentecost.  We will continue to use this tune until after the autumnal equinox toward the end of September, when we will switch to the winter tune.

The Lord’s Day Lauds hymn however has a completely different tune as well as different text for each of the seasons of Ordinary Time.  As one might expect, the text of the summer hymn begins with reference to longer days. It is attributed to Alcuin, who died in 804.

Behold, already the shadow of night is diminishing, the dawn of light is gleaming red:  Let us all keep on with every effort beseeching the Almighty.

May our compassionate God drive away all our anguish, bestow health, and give us by the lovingkindness of the Father, the kingdom of the heavens.

Grant us this, O blessed Godhead of the Father, and of the Son, and also of the Holy Spirit, whose glory resounds in all the world.  Amen.

The Community of Jesus


June 14 Echoes of Eternity The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He w…

June 14 Echoes of Eternity
The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love; He will joy over thee with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
My mercy is new every morning in hearts that seek Me. You can pray no better prayer than to entreat My mercy on those you love. It is not that I need your prayers, My child, but that I allow you to participate in the joy of My goodness through your prayers. Your belief and your prayers do make a difference, for I have made a place for them in My plan. Go now to your day with the full assurance that your prayer has been heard, and My mercy is renewed.

June 13 Echoes of Eternity But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for…

June 13 Echoes of Eternity
But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
I Corinthians 2:10
I know your thoughts. Before you speak them, they are altogether known of Me. My Spirit searches the inner self (the inner man) and sees all. Your distractions, My child, are the fruit of your unfocused heart. You do not yet “will one thing” but try to fit many “goals” into your heart. It will not work. No rival can be allowed in the bride’s heart if she is to welcome the Bridegroom. Your soul must be “centrified” in Me if you would taste the fullness of My blessing. I have given you a measure of stability—in spite of this unfocused condition. That is My grace. But I ask you to take much more seriously your need to “will one thing”—My will.

June 12 Echoes of Eternity As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet maki…

June 12 Echoes of Eternity
As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.
II Corinthians 6:10
You are never nearer to Me than when your heart is overwhelmed with sorrow and uncertainty. You cannot fathom or understand this reality yet, My child, but you can accept it. My Spirit is given, not simply to give you times of joy and brightness, but to guide and lead you through the dark places. Be of good cheer, and let no clouds keep you from embracing My blessings today, however they may come. Hold not back from those who reach out to you—make an extra effort to show your appreciation to them—for My sake. As surely as I am God, I will be with you. Count on it, build on it. I am with you always.

By Sr. Nun Other Our miniature poodle, Liberty, is aptly named. She's independen…

By Sr. Nun Other Our miniature poodle, Liberty, is aptly named. She##039;s independent and self-determined! Were she a person, I##039;m quite sure she##039;d be blunt and opinionated. Because she is diagnosed with iris atrophy which causes eye sensitivity to the sun, we want to keep her happy and healthy on daily walks. One of the Sister##039;s found sun visors for dogs and ordered a couple. [ 96 more words. ]

A Better Choice
A Better Choice June 12, 2015 By Sr. Nun Other Our miniature poodle, Liberty, is aptly named. She’s independent and self-determined! Were she a person, I’m quite sure she’d be blunt and opinionated. Because she is diagnosed with iris atrophy which causes eye sensitivity to the sun, we want to keep h…

A Better Choice

By Sr. Nun Other

Our miniature poodle, Liberty, is aptly named. She’s independent and self-determined! Were she a person, I’m quite sure she’d be blunt and opinionated. Because she is diagnosed with iris atrophy which causes eye sensitivity to the sun, we want to keep her happy and healthy on daily walks. One of the Sister’s found sun visors for dogs and ordered a couple. We chose pastel, calico prints, and a sewing sister altered them to fit perfectly. (See picture below.) Liberty’s expression radiates, “Really? You expect me to wear this thing?” She initially tried everything available to remove it: wiggling, head shaking, rubbing her head on the grass. The truth is, the visor makes her walks more enjoyable and her eyes more comfortable and she realizes that. She’s learned to tolerate the humiliation for the “greater good.” Like Liberty, I usually know what I want, but not always what’s best for me. It requires humility to reconcile the difference.

The Community of Jesus

June 11 Echoes of Eternity But I trust in thee, O Lord; I say, Thou art my God….

June 11 Echoes of Eternity
But I trust in thee, O Lord; I say, Thou art my God. My times are in Thy hand.
Psalm 31:14,15 (rsv)
I am the Lord in whose Hand are all the future years. Whatever disappointment or delay I allow to come into your plans and hopes, know of very truth that My way is best. I lead you along rough paths and smooth, green valleys and rugged mountains. I lead you toward the homeland I have prepared for you. The disappointments and sorrows are temporary, and they have their place in your pilgrimage. They wean you from false goals and steer you from wrong paths. Be not dismayed at bad tidings, for My eye is upon you and I will not leave nor forsake you.

By Melodious Monk In the Reservation Chapel Jesus Waits He waits for our yes He…

By Melodious Monk In the Reservation Chapel Jesus Waits He waits for our yes He waits for us to ask He hopes we stay. In the Reservation Chapel Light comes and light goes like a mirror of our souls and Jesus waits through the darkest night. In the Reservation Chapel Morning Sun is never late it always comes and Jesus waits for our hearts to do the same.

Always Reserved
Always Reserved June 11, 2015 By Melodious Monk In the Reservation Chapel Jesus Waits He waits for our yes He waits for us to ask He hopes we stay. In the Reservation Chapel Light comes and light goes like a mirror of our souls and Jesus waits through the darkest night. In the Reservation Chapel Mor…

Always Reserved

By Melodious Monk

In the Reservation Chapel
Jesus Waits
He waits for our yes
He waits for us to ask
He hopes we stay.

In the Reservation Chapel
Light comes and light goes
like a mirror of our souls
and Jesus waits
through the darkest night.

In the Reservation Chapel
Morning Sun is never late
it always comes
and Jesus waits
for our hearts to do the same.

The Community of Jesus


June 10 Echoes of Eternity And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee:…

June 10 Echoes of Eternity
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
II Corinthians 12:9
My strength is made perfect in weakness. This is an eternal truth, and you must learn what it means. I am mindful of your weakness, and your life is in My keeping. The days of your life are numbered—known to Me alone. You have seen that I am the repairer of ruins, the builder up of waste places. You do not have to understand “why” nor “how” this happens. What I call you to do is to rejoice in My works, to see and greet them for what they are. Greater works are yet to unfold. My blessings are not running out, but they are for those who enter the secret place of My dwelling. Enter with Me every day. Guard the sacrifice as Abraham did of old. Be faithful to the end, and I will give you the crown of life.

June 9 Echoes of Eternity To the praise of the glory of His grace, where He hath…

June 9 Echoes of Eternity
To the praise of the glory of His grace, where He hath made us accepted in the Beloved.
Ephesians 1:6
My works are mercy. My paths are peace. Your mind is still full of turbulence, because you still long for a false peace. The peace I give is not dependent on the favor or goodwill of others, and you must let go your demand that “they think well of you.” For that demand has its own pain and sickness embedded in it. I call you to My peace—a peace that passes understanding, a peace free from your life-long striving to be accepted by others. Know, My child, that I have accepted you and loved you with an everlasting love. You have not yet accepted My acceptance—and thereby have robbed yourself of much inner rest. Let them rest who hate you. It is not important that others love you. Blessings abound in the path I have chosen for you. My paths are peace, and My works are mercy.

"Quite frankly, I love this book." Luke Geraty, a young pastor/theologian who se…

#quot;Quite frankly, I love this book.#quot; Luke Geraty, a young pastor/theologian who serves at Trinity Christian Fellowship in WI.

Jack Levison##039;s #quot;40 Days with the Holy Spirit#quot; Devotional
I think I could sit at a table talking about the Holy Spirit with Dr. Jack Levison for hours. The way that he thinks and writes is ever engaging and many of the questions and concerns he poses go o…

June 8 Echoes of Eternity Remember me, O Lord, when thou comest into Thy kingdom…

June 8 Echoes of Eternity
Remember me, O Lord, when thou comest into Thy kingdom.
Luke 23:42
Your prayers are heard, My child, and they are stored up in My heart. Feeble though they are, and woefully imperfect, I do not despise nor reject them. My tender mercies are indeed over all My works, and I know your frame, that you are dust. But remember, My child, that My love is not like man’s love. I love not only the brave and the beautiful. My heart goes out to all who truly seek after Me, however haltingly they walk. So keep on learning to pray—by praying. There is a world of wonder waiting to be discovered through prayer.

June 8 Echoes of Eternity Remember me, O Lord, when thou comest into Thy kingdom…

June 8 Echoes of Eternity
Remember me, O Lord, when thou comest into Thy kingdom.
Luke 23:42
Your prayers are heard, My child, and they are stored up in My heart. Feeble though they are, and woefully imperfect, I do not despise nor reject them. My tender mercies are indeed over all My works, and I know your frame, that you are dust. But remember, My child, that My love is not like man’s love. I love not only the brave and the beautiful. My heart goes out to all who truly seek after Me, however haltingly they walk. So keep on learning to pray—by praying. There is a world of wonder waiting to be discovered through prayer.

By Sr.Fidelis Under the Microscope! There is much to be observed when looking at…

By Sr.Fidelis Under the Microscope! There is much to be observed when looking at a piece of Gregorian chant! The Introit for Week 9 is a wonderful confident chant based on verses from Psalm 26. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? Take a look below. First to be noted are the items circled in aqua. [ 315 more words. ]

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song June 8, 2015 By Sr.Fidelis Under the Microscope! There is much to be observed when looking at a piece of Gregorian chant!  The Introit for Week 9 is a wonderful confident chant based on verses from Psalm 26. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?…

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song

By Sr.Fidelis
Under the Microscope!

There is much to be observed when looking at a piece of Gregorian chant!  The Introit for Week 9 is a wonderful confident chant based on verses from Psalm 26. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

Take a look below.  First to be noted are the items circled in aqua.  IN.II tells us that this is the introit, and its in Mode 2.  You’ll see a series of letters below this information:  R B (greek letter) K S.  These letters represent the oldest Antiphonaries of the Mass, before notation of any kind was added.  In other words, these showed text only!
This same Introit’s text appeared in:
R = The Gradual of Rheinau (about 800)
B = The Gradual of Mont-Blandin – (8th to 9th century)
K = The Gradual of Corbie (after 853)
S = The Gradual of Senlis (between 877 and 882)
The clef is also an important item.   This is the FA clef, located on the 2nd line from the top.

The yellow box to the left of this information tells us that the neums above and below the square notation come from certain manuscripts.  The neums above come from the Laon Manuscript [ L ], folio or page number 150.

The notation below comes from the Einsiedeln manuscript [E ], folio or page 316.  What does all this mean?  It means the chant that we sing today, was a part of the liturgy used in the 800’s, and the text and tune together were found in 10th and 11th century manuscripts.  This living tradition has tap roots that go back centuries!

One more thing to note: there are two strategic pitches in any Gregorian chant; the reciting tone, and the home tone, or place where the chant “settles.”  A quick glance at our piece below shows us that this melody fluctuates between these two important pitches,dipping below and above.  The reciting pitch, FA is circled in red, while the home tone, RE is shown in green.

The more we look at these chants in depth, we realize we are handling something that has been the vehicle of the prayers and songs of the faithful for layers of time. In the chanting of them, we are transformed as they become our prayers and songs.
The Comuunity of Jesus

June 7 Echoes of Eternity I pray for them. I pray not for the world, but for the…

June 7 Echoes of Eternity
I pray for them. I pray not for the world, but for them which Thou hast given Me; for they are thine. And all Mine are Thine, and Thine are Mine; and I am glorified in them.
John 17:9,10
“I am Thine.” You have said these words many, many times with no real conviction in your heart of what they meant. You are beginning to realize at a new level their awesome truth. But now, My child, I say to you, “I am thine.” This is no one-way relationship, but involves self-giving on both sides. Just as in marriage both must give and receive—so with our relationship. Before you are ready to say with “blessed assurance” that you are Mine, I had given Myself to you. In very truth, “I am thine.”

Take a moment to read this great review on 'Tales of Grace' by Luigi Santucci h…

Take a moment to read this great review on ##039;Tales of Grace##039; by Luigi Santucci

Luigi Santucci’s Tales of Grace | Oblation: Liturgy and Life
Culture, Literature, Uncategorized, What We##039;re Reading, Young Adult Luigi Santucci’s Tales of Grace June 3, 2015 Timothy Leave a comment Timothy P. O’Malley, Ph.D. Director, Notre Dame Center for Liturgy Contact Author This morning, while walking to work, I had a chance to read Luigi Santucci’s Tale…

June 6 Echoes of Eternity But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that…

June 6 Echoes of Eternity
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.
Matthew 5:44
Doubt not that My hand is here. Let no clouds sully the purpose for which I have brought you here. Many souls have been wounded—not yours alone. My mercy and grace are wider than you can know or imagine. The healing streams from My heart will pour forth for those who will receive them. You do not have to worry about that. Only do not doubt—do not delay to be open to what I am doing. Do not miss the blessing I have prepared for you. Remember, my child, these words of Mine: “Pray for those who hate you and for those who despitefully use you.” That prayer will protect you from many assaults of your adversary.

June 5 Echoes of Eternity Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; . . . for Thou…

June 5 Echoes of Eternity
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; . . . for Thou art my praise.
Jeremiah 17:14
Praise My goodness, My child, in all things. The pain which I allow in your life, as well as the pleasure, is filled with My goodness. By praising My goodness, you extract the sweetness known only to those who love Me. I have called you to be an instrument of praise. Most of My world is still full of bitterness and complaint. My goodness is ignored or rationalized, and people pass away without claiming the hidden blessing. I call forth instruments of praise. These are souls who can hear and begin to recognize the truth—a truth so magnificent, so full of grace, that people find it hard to believe. Praise opens the heart to receive the truth of My goodness. It is not by reasoning, argument or logic—but by praise that this truth will build the temple for My dwelling in your heart. Praise My goodness, My child, in all things.

By Sr. Nun Other One of my friends has a coffee mug that reads, "Too Blessed to…

By Sr. Nun Other One of my friends has a coffee mug that reads, #quot;Too Blessed to be Stressed.#quot; It##039;s a morning reminder to approach life through the template of what is instead of what isn##039;t. This spring God placed a blessing just outside our front door. A house sparrow (and her ever vigilant mate) chose our porch as a nesting place. [ 86 more words. ]

Blessed or Stressed?
Blessed or Stressed? June 5, 2015 By Sr. Nun Other One of my friends has a coffee mug that reads, “Too Blessed to be Stressed.” It’s a morning reminder to approach life through the template of what is instead of what isn’t. This spring God placed a blessing just outside our front door. A house sparr…

Blessed or Stressed?

By Sr. Nun Other

One of my friends has a coffee mug that reads, “Too Blessed to be Stressed.” It’s a morning reminder to approach life through the template of what is instead of what isn’t. This spring God placed a blessing just outside our front door. A house sparrow (and her ever vigilant mate) chose our porch as a nesting place. She wove a home of great beauty and allowed me to visually participate from a distance. I honored her wishes by opening and closing the door with care, sweeping the porch only in her absence, and respecting her family’s right to privacy. It seemed over too quickly, once the youngsters arrived. I watched nestlings flutter awkwardly from their haven to test the air currents and ability to explore. But the empty nest remains, a reminder (when we choose to notice) that God does all things well.


June 4 Echoes of Eternity But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; an…

June 4 Echoes of Eternity
But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, “Lord, save me.” And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand, and caught him.
Matthew 14:30, 31
Come nearer to me, My child, and do not be afraid. As I reached out to Peter when his faith failed and he began to sink in the boisterous sea, so I am reaching out to you. You do not have to fear Me—for My love is greater than your sin. You still put too much “stock” in what others think of you. Their good or bad opinions mean too much to you. So you take too much delight in the one, and suffer too much pain in the other. I am your Shield and great Reward. I am the Lord who forgives and redeems you. I am He whose love is unchangeable—and I offer you a fellowship deeper and more stable than you have ever known. I can be the crowning experience of your life—if you will come nearer to Me, and not be afraid of Me.

June 4 Echoes of Eternity But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; an…

June 4 Echoes of Eternity
But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, “Lord, save me.” And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand, and caught him.
Matthew 14:30, 31
Come nearer to me, My child, and do not be afraid. As I reached out to Peter when his faith failed and he began to sink in the boisterous sea, so I am reaching out to you. You do not have to fear Me—for My love is greater than your sin. You still put too much “stock” in what others think of you. Their good or bad opinions mean too much to you. So you take too much delight in the one, and suffer too much pain in the other. I am your Shield and great Reward. I am the Lord who forgives and redeems you. I am He whose love is unchangeable—and I offer you a fellowship deeper and more stable than you have ever known. I can be the crowning experience of your life—if you will come nearer to Me, and not be afraid of Me.

June 3 Echoes of Eternity For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are d…

June 3 Echoes of Eternity
For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.
Psalm 103:14
“Dust thou art and to dust shalt thou return” was spoken only of
the physical flesh—the grain of wheat that must fall into the ground.
The physical world is passing away and is destined to decay. But My
kingdom, My realm is of another kind. Your glimpses of it are meant
to reassure you and yes, lure you away from this passing-away world.
Cling not to the world, My child. Let it fall away in My providential
plan, and reach forth to grasp the eternal that will never fail. There is
no sorrow in the loss if your heart sees and seeks the better part.

June 3 Echoes of Eternity For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are d…

June 3 Echoes of Eternity
For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.
Psalm 103:14
“Dust thou art and to dust shalt thou return” was spoken only of
the physical flesh—the grain of wheat that must fall into the ground.
The physical world is passing away and is destined to decay. But My
kingdom, My realm is of another kind. Your glimpses of it are meant
to reassure you and yes, lure you away from this passing-away world.
Cling not to the world, My child. Let it fall away in My providential
plan, and reach forth to grasp the eternal that will never fail. There is
no sorrow in the loss if your heart sees and seeks the better part.

By Melodious Monk At the scene of the Resurrection, the radiant angel cried out…

By Melodious Monk At the scene of the Resurrection, the radiant angel cried out #quot;Why in the world do you women mingle with your tears?#quot; On many levels, we can all find much to mingle our tears about. Whether it##039;s a personal situation, a family situation, certainly larger issues of violence, corruption, and disaster on national and global scales. But our faith must remind us that daily, the angel messenger brings us good news. [ 73 more words. ]

Daily News
Daily News June 3, 2015 By Melodious Monk At the scene of the Resurrection, the radiant angel cried out “Why in the world do you women mingle with your tears?” On many levels, we can all find much to mingle our tears about.  Whether it’s a personal situation, a family situation, certainly larger iss…

By Melodious Monk At the scene of the Resurrection, the radiant angel cried out…

By Melodious Monk At the scene of the Resurrection, the radiant angel cried out #quot;Why in the world do you women mingle with your tears?#quot; On many levels, we can all find much to mingle our tears about. Whether it##039;s a personal situation, a family situation, certainly larger issues of violence, corruption, and disaster on national and global scales. But our faith must remind us that daily, the angel messenger brings us good news. [ 73 more words. ]

Daily News
Daily News June 3, 2015 By Melodious Monk At the scene of the Resurrection, the radiant angel cried out “Why in the world do you women mingle with your tears?” On many levels, we can all find much to mingle our tears about.  Whether it’s a personal situation, a family situation, certainly larger iss…

Daily News

By Melodious Monk

At the scene of the Resurrection, the radiant angel cried out “Why in the world do you women mingle with your tears?”

On many levels, we can all find much to mingle our tears about.  Whether it’s a personal situation, a family situation, certainly larger issues of violence, corruption, and disaster on national and global scales. But our faith must remind us that daily, the angel messenger brings us good news. “Behold, the tomb and understand: the savior is risen from the dead!”
I need to ask myself, where are today’s empty tombs in which I still mingle with my tears?  Why do I keep looking in these empty places for help?  If I am willing to just stop, stand still and open my heart, maybe I’ll find a radiant angel urging me to open another door – towards our eternally risen help, Jesus.


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Great review on '40 Days with the Holy Spirit' by Jack Levison. What might hap…

Great review on ##039;40 Days with the Holy Spirit##039; by Jack Levison.

What might happen in our lives and our congregations if we gave more attention to the Holy Spirit? Jack Levison has been asking that question for many years as a scholar and teacher. In fact, few biblical scholars have given as much attention to the Holy Spirit as Levison who teaches biblical Hebrew at Perkins School of Theology. This is not a scholarly book, though it is grounded in a wealth of scholarship. This is a book designed to guide readers into greater understanding of the Holy Spirit. As the author puts it, “It’s intended to prompt you to reflect at your own pace and to absorb, slowly and deliberately, the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, your community of faith and the world.” Within the biblical universe the Spirit is the One who gives power to sustain faith, courage to face fears and conviction to speak boldly. This same Spirit is alive now. This book of 40 daily devotions is designed to be a practice that will both increase your learning about the Spirit but more importantly expand your experience of the Spirit. Read—meditate—reflect—breathe—pray. This is the pattern of the book; it’s a pattern that leads inward, outward and back again. What might happen in our lives and our congregations if we gave more attention to the Holy Spirit? Find out. —Roy W. Howard, The Presbyterian Outlook

Great review on '40 Days with the Holy Spirit' by Jack Levison. What might hap…

Great review on ##039;40 Days with the Holy Spirit##039; by Jack Levison.

What might happen in our lives and our congregations if we gave more attention to the Holy Spirit? Jack Levison has been asking that question for many years as a scholar and teacher. In fact, few biblical scholars have given as much attention to the Holy Spirit as Levison who teaches biblical Hebrew at Perkins School of Theology. This is not a scholarly book, though it is grounded in a wealth of scholarship. This is a book designed to guide readers into greater understanding of the Holy Spirit. As the author puts it, “It’s intended to prompt you to reflect at your own pace and to absorb, slowly and deliberately, the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, your community of faith and the world.” Within the biblical universe the Spirit is the One who gives power to sustain faith, courage to face fears and conviction to speak boldly. This same Spirit is alive now. This book of 40 daily devotions is designed to be a practice that will both increase your learning about the Spirit but more importantly expand your experience of the Spirit. Read—meditate—reflect—breathe—pray. This is the pattern of the book; it’s a pattern that leads inward, outward and back again. What might happen in our lives and our congregations if we gave more attention to the Holy Spirit? Find out. —Roy W. Howard, The Presbyterian Outlook

June 2 Echoes of Eternity Have I been so long a time with you, and yet hast thou…

June 2 Echoes of Eternity
Have I been so long a time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me?
John 14:9
Little faith is better than no faith. Little faith in Me is better than
great faith in yourself. I do not despise your little faith, but I do mean
for it to grow. You have been in this way too long to be content with
such a small and shriveled faith. I deserve better! I have not asked you
for great human strength and courage. I know your frame and your
fearful nature. But I have given you plenty of “faith material” with
which to grow a robust faith. Where is the harvest, My child? Where?

June 2 Echoes of Eternity Have I been so long a time with you, and yet hast thou…

June 2 Echoes of Eternity
Have I been so long a time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me?
John 14:9
Little faith is better than no faith. Little faith in Me is better than
great faith in yourself. I do not despise your little faith, but I do mean
for it to grow. You have been in this way too long to be content with
such a small and shriveled faith. I deserve better! I have not asked you
for great human strength and courage. I know your frame and your
fearful nature. But I have given you plenty of “faith material” with
which to grow a robust faith. Where is the harvest, My child? Where?

June 1 Echoes of Eternity But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that…

June 1 Echoes of Eternity
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Romans 4:5
I am your righteousness—the only righteousness that will ultimately count. Your righteousness is always sullied and mixed with unworthy motives. This I accept and cleanse, because of My own mercy.
I call you to rejoice in My righteousness. It is peace and joy. There is no striving or strain in it. It is. I know your frame, that it is dust. But I have not despised the work of My hands. I have not turned My back on My redemption. You are part of a redeemed people, and you have been purchased at a great price, because I have set My love on you. Don’t try to figure it out. You cannot. Let it humble you in the
right way. Let it free you in the right way. Let it lift you up in the right way. Learn to flow in My Spirit—casting aside the weights and sins— even the pride in your “righteousness.” My yoke is still easy and My burden is still light. Ponder what this means.

June 1 Echoes of Eternity But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that…

June 1 Echoes of Eternity
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Romans 4:5
I am your righteousness—the only righteousness that will ultimately count. Your righteousness is always sullied and mixed with unworthy motives. This I accept and cleanse, because of My own mercy.
I call you to rejoice in My righteousness. It is peace and joy. There is no striving or strain in it. It is. I know your frame, that it is dust. But I have not despised the work of My hands. I have not turned My back on My redemption. You are part of a redeemed people, and you have been purchased at a great price, because I have set My love on you. Don’t try to figure it out. You cannot. Let it humble you in the
right way. Let it free you in the right way. Let it lift you up in the right way. Learn to flow in My Spirit—casting aside the weights and sins— even the pride in your “righteousness.” My yoke is still easy and My burden is still light. Ponder what this means.

By Sr. Fidelis "Not so Ordinary" Time At the close of Pentecost, we enter into O…

By Sr. Fidelis #quot;Not so Ordinary#quot; Time At the close of Pentecost, we enter into Ordinary Time. Taken from the Late Latin word ordinalis, Ordinary denotes order, or place of succession. The Latin term for this period is Tempus per annum — time through the year. There are two periods of Ordinary Time in the church Calendar; the first is from the Feast of the Baptism of Christ, through to Ash Wednesday, and the second period, extends from the Monday after Pentecost to the First Sunday of Advent. [ 80 more words. ]

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song June 1, 2015 By Sr. Fidelis “Not so Ordinary” Time At the close of Pentecost, we enter into Ordinary Time. Taken from the Late Latin word ordinalis, Ordinary denotes order, or place of succession. The Latin term for this period is Tempus per annum — time through the…

By Sr. Fidelis "Not so Ordinary" Time At the close of Pentecost, we enter into O…

By Sr. Fidelis #quot;Not so Ordinary#quot; Time At the close of Pentecost, we enter into Ordinary Time. Taken from the Late Latin word ordinalis, Ordinary denotes order, or place of succession. The Latin term for this period is Tempus per annum — time through the year. There are two periods of Ordinary Time in the church Calendar; the first is from the Feast of the Baptism of Christ, through to Ash Wednesday, and the second period, extends from the Monday after Pentecost to the First Sunday of Advent. [ 80 more words. ]

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song June 1, 2015 By Sr. Fidelis “Not so Ordinary” Time At the close of Pentecost, we enter into Ordinary Time. Taken from the Late Latin word ordinalis, Ordinary denotes order, or place of succession. The Latin term for this period is Tempus per annum — time through the…

Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song

By Sr. Fidelis

“Not so Ordinary” Time

At the close of Pentecost, we enter into Ordinary Time. Taken from the Late Latin word ordinalis, Ordinary denotes order, or place of succession. The Latin term for this period is Tempus per annum — time through the year. There are two periods of Ordinary Time in the church Calendar; the first is from the Feast of the Baptism of Christ, through to Ash Wednesday, and the second period, extends from the Monday after Pentecost to the First Sunday of Advent. So we are in a season of counted weeks! This second period is a much longer one, and will take us through the summer into the last weeks of autumn. The Propers for these weeks are becoming familiar “friends” as we revisit them year after year; each with a distinct melody, text and modal framework. But each annual repetition brings with it new revelation and inspiration – proof that these chants were inspired by the moving of the Holy Spirit!


Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song

By Sr. Fidelis

“Not so Ordinary” Time

At the close of Pentecost, we enter into Ordinary Time. Taken from the Late Latin word ordinalis, Ordinary denotes order, or place of succession. The Latin term for this period is Tempus per annum — time through the year. There are two periods of Ordinary Time in the church Calendar; the first is from the Feast of the Baptism of Christ, through to Ash Wednesday, and the second period, extends from the Monday after Pentecost to the First Sunday of Advent. So we are in a season of counted weeks! This second period is a much longer one, and will take us through the summer into the last weeks of autumn. The Propers for these weeks are becoming familiar “friends” as we revisit them year after year; each with a distinct melody, text and modal framework. But each annual repetition brings with it new revelation and inspiration – proof that these chants were inspired by the moving of the Holy Spirit!
