Great review on ##039;40 Days with the Holy Spirit##039; by Jack Levison.
What might happen in our lives and our congregations if we gave more attention to the Holy Spirit? Jack Levison has been asking that question for many years as a scholar and teacher. In fact, few biblical scholars have given as much attention to the Holy Spirit as Levison who teaches biblical Hebrew at Perkins School of Theology. This is not a scholarly book, though it is grounded in a wealth of scholarship. This is a book designed to guide readers into greater understanding of the Holy Spirit. As the author puts it, “It’s intended to prompt you to reflect at your own pace and to absorb, slowly and deliberately, the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, your community of faith and the world.” Within the biblical universe the Spirit is the One who gives power to sustain faith, courage to face fears and conviction to speak boldly. This same Spirit is alive now. This book of 40 daily devotions is designed to be a practice that will both increase your learning about the Spirit but more importantly expand your experience of the Spirit. Read—meditate—reflect—breathe—pray. This is the pattern of the book; it’s a pattern that leads inward, outward and back again. What might happen in our lives and our congregations if we gave more attention to the Holy Spirit? Find out. —Roy W. Howard, The Presbyterian Outlook