By Melodious Monk What if Today, the Holy Spirit will cleanse in me that which i…

By Melodious Monk What if Today, the Holy Spirit will cleanse in me that which is unclean water in me that which is dry heal in me that which is wounded What if Today, the Holy Spirit##039;s fire will bend that which is inflexible, fire that which is chilled correct what goes astray What if Today, by His Grace I am granted the reward of virtue… [ 49 more words. ]

Improbably Possible
Improbably Possible May 28, 2015 By Melodious Monk What if Today, the Holy Spirit will cleanse in me that which is unclean water in me that which is dry heal in me that which is wounded What if Today, the Holy Spirit’s fire will bend that which is inflexible, fire that which is chilled correct what…

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