December 29 Echoes of Eternity
The Lord is good to all; and His tender mercies are over all His works.
Psalm 145:9
In My mercy there is provision for your every need. My ways seem strange to you, and sometimes you rebel against them. But in so doing, you are rebelling against My mercy.
A frightened bird can do itself much harm in trying to escape the loving attention of a well-intentioned person. Even so, you can bring harm to yourself in “kicking against the pricks” of My mercy when you don’t recognize it.
This world calls such acceptance unreality, “Pollyanna-ish.” But I call it a pearl of great price, a treasure hid in the field of your life—a trust like Mary’s which allowed My purpose to proceed without hindrance or delay. Remember, My child, My tender mercies are over all My works. In My mercy there is provision for your every need.
Paraclete Impressions