December 4 Echoes of Eternity
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Psalm 100:3
I know My sheep and call them by name. This is a mystery beyond your comprehension, for you rightly see how impossible it is for the human mind. But I am the God of the impossible—by which I mean that My power and ability far exceed any thought you might have of Me—however grand and majestic it might be. In My choice to become man and dwell among you, I did not diminish My infinity. Your life has been too circumscribed by your mental boundaries. You have severly limited your participation in My divine greatness by these boundaries. But hear this word again and meditate on it. It contains a key to unlock resources you have not dreamed of or yet experienced. I know My sheep and call them by name. My dear child, that little word can make all the difference—if you learn to believe it.
Paraclete Impressions