February 13 Echoes of Eternity
Though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
I Corinthians 13:2
My word brings joy, even when it causes pain. It brings life, even when it brings death to your wonted ways. Rather, it brings joy because it brings pain, and life because it brings death.
The deepest things of life remain a mystery to you, My child, and it must be so. In the mystery there are realities as yet only faintly grasped or dimly seen. But their presence assures you that there is more to life with Me than you have yet experienced.
Do not be afraid of the mysteries, and do not try to explain them away. This foolish effort on your part has robbed you of blessings and stunted your growth in Me for many years. Expand the capacity of your soul to admit what you cannot understand or reason out— and let My word bring the life and joy you so much want and need.
Paraclete Impressions