February 17 Echoes of Eternity
That He might sanctify and cleanse [the church] with the washing of water by the word.
Ephesians 5:26
The cleansing of the soul is a long process. The stain of sin goes very deep, and surface cleansing is only part of the process. You get discouraged that old sinful thoughts and temptations keep “coming back.” You are to learn to fight their early appearance more aggressively. Bring them to Me, My child, for you cannot handle
them alone. Confess—do not deny nor repress—but confess them and place them under My cleansing blood. “Sinners washed beneath this flood lose all their guilty stains.” This is an ongoing work of My grace, and I expect your full participation if you want to be prepared for the light I have in store for you “and for all who have loved My appearing.”
Paraclete Impressions