February 7 Echoes of Eternity
And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.
Genesis 3:8
I have walked and talked with many a soul over the years. Yet surprisingly few of My people understand and avail themselves of this privilege. It was My first plan, as revealed in the Garden of Eden, to have fellowship with those I had created in My image. Then misuse of the freedom. Which, that image carried with it meant a loss on both sides—and the possibility had to be re-established. You catch glimpses of it in the Old Testament writings, for there were, even then, those who discovered and claimed this fellowship.
I came in full measure with the gift of the Holy Spirit, poured out on My people. The veil of the temple was rent, and access—an open door—placed for the highest and lowest among them.
Still even My own seem to prefer distance to nearness. They erect new barriers and place new conditions and restrictions on this invitation to fellowship. You are required to continue to struggle against the willful and rebellious nature that seeks to deafen your ears to My voice. Practice instant obedience to My Spirit’s “nudges”—the gentle voice you so often ignore. This will put you “on track” to have a closer walk with Me.
Paraclete Impressions