January 25 Echoes of Eternity
Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
Psalm 37:1
Be not troubled in spirit over the negative things being bandied about. In very truth I tell you, the spirit of Antichrist is abroad and doing much harm among those open to it. It need not trouble you. Rather let it signal your need to draw closer to Me, your peace and your vindication. Did I not come to Job’s defense after I had dealt with his self-righteousness? Did I not promise that those who follow Me would know persecution? This, My child, is but reality. It is built into the fallen state of this world. Until all is brought into conformity with My divine, creative purpose, conflict and persecution will be the lot of those who walk with Me.
But is it not a good walk, My child?
Paraclete Impressions