May 9 Echoes of Eternity
He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3
I am the Lord who healeth thee. My Spirit goes forth to renew the souls of My people—souls that are wounded and torn by the thorns of this fallen world. They are thorns of worldly care and fleshly lust, of ambition and pride, stubbornness and hardness of heart. All together they form a kind of obstacle course over which you must go to complete your journey. Left unhealed these wounds prove fatal. Their infection spreads to others as well. My healing has a double effect. It binds up and purifies the soul and intervenes between souls.
Much of My healing is hidden from view, even to the soul itself. So do not doubt the process. It is going on. I am the Lord who healeth thee.
Paraclete Impressions