Publicity roundup!

Some of our favorite book reviewers have been doing what they do best, and we’re the proud recipients of several wonderful reviews. Here is a taste of the most recent and best:

All Creation WaitsAll Creation Waits – Author Gayle Boss was a featured guest blogger on Krista Tippett’s On Being blog. You can read that post here.

The Paraclete Poetry Anthology was featured in the Chicago Tribune today, in a weekly round up of religion titles. Barbara Mahaney said: “Consider this a short course for the soul. Or, perhaps, the syllabus to last a lifetime. . .

Paraclete Poetry AnthologyGathered here we find selected and new poems from a contemplative monk or three, an Episcopal priest, a rabbi, a protege of Thomas Merton, an Iranian-German poet, a theologian, a flock of English professors, and poets from Ireland, Poland, West Virginia and Tennessee. Tucked amid the poets’ roster, we find Rainer Maria Rilke, considered one of the most lyrically intense German-language poets, in new and previous translations by Burrows.

You’ll wear out the pages and the binding before you’re ever ready to put down this book.”


Charles of the DesertWe also had a wonderful mention on “The Millions” for Charles of the Desert: A Life in Verseas part of Nick Ripatrizone’s Year in Reading. “Each year I read more books than I can possibly review — here are. . . the finest and most memorable of that bunch. They are worth your money, your time, and your attention.

Beautiful verse, full of pieces like “The Pangs of Wanting:” “I deliver my body to the church, / though I cannot imagine what penance might relieve / these pangs of wanting.” Later: “I take first communion…My tongue licks up the bread: a whisper / of paper on my teeth…His torn body in my stomach, / his blood in my spit, I almost vomit; I almost sing.” More collections about God like this one would be very welcomed.”

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