The Eighth Day:
It is not for you or me to know the times,
which the Father has kept within His own
benign authority. After the current season
in which we find ourselves, the God shall rest,
as on the seventh day, and there He will give us–
who shall be the seventh day–rest within Himself.
Suffice to say that the seventh shall be
brought to a close, not by an evening,
but yet another day, the Lord##039;s day, as an eighth
and an eternal day, consecrated by the radiating
resurrection of Christ, and prefiguring
the eternal reposition and repose,
not of spirit only, but of the body too.
There we shall rest and see, see and love,
love and praise. This is what shall be
in our exalted end without end.
— Poem by Scott Cairns, from ##039;Endless Life##039;