July 14 Echoes of Eternity
The pride of thy heart hath deceived thee. Obadiah vs. 3
I the Lord your God am speaking to you. Heaven and earth shall
pass away—but My love is eternal. My child, you still have far to go
and much to receive before the fullness of this truth is in you. You
still operate on the basis of merit and punishment—of being good
and being bad. You still take pride in the works of My grace, and
do not pay the fullness of tribute to Me. The momentary lift you get
from such pride comes with a high price. It damages your soul and delays your progress toward maturity. Learn to recognize these feelings and quickly bring them to Me before great damage is done, and you find yourself in enemy territory. It can be done. It is not without hope of change, even though your nature is badly bent in this pattern. Credit and glory are not the true fulfillment you have thought them to be. They are chains that bind you to a changing, dying, fickle world. But you can break the chains!
Paraclete Impressions