Great review on ##039;Midrash: Reading the Bible with question marks##039; by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Great review on ##039;Midrash: Reading the Bible with question marks##039; by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
By Melodious Monk
In Eugene Peterson’s Idiomatic translation of the Gospel of Matthew, many of Jesus’ words come alive in a somewhat shocking way. I pause to re-read and re-acknowledge the awesomeness of what Jesus brings us, and the duty that he calls us towards. Near the end of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus told us:
“You’re familiar with the old written law, ‘Love your friend,’ and its unwritten companion, ‘Hate your enemy.’ I’m challenging that. I’m telling you to love you enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer, for then you are working out of your true selves, your God-created selves…If you simply love the lovable, do you expect a bonus? Anybody can do that. If you simply say hello to those who greet you, do you expect a medal?…”In a word, what I’m sayings is, Grow up. You’re kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you.”
I’m slow to listen to Jesus’ call to “Grow up.” I’d rather nurse old hurts, take jabs at my enemies and not work to give energies of prayer and peace to others, especially those people or circumstances that I would normally shy away from. God desires so much more fulfilment for my life then I can comprehend. After re-reading this whole chapter from Matthew, I’m shockingly aware of how much possibility there is for an outrageously fulfilling, adventurous, and hope-filled life. God offers such a life to us, if we choose to live inside His kingdom.
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Fidelis Ascended #quot;Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him ascend into heaven.#quot; The Mode 1 Offertory for Thursday##039;s Ascension contains a melismatic passage on the word #quot;ascend#quot; that is word painting in sound. Its #quot;startling#quot; leaps span an octave, with many thirds and fifths, all sung in a light and floating manner, according to the ancient notation. [ 30 more words. ]
By Sr. Fidelis
“Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him ascend into heaven.”
The Mode 1 Offertory for Thursday’s Ascension contains a melismatic passage on the word “ascend” that is word painting in sound. Its “startling” leaps span an octave, with many thirds and fifths, all sung in a light and floating manner, according to the ancient notation. One can only imagine the clouds parting and swirling as he rose from their sight. Listen to this amazing piece, one of the great gems of the Gregorian repertory.
May 17 Echoes of Eternity
But blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear.
Matthew 13:16
Behold, behold, behold! You have eyes to see, but how often you miss seeing My blessing and My hand at work! Blindness still covers your sight, because you do not look into and beyond the surface of the things around you. I am offering you in these latter days a new depth of insight into the realities around you. You have preferred the surface-look because it did not disturb your fixed and “rational”
ways of thinking. But I call you to a more mature and realistic walk in these days. Behold. Look deeper. Don’t be put off by surface answers and explanations. I am at work in every situation for good. And you are to announce that over and over again—for your sake and for the sake of others. Be faithful.
Paraclete author Frederica Mathewes-Green on The Eric Metaxas Show. (Jump to the 10 minute mark.);
Eric continues his talk with Ted Cruz, and then speaks with Frederica Mathewes-Green.
Republican Presidential Candidate Senator Ted Cruz chooses Eric as his running mate… not really. Frederica Mathewes-Green of discuss a mysterious encounter she experienced in a European
May 16 Echoes of Eternity
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
II Timothy 1:7
The enemies are within, My child. Over the years you have given room for hiding places for them. They are permitted to plague you until your repentance is complete. Complete repentance means a final and absolute turning from the sin-filled fantasies and thoughts you have indulged. A holy hatred of the Babylonish garment is required.
As long as the harassing fears and foreboding come, fight against them with the weapons I have provided—believing prayer and grateful praise. They cannot prevail against these, and their attacks will turn to blessing.
May 15 Echoes of Eternity
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3
I bless you, My child, because you are Mine. Not because of your merits or achievements—for you know they are not worthy of My blessing. No, but because My favor rests on you and I have chosen to make you one of Mine, the blessing comes.
You are worried and anxious about many small things. They pass into eternity in a moment. You fear what might lie ahead for you—but do you doubt My blessing? Away with your infantile preoccupations! The hour is late. Enter into the blessing I am giving you today. Harden not your heart against Me in fear.
The True and Only Vine
The True and Only Vine | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other One of the Sisters suggested I write a blog called #quot;bloom after pruning,#quot; and she even provided a great picture! She referred, of course, to the parable that portrays Jesus as the True Vine and God the Father as the Vine Dresser. Jesus says in John 15: 1-2, that He##039;ll remove every branch that bears no fruit, and prune the fruitful branches so that they bear more fruit.
One of the Sisters suggested I write a blog called “bloom after pruning,” and she even provided a great picture! She referred, of course, to the parable that portrays Jesus as the True Vine and God the Father as the Vine Dresser. Jesus says in John 15: 1-2, that He’ll remove every branch that bears no fruit, and prune the fruitful branches so that they bear more fruit. It’s a scripture I approach with caution, and not an experience I wait in line for. When one of my irregular branches is trimmed, usually through circumstance, I then have difficulty identifying who I am. I’m like a wibble-wobble toy without a fixed foundation — no idea how or where I’ll land. Advice to me: keep reading. In subsequent verses, Jesus counsels His branches to (paraphrased), “Abide in me, abide in my love, until your journey is complete. Follow my commandments, as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and if you do, your joy will be complete.” It’s a passage more about relationship than pain–an intertwining of love, obedience, and joy — each dependent on the other — until we become not servants, but friends. So I’d like to modify my friend’s suggestion ever so slightly to say it’s possible to bloom during pruning.
May 14 Echoes of Eternity
He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.
Isaiah 40:11
This is the life I have given you. Embrace it and be grateful for it. I am the Good Shepherd who leads My sheep in the right places for them. Here, My design is to keep you in a safe place. Here those qualities I desire to see can come forth and grow if you will embrace this life. Worry not about what others may think. Instead, concern yourself about what I think.
Chants for the Feast of Pentecost – May 24
The Chants of the Holy Spirit
The Chants of the Holy Spirit – The disciples waiting in the Upper Room, the rush of wind, the tongues of fire, and the spreading of the Gospel are all depicted in these Gregorian chants from two …
May 13 Echoes of Eternity
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
Hebrews 12:1,2
The mystery of the communion of saints is the mystery of prayer. It is the opening up of the barrier that now separates those who are earth-bound and those who have “made it home.” Remembering those who have gone ahead is part of this communion. Keeping the memory alive—even generations removed—is an important part. You are all bound together in My love, and you are called to be a
praying people. I allow for many mistakes in your struggle to understand, for I know how limited your capacities are. But I want you to keep seeking, knocking and asking, that your capacity may grow, and that you participate more freely in this blessed communion.
A Gift is Coming
A Gift is Coming | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk Even a brief watching of the nightly news shows a world in need, and inwardly, we are never far from a spiritual battle between our human natures and God’s divine purposes. Here we are at Ascension, a time when Jesus tried to explain to his closest followers why he had to leave them. He said, “If I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you.” The word Advocate can be derived from the Greek word Parakletos, also phrased as “one called alongside.” Or, as the NIV translates the word, “one who speaks in our defense.” I forget regularly that Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit, our advocate, to help, to comfort, and to defend us.
By Melodious Monk
Even a brief watching of the nightly news shows a world in need, and inwardly, we are never far from a spiritual battle between our human natures and God’s divine purposes. Here we are at Ascension, a time when Jesus tried to explain to his closest followers why he had to leave them. He said, “If I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you.” The word Advocate can be derived from the Greek word Parakletos, also phrased as “one called alongside.” Or, as the NIV translates the word, “one who speaks in our defense.” I forget regularly that Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit, our advocate, to help, to comfort, and to defend us. As the season of Easter is fading away, we have a great gift coming from Jesus. A gift I want to learn more about. In moments of need, I want to learn to gain strength and trust by following this Advocate’s counsel.
May 12 Echoes of Eternity
That I may know Him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.
Philippians 3:10
Avoiding suffering is avoiding Me, for I am there for you. I do not delight in seeing My children in pain. I do not willingly afflict the children of men. But you know, My child, that I have suffered for you, and that those who love Me are given to share in My sufferings. You do not, you cannot, understand this with your natural mind. Only the experience itself can reveal what I am saying.
You have not been a willing participant in My suffering, and have sought various ways to avoid it. Only My persistent love that would not let you go prevailed—and you see a little clearer, do you not, the secrets hidden there? There is no cause for fear—only faithful assent to that which I allow. It will be all right.
May 11 Echoes of Eternity
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
Psalm 126:5
Tears are never wasted. Tears and prayers belong together, for real prayer comes from the depths of your heart. Both joy and sorrow flow from the fount of tears. They are My gift to you, washing away the soil of many years, softening the hardness which has long encrusted your heart. Do not be ashamed of them nor frightened by their arrival. Wholeness demands a cleansing and a plowing up of fallow ground. Abundant fruit can come forth only from hearts that are softened and made workable. Keep at it, My child, and expect harvest to come.
Celebrating Ascension Day at Home
Celebrating Ascension Day at Home – Building Faith
It is no small thing that Christ – even in his resurrected form – chose to spend his last days walking on terra firma with his friends and family.
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Son
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Son | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Fidelis Transition Easter 6 marks a significant transitional time in our Paschal journey. Up until now, we##039;ve been in a wonderful #quot;cocoon#quot; of intimacy with the Risen Christ, and all the ways he##039;s made himself known to us — in the breaking of bread, in him as the good shepherd, and true vine. But now, all the texts for both the Divine Office and Eucharist point to his imminent departure and the promise of the Holy Spirit##039;s coming. [ 71 more words. ]
By Sr. Fidelis
Easter 6 marks a significant transitional time in our Paschal journey. Up until now, we’ve been in a wonderful “cocoon” of intimacy with the Risen Christ, and all the ways he’s made himself known to us — in the breaking of bread, in him as the good shepherd, and true vine.
But now, all the texts for both the Divine Office and Eucharist point to his imminent departure and the promise of the Holy Spirit’s coming. He is preparing us for the future, and what we are truly called to.
The text chosen for this year’s liturgical cycle in both the Alleluia and the Communion is: I myself have chosen you out of the world, that you should go and bear fruit, and your fruit should remain.
The connection is so clear. We cannot do this without abiding in him for sustenance, comfort and life itself.
May 10 Echoes of Eternity
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6,7
Peace be with you, My child. A settled peace is My gift to you, if you will accept it. In your earthly pilgrimage you have known little inward peace. You have not been at peace with yourself or your circumstances. A constant restlessness stirred within. When you caught a glimpse of heavenly peace, it was from a far country.
I give My peace to those who will receive it. It is a pearl of great price, but it cannot abide in a heart bent on its own way. My will is peace, and in spite of difficulties brings peace to the heart. Peace be with you, My child.
May 9 Echoes of Eternity
He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3
I am the Lord who healeth thee. My Spirit goes forth to renew the souls of My people—souls that are wounded and torn by the thorns of this fallen world. They are thorns of worldly care and fleshly lust, of ambition and pride, stubbornness and hardness of heart. All together they form a kind of obstacle course over which you must go to complete your journey. Left unhealed these wounds prove fatal. Their infection spreads to others as well. My healing has a double effect. It binds up and purifies the soul and intervenes between souls.
Much of My healing is hidden from view, even to the soul itself. So do not doubt the process. It is going on. I am the Lord who healeth thee.
May 8 Echoes of Eternity
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.
I John 3:1
I honor those who honor Me. My honor is not like the world’s honor. When I honor a soul, it is by drawing such a one close to My side. This may be the call to suffer “dishonor” in the world’s eye. It may be a place of total or near-total obscurity. But the soul can know—indeed must come to know—that a signal honor has been
bestowed. None call on Me in vain. My mercy is not meager, not in short supply. Don’t be surprised by My goodness and generosity. Expect it. Pray that your heart will also become enlarged with mercy.
Rainy Day Activities for Kids – Teach them how to talk to God in many new ways!
Rainy Day Ideas for Kids
Rainy Day Ideas for Kids – It##039;s raining outside, and the kid##039;s have started asking What do we do now? Here are a few hand-selected packages of some of our most popular children##039;s books you can use …
In Light Of
In Light Of | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other During our weekly Liturgy of the Hours, we encounter these words from Psalm 36: In Your light, we see light. It occurs to me that my light — in and of itself — is based on me. I transfuse advice with my experiences, my opinions, and unfortunately, my agenda. God##039;s light is a burst of life, clear and transparent, that transmits a spectrum of multifaceted color.
By Sr. Nun Other
During our weekly Liturgy of the Hours, we encounter these words from Psalm 36: In Your light, we see light. It occurs to me that my light — in and of itself — is based on me. I transfuse advice with my experiences, my opinions, and unfortunately, my agenda. God’s light is a burst of life, clear and transparent, that transmits a spectrum of multifaceted color. When I’m tempted to speak too quickly, I need to focus through the prism of God’s love. In Your light, we see light. This one, wonderful sentence tucked in the middle of a Psalm, makes all the difference.
May 7 Echoes of Eternity
I would that ye should understand that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel.
Philippians 1:12
Your disappointments of the past were but steps along the path that led you back to Me. Know that no good thing do I withhold from them that love Me. But when your desires and ambitions led you in contrary ways, I wisely cut them off to safe limits—having always in view that which would ultimately satisfy your deepest
desire. That is My wisdom and mercy—it is always in operation, unseen and unrecognized by My children. So your disappointments become inconsequential—except that they are signal points of My overruling hand of mercy on you. Believe this, My child, and count it all joy. There is not loss—no ultimate loss—to you if you will accept My higher gift—the treasure of My love in the secret place of your
heart. So few find it! Be one of them.
May 6 Echoes of Eternity
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?
Isaiah 43:19
My dear child, I am writing a new word upon your heart. Heretofore you have never fully accepted My love in its simplicity. Anxiety and fear have shut the door against My proffered presence. Sin and rebellion within, then, have wreaked havoc in the place where I would have reigned. Confusion and misdirection prevailed
where order and progress could have been manifest. You know in part some of the pain and distress that resulted.
You weep now. Others have wept for you—and prayed that your eyes might be open to the truth. Do not close your heart to Me. Do not let pride shut out my abiding, guiding presence. I am here to bless you, and through you to bless others. At eventide there shall be light.
May 6 Echoes of Eternity
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?
Isaiah 43:19
My dear child, I am writing a new word upon your heart. Heretofore you have never fully accepted My love in its simplicity. Anxiety and fear have shut the door against My proffered presence. Sin and rebellion within, then, have wreaked havoc in the place where I would have reigned. Confusion and misdirection prevailed
where order and progress could have been manifest. You know in part some of the pain and distress that resulted.
You weep now. Others have wept for you—and prayed that your eyes might be open to the truth. Do not close your heart to Me. Do not let pride shut out my abiding, guiding presence. I am here to bless you, and through you to bless others. At eventide there shall be light.
A Need to Stretch
A Need to Stretch | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk I’m too small to understand much about God. Perhaps this is why I’m drawn to ponder over a sermon from the 14th century. Father John Tauler was a Dominican priest who taught that the way to union or friendship with God was through detachment from earthly matters. He said, “To be guided by one’s own light and not by God’s is the chief cause of our not attaining to union with God. [ 340 more words. ]
A Need to Stretch
A Need to Stretch | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk I’m too small to understand much about God. Perhaps this is why I’m drawn to ponder over a sermon from the 14th century. Father John Tauler was a Dominican priest who taught that the way to union or friendship with God was through detachment from earthly matters. He said, “To be guided by one’s own light and not by God’s is the chief cause of our not attaining to union with God. [ 340 more words. ]
By Melodious Monk
I’m too small to understand much about God. Perhaps this is why I’m drawn to ponder over a sermon from the 14th century. Father John Tauler was a Dominican priest who taught that the way to union or friendship with God was through detachment from earthly matters. He said, “To be guided by one’s own light and not by God’s is the chief cause of our not attaining to union with God. There is an overmastering joy in self-guidance, even in spiritual matters; nature is intoxicated by this pleasure more than by any other; and withal, it is deceitful, and its hurtfulness too often remains hidden.”
I certainly strive to guide myself! I like to do things, to accomplish things, and to have things somewhat organized — not without change and variety mind you, for without could be boring and uninteresting! But I’d still rather have some foreknowledge of what’s coming so as to be prepared. And I do find joy in guiding myself through things…but at what cost? Did my drive to accomplish a job today, even a job that may have been God’s will, cause me to miss being with Christ today? And in the process of organizing and making the job happen, did I run over blessings God had intended for me or someone else, all in the name of finishing a “worthy” task?
“God’s friends are afflicted to the marrow of their bones as they see and hear the injury done to God and the harm to immortal souls by people’s affection for creatures, which is all too prevalent around them.” I find this thought somewhat humorous when juxtaposed to the goal of loving ones neighbor, but nonetheless true. Our “affection for creatures” is very high, and takes a number of subtle forms, working hard, working for the joy of accomplishment, of self-worth, or looking for praise. In getting this temporary joy and praise from other creatures, I find myself continually striving for more of this unrequited goal, pushing aside people and events that seem like interruptions. I don’t stretch to think or pray about the hidden hurtfulness that this selfishness can cause. I’m much too small to realize that God is in anything that comes into my day, yes, truly everything. He may be asking me to do more, or He may be sitting on the side of the road wishing I’d stop and sit with him a while.
By Melodious Monk
I’m too small to understand much about God. Perhaps this is why I’m drawn to ponder over a sermon from the 14th century. Father John Tauler was a Dominican priest who taught that the way to union or friendship with God was through detachment from earthly matters. He said, “To be guided by one’s own light and not by God’s is the chief cause of our not attaining to union with God. There is an overmastering joy in self-guidance, even in spiritual matters; nature is intoxicated by this pleasure more than by any other; and withal, it is deceitful, and its hurtfulness too often remains hidden.”
I certainly strive to guide myself! I like to do things, to accomplish things, and to have things somewhat organized — not without change and variety mind you, for without could be boring and uninteresting! But I’d still rather have some foreknowledge of what’s coming so as to be prepared. And I do find joy in guiding myself through things…but at what cost? Did my drive to accomplish a job today, even a job that may have been God’s will, cause me to miss being with Christ today? And in the process of organizing and making the job happen, did I run over blessings God had intended for me or someone else, all in the name of finishing a “worthy” task?
“God’s friends are afflicted to the marrow of their bones as they see and hear the injury done to God and the harm to immortal souls by people’s affection for creatures, which is all too prevalent around them.” I find this thought somewhat humorous when juxtaposed to the goal of loving ones neighbor, but nonetheless true. Our “affection for creatures” is very high, and takes a number of subtle forms, working hard, working for the joy of accomplishment, of self-worth, or looking for praise. In getting this temporary joy and praise from other creatures, I find myself continually striving for more of this unrequited goal, pushing aside people and events that seem like interruptions. I don’t stretch to think or pray about the hidden hurtfulness that this selfishness can cause. I’m much too small to realize that God is in anything that comes into my day, yes, truly everything. He may be asking me to do more, or He may be sitting on the side of the road wishing I’d stop and sit with him a while.
May 5 Echoes of Eternity
We . . . have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.
Hebrews 6:18,19
Cling to My cross. It is the anchor of your soul. Wild thoughts, ideas, temptations—all would dash you to pieces. Here, only here, is your safety. It is the Rock of Ages—and in it there is safety through every storm.
Cling to My cross. For there you know of very surety that your only claim on Me is My sovereign love. You did not create it—it was before you. You do not control it or destroy it—for I am God. But clinging here, you can keep a fresh awareness of the relationship between us. It is based not on merit but on grace.
You are a very insecure soul—never fully trusting for more than a moment. Your faith is still weak and puny—and far from the robust health I will for it. Your past trials have had some results—but O, My child, how much more you could have learned from My goodness!
May 5 Echoes of Eternity
We . . . have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.
Hebrews 6:18,19
Cling to My cross. It is the anchor of your soul. Wild thoughts, ideas, temptations—all would dash you to pieces. Here, only here, is your safety. It is the Rock of Ages—and in it there is safety through every storm.
Cling to My cross. For there you know of very surety that your only claim on Me is My sovereign love. You did not create it—it was before you. You do not control it or destroy it—for I am God. But clinging here, you can keep a fresh awareness of the relationship between us. It is based not on merit but on grace.
You are a very insecure soul—never fully trusting for more than a moment. Your faith is still weak and puny—and far from the robust health I will for it. Your past trials have had some results—but O, My child, how much more you could have learned from My goodness!
May 4 Echoes of Eternity
He hath made everything beautiful in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
The beauty of this world does not compare with the glory of the next. It is, however, a foretaste, just as the peace I give here is a foretaste of My Kingdom. Enjoy the beauty here. It is my gift to you. I put the hunger for it in your heart, and it is I who fulfill that hunger.
Embrace the life to which I have called you. Do not question My purposes, for they are hidden from you for your good. Your walk will have many thorns—but always there will be beauty—and the thorns are protective against that which would destroy. O My child, let the beauty of My world open your eyes more eagerly to the beauty of My life, My Kingdom. You have only begun to touch the hem of My garment, the edges of My ways.
May 4 Echoes of Eternity
He hath made everything beautiful in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
The beauty of this world does not compare with the glory of the next. It is, however, a foretaste, just as the peace I give here is a foretaste of My Kingdom. Enjoy the beauty here. It is my gift to you. I put the hunger for it in your heart, and it is I who fulfill that hunger.
Embrace the life to which I have called you. Do not question My purposes, for they are hidden from you for your good. Your walk will have many thorns—but always there will be beauty—and the thorns are protective against that which would destroy. O My child, let the beauty of My world open your eyes more eagerly to the beauty of My life, My Kingdom. You have only begun to touch the hem of My garment, the edges of My ways.
Take a fresh look at the historical Jesus and the Jewish roots of Christianity. ##039;Jesus: First-Century Rabbi##039; now available in paperback!
Jesus: First-Century Rabbi
Jesus: First-Century Rabbi – This bold, fresh look at the historical Jesus and the Jewish roots of Christianity challenges both Jews and Christians to re-examine their understanding of Jesus’s …
Take a fresh look at the historical Jesus and the Jewish roots of Christianity. ##039;Jesus: First-Century Rabbi##039; now available in paperback!
Jesus: First-Century Rabbi
Jesus: First-Century Rabbi – This bold, fresh look at the historical Jesus and the Jewish roots of Christianity challenges both Jews and Christians to re-examine their understanding of Jesus’s …
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Fidelis Revelations – Easter 5 Each week of Paschaltide, Jesus has been giving us keys to the way he reveals himself to us. The last several weeks, we##039;ve seen the word cognoscere (to know) in the Communion antiphons, implying that this is an active #quot;knowing#quot; that we work at in our relationship with him. He is #quot;known#quot; to us in the breaking of bread, and in his role as Good Shepherd. [ 101 more words. ]
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Fidelis Revelations – Easter 5 Each week of Paschaltide, Jesus has been giving us keys to the way he reveals himself to us. The last several weeks, we##039;ve seen the word cognoscere (to know) in the Communion antiphons, implying that this is an active #quot;knowing#quot; that we work at in our relationship with him. He is #quot;known#quot; to us in the breaking of bread, and in his role as Good Shepherd. [ 101 more words. ]
By Sr. Fidelis
Revelations – Easter 5
Each week of Paschaltide, Jesus has been giving us keys to the way he reveals himself to us.
The last several weeks, we’ve seen the word cognoscere (to know) in the Communion antiphons, implying that this is an active “knowing” that we work at in our relationship with him. He is “known” to us in the breaking of bread, and in his role as Good Shepherd.
This week’s Communion antiphon starts with the same tune and words as last week’s; Ego sum – I AM. We see these words and remember that when God was revealed to Moses in the burning bush, he used these very words to identify himself. “I AM has sent me to you.”
I AM the true vine and you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit. This is a staggering statement. All of life itself comes to the branches from the vine, if the branches are truly attached to the Source.
May 3 Echoes of Eternity
Thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; in returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.
Isaiah 30:15
Quietness is difficult for you because you have yet to learn to direct your thoughts and “stay” them on Me. You love the wanderings of your mind and easily let them carry you away.
Stillness is a state of rest in My presence. It is My gift to you when you are ready for it. Much of the turmoil you experience is the fruit of your own choices and the consequences of your wandering mind. Instead of wandering, My child, try wondering.
May 2 Echoes of Eternity
And now, Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in Thee.
Psalm 39:7
Hope! Hope! Hope! Hope is My gift in the interim time—when your heart is turned toward Me. There is no place for hopelessness in your relationship with Me, for the future—your future—is in My hand. Your sins of worry and fear are like acids that eat away at the hope I give you. Hope is like a beckoning light before you, and is meant to encourage you when things are difficult. It is a precious gift. Do not waste it!
My sovereign will none can thwart. That is why hope is a trustworthy guide. You do not need to understand all mysteries, how I shall accomplish My will—either in you or in others. But you do need to claim and cherish and nourish the gift of Hope.
Bid others be of good cheer. Too much fear darkens the hearts of My people. Bid them be of good cheer! The darkness cannot prevail because the true Light has come. Become a people of praise.
A wonderful review on ##039;Tales of Grace: Reflections on the Joyful Mysteries##039;.
Tales of Grace, by Luigi Santucci: A Review
There are 1.2 billion people in the world who might enjoy Luigi Santucci’s Tales of Grace: Reflections on the Joyful Mysteries (trans. Demetrio S. Yocum); they are Catholic. And then there is a muc…
A wonderful review on ##039;Tales of Grace: Reflections on the Joyful Mysteries##039;.
Tales of Grace, by Luigi Santucci: A Review
There are 1.2 billion people in the world who might enjoy Luigi Santucci’s Tales of Grace: Reflections on the Joyful Mysteries (trans. Demetrio S. Yocum); they are Catholic. And then there is a muc…
May 1 Echoes of Eternity
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
Proverbs 3:13,17
Walk in My ways today, My child. My ways are ways of blessedness and peace. Mine is a safe way—surrounded by all the protection you need from the enemy.
Leave to me the concerns about the future—your future and that of those you love. The future is in My hands, and you can safely entrust it to Me.
Redeem the time. The days are short and much has been wasted in your past years. But it is enough—and I will be with you to claim the present for My purposes. Be of good cheer!
May 1 Echoes of Eternity
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
Proverbs 3:13,17
Walk in My ways today, My child. My ways are ways of blessedness and peace. Mine is a safe way—surrounded by all the protection you need from the enemy.
Leave to me the concerns about the future—your future and that of those you love. The future is in My hands, and you can safely entrust it to Me.
Redeem the time. The days are short and much has been wasted in your past years. But it is enough—and I will be with you to claim the present for My purposes. Be of good cheer!
Start a 40 Day Journey with God##039;s Spirit.
40 Days with the Holy Spirit
40 Days with the Holy Spirit – Pentecost is May 24 God, we know. Jesus, too. But the Holy Spirit? Now’s the time—and here’s the perfect book—to answer this question once and for all in a wonderful, …
Start a 40 Day Journey with God##039;s Spirit.
40 Days with the Holy Spirit
40 Days with the Holy Spirit – Pentecost is May 24 God, we know. Jesus, too. But the Holy Spirit? Now’s the time—and here’s the perfect book—to answer this question once and for all in a wonderful, …
Pastor Bonus (Good Shepherd)
Pastor Bonus (Good Shepherd) | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other This year I discovered that the fourth Sunday of Easter is Good Shepherd Sunday. Perhaps (probably) I##039;ve heard it other years, but this year I heard it for the first time. It##039;s certainly a fitting placement for such a Sunday, as the ultimate definition of a good shepherd is #quot;one willing to lay down his life for his sheep.#quot; And Jesus is our unparalleled role model, both obedient lamb and devoted shepherd. [ 68 more words. ]
Pastor Bonus (Good Shepherd)
Pastor Bonus (Good Shepherd) | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other This year I discovered that the fourth Sunday of Easter is Good Shepherd Sunday. Perhaps (probably) I##039;ve heard it other years, but this year I heard it for the first time. It##039;s certainly a fitting placement for such a Sunday, as the ultimate definition of a good shepherd is #quot;one willing to lay down his life for his sheep.#quot; And Jesus is our unparalleled role model, both obedient lamb and devoted shepherd. [ 68 more words. ]
By Sr. Nun Other
This year I discovered that the fourth Sunday of Easter is Good Shepherd Sunday. Perhaps (probably) I’ve heard it other years, but this year I heard it for the first time. It’s certainly a fitting placement for such a Sunday, as the ultimate definition of a good shepherd is “one willing to lay down his life for his sheep.” And Jesus is our unparalleled role model, both obedient lamb and devoted shepherd. The shepherds in our lives are many and varied: parents, pastors, teachers, doctors, friends, authors, composers of music, and visual artists. We depend on them to teach us, to love, protect, guide, and search for us when we stray. To be a good shepherd, one must first be a good sheep, that is, listen with our hearts to recognize the voice of God when He comes calling.
Fantastic review on ##039;Hear My Prayer: The Complete Audio Book of Psalms (NRSV)##039; by Rachel G. Hackenberg
Monday Muse: Hear My Prayer | Rachel G. Hackenberg
Monday Muse: Hear My Prayer Posted on April 20, 2015 by Rachel Hackenberg Listen. Sssssshhhh. Really, just listen. Listen to the Psalms. Listen to all one hundred fifty of these ancient prayers — one psalm after another, one voice after another, without music or interlude, without commentary or homi…
Fantastic review on ##039;Hear My Prayer: The Complete Audio Book of Psalms (NRSV)##039; by Rachel G. Hackenberg
Monday Muse: Hear My Prayer | Rachel G. Hackenberg
Monday Muse: Hear My Prayer Posted on April 20, 2015 by Rachel Hackenberg Listen. Sssssshhhh. Really, just listen. Listen to the Psalms. Listen to all one hundred fifty of these ancient prayers — one psalm after another, one voice after another, without music or interlude, without commentary or homi…
April 30 Echoes of Eternity
Thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark. . . . and there I will meet with thee and commune with thee from above the mercy seat.
Exodus 25:21,22
My dear child, comfort your heart at My mercy seat. Here there is a foretaste of the blessedness which I have prepared for you and all My children. Here there is a breakthrough from the dullness and opaqueness that characterizes most of your life. That is the wellspring of your tears—the unguardedness of your heart. Do not be surprised that no great “words” or revelations come in these meetings.
You do not need them. What you need, child, is the assurance of My love and care. I see you trying to reach out and make “connections” in different directions—children, family, friends—and for the most part they fail you. But that is because they cannot supply what only I can give. Remember the word, “Thou openest Thy hand and satisfieth the desire of every living thing.” One thing must precede that:
the shaping of the desire away from destructive ends. When the heart is at peace, yearning for that which is withheld ceases. All things are yours when your heart is at peace.
So come to this seat often—this mercy seat. I have promised in My holy Word: I will meet with you here. Learn here the secret of My love.
April 30 Echoes of Eternity
Thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark. . . . and there I will meet with thee and commune with thee from above the mercy seat.
Exodus 25:21,22
My dear child, comfort your heart at My mercy seat. Here there is a foretaste of the blessedness which I have prepared for you and all My children. Here there is a breakthrough from the dullness and opaqueness that characterizes most of your life. That is the wellspring of your tears—the unguardedness of your heart. Do not be surprised that no great “words” or revelations come in these meetings.
You do not need them. What you need, child, is the assurance of My love and care. I see you trying to reach out and make “connections” in different directions—children, family, friends—and for the most part they fail you. But that is because they cannot supply what only I can give. Remember the word, “Thou openest Thy hand and satisfieth the desire of every living thing.” One thing must precede that:
the shaping of the desire away from destructive ends. When the heart is at peace, yearning for that which is withheld ceases. All things are yours when your heart is at peace.
So come to this seat often—this mercy seat. I have promised in My holy Word: I will meet with you here. Learn here the secret of My love.
5 Star Review on ##039;Lectio Devina: From God##039;s Word to Our Lives##039;. #quot;Enzo has challenged me to new depths in my spiritual life.#quot;—from the Review
Lectio Divina and Spiritual Exegesis: a book review
When I first picked up a book from Enzo Bianchi, I had no idea who he was. As the founder and prior of the Bose Community (a lay monastic community in the Benedictine tradition) and as consultor of…
5 Star Review on ##039;Lectio Devina: From God##039;s Word to Our Lives##039;. #quot;Enzo has challenged me to new depths in my spiritual life.#quot;—from the Review
Lectio Divina and Spiritual Exegesis: a book review
When I first picked up a book from Enzo Bianchi, I had no idea who he was. As the founder and prior of the Bose Community (a lay monastic community in the Benedictine tradition) and as consultor of…
Timeline Photos
GDC is currently working on preparing for Rachmaninoff##039;s All Night Vigil which we will be recording in June. Click through the link to get a free download of Kedrov##039;s Otche Nash from GDC##039;s previous Russian Recording — Sacred Songs of Russia. God bless your day!
Timeline Photos
GDC is currently working on preparing for Rachmaninoff##039;s All Night Vigil which we will be recording in June. Click through the link to get a free download of Kedrov##039;s Otche Nash from GDC##039;s previous Russian Recording — Sacred Songs of Russia. God bless your day!
Timeline Photos
3 things: 1) the Flunking Sainthood daily devotional book is chocked full of good stuff and lots of grace. I recommend it. 2) the December 13 entry is an excerpt from my book!! 3) (And perhaps most exciting,) my name appears right underneath my first love and hero: ##064;amygrant in the author index. So. Much. Fun. #writehappy
Timeline Photos
3 things: 1) the Flunking Sainthood daily devotional book is chocked full of good stuff and lots of grace. I recommend it. 2) the December 13 entry is an excerpt from my book!! 3) (And perhaps most exciting,) my name appears right underneath my first love and hero: ##064;amygrant in the author index. So. Much. Fun. #writehappy
Great review on David Brazzeal##039;s new book, ##039;Pray Like A Gourmet: Creative Ways to Feed the Soul##039;. See the book here:
Pray Like A Gourmet – A Book Review
I received a copy of Pray Like a Gourmet written by David Brazzeal, from NetGalley for the purpose of generating a review. Italicized quotes are either Bible verses or quotes from the book. The opinions expressed here are my own. This book releases this week! ### I attended a local…
Great review on David Brazzeal##039;s new book, ##039;Pray Like A Gourmet: Creative Ways to Feed the Soul##039;. See the book here:
Pray Like A Gourmet – A Book Review
I received a copy of Pray Like a Gourmet written by David Brazzeal, from NetGalley for the purpose of generating a review. Italicized quotes are either Bible verses or quotes from the book. The opinions expressed here are my own. This book releases this week! ### I attended a local…
April 27 Echoes of Eternity
A bruised reed shall He not break, and the smoking flax shall He not quench.
Isaiah 42:3
Yes, I am your Lord and your God. It is I who give you life and breath moment by moment. You are entirely in My care. I touch not only the mountain but hearts, setting them aflame with My love.
Nourish the flame, My child. Vain regret is not repentance. Keep open to the breath of My Spirit and open to My love. Obey the gentle commands and become more sensitive to My ways. Be strong and of good courage, and I will strengthen your heart. I am able to do exceedingly beyond all your poor mind can ask or think.
A lovely book to give for Mother##039;s Day. This book encourages you to stop and revel in the sights, sounds, and meanings of what we say about God.
Sacred Pause: A Creative Retreat for the Word-weary Christian
Sacred Pause: A Creative Retreat for the Word-weary Christian – Our lives are full of words. We rarely pause to attend to them, much less take time for personal retreat. This book encourages you to …
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Fidelis Pastor Bonus In the Communion for the 4th week of Easter, Jesus says, #quot;I am the good shepherd, and I know my sheep and mine know me.#quot; (John 10:14). In a simple two and a half line melody, the joy and safety of being known is beautifully portrayed. Last week he was known in the breaking of the bread. [ 33 more words. ]
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Fidelis Pastor Bonus In the Communion for the 4th week of Easter, Jesus says, #quot;I am the good shepherd, and I know my sheep and mine know me.#quot; (John 10:14). In a simple two and a half line melody, the joy and safety of being known is beautifully portrayed. Last week he was known in the breaking of the bread. [ 33 more words. ]
By Sr. Fidelis
Pastor Bonus
In the Communion for the 4th week of Easter, Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd, and I know my sheep and mine know me.” (John 10:14).
In a simple two and a half line melody, the joy and safety of being known is beautifully portrayed. Last week he was known in the breaking of the bread. This week we are made even more aware of his watchcare over each one of us in an intimate, personal way.
Ego sum pastor bonus et cognosco oves meas, et cognoscunt me meae.
April 26 Echoes of Eternity
My soul fainteth for Thy salvation; but I hope in Thy word.
Psalm 119:81
My child, do not despair that My plans are taking a long time to work out. You cannot see the future nor the pitfalls along the way. These delays are given to purify your heart and the hearts of others, that you and they will be ready for the healing My power will effect. What is required of you now is to continue to purge all the old leaven of bitterness and unforgiveness. That purging goes deep and produces many tears of repentance if it is to be complete. The Kingdom of heaven is still “at hand” for those who repent. My Kingdom comes whenever and wherever true repentance opens the door. Since I dwell within the “broken and contrite heart,” it is not necessary to wait for some future event to see the Kingdom. You will know—and see—that I am God. My glory can be seen in small as well as great
April 26 Echoes of Eternity
My soul fainteth for Thy salvation; but I hope in Thy word.
Psalm 119:81
My child, do not despair that My plans are taking a long time to work out. You cannot see the future nor the pitfalls along the way. These delays are given to purify your heart and the hearts of others, that you and they will be ready for the healing My power will effect. What is required of you now is to continue to purge all the old leaven of bitterness and unforgiveness. That purging goes deep and produces many tears of repentance if it is to be complete. The Kingdom of heaven is still “at hand” for those who repent. My Kingdom comes whenever and wherever true repentance opens the door. Since I dwell within the “broken and contrite heart,” it is not necessary to wait for some future event to see the Kingdom. You will know—and see—that I am God. My glory can be seen in small as well as great
April 25 Echoes of Eternity
Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord.
Psalm 27:14
Waiting is a purifying time. The desires of your heart must line up with My desires, or I would be guilty of aiding you in sin. My desire for you is entirely in keeping with My character—and to the end that I have in mind for you. That end is love and the whole length of the journey toward that end is filled with My love for you. Therefore, My child, wait. Be of good courage, and in very truth I will give you your heart’s desires.
April 25 Echoes of Eternity
Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord.
Psalm 27:14
Waiting is a purifying time. The desires of your heart must line up with My desires, or I would be guilty of aiding you in sin. My desire for you is entirely in keeping with My character—and to the end that I have in mind for you. That end is love and the whole length of the journey toward that end is filled with My love for you. Therefore, My child, wait. Be of good courage, and in very truth I will give you your heart’s desires.
April 24 Echoes of Eternity
The peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7
The peace that passes understanding is an active power, an active stillness that stirs hope and joy even in the midst of trouble. As long as you are in the world there will be trouble, tribulation, trials. These are not to destroy you nor to dampen your faith in Me, but to purify your soul and wean it from its captivity to a passing
world. Not yet has it become firmly attached to that which cannot be shaken, so with every blow to its false security a choice is open to choose the better part.
I know your fears—from your own weakness and of what might lie ahead for you. I call you now to trust yourself to My care, to lean on My strength, to rest on My promise. Your fears will subside, they are not omnipotent—I am. They are subject to Me and to your obedience to Me. As your love for Me grows, they will diminish. Peace replaces panic. I, the Lord, reign.
Room to Wander
Room to Wander | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Nun Other A few years ago, I tried writing a folk song recounting the story of Jonah. While my song had several (now forgotten) verses, I do remember the first one: Old Jonah looking for a ship to sail, Ended up in the belly of a whale. When the wind blew, he drew a lot, And a hungry fish was the best he got! [ 135 more words. ]
By Sr. Nun Other
A few years ago, I tried writing a folk song recounting the story of Jonah. While my song had several (now forgotten) verses, I do remember the first one:
Old Jonah looking for a ship to sail,
Ended up in the belly of a whale.
When the wind blew, he drew a lot,
And a hungry fish was the best he got!
Jonah’s testimony is a fascinating one. His four brief chapters of fame are a case study in vacillation between faithlessness and faithfulness. The cowardly man who “fled from the presence of the Lord,” is the same who later insists that the sailors, to save themselves, throw him into the midst of the sea. Swallowed by a whale and incarcerated in an unknown environment, his earnest prayer is one of thanksgiving to God. His gratitude quickly turns to indignation when Ninevah is spared, and he’s inconsolable when a worm eats his shade tree. Perhaps the greatest thing about this story is God’s love for and infinite patience with His wayward child. He uses everything at His disposal — from a whale to a worm — to accomplish His will in both Jonah and 120,000 Ninevites.
April 23 Echoes of Eternity
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
Psalm 91:10
“A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you.” Because each child of Mine is My peculiar and particular care, this saying is true. My protection is over you, to keep you in all your ways. This is not an excuse for presumption or pride, but for humble gratitude.
Make the best of the days I have given you to live. Do not waste them in idleness or despair. Play the man! Gird yourself for battle against the enemy’s assaults—and honor Me in your victories.
Discover Afresh the Book of Revelation – New DVD with Paraclete Press and Fr. William Burton.
Demystifying the Book of Revelation: with Father William Burton, OFM
Demystifying the Book of Revelation: with Father William Burton, OFM – What does the Book of Revelation mean? Does it have a message for today? Father Bill Burton is an expert at explaining parts of …
Bobby Maddex from Ancient Faith Radio interviews Frederica Mathewes-Green about her new book, ##039;Welcome to the Orthodox Church: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity##039;.
Welcome To The Orthodox Church – Ancient Faith Presents…
Special features from Ancient Faith Radio – Interviews and special features from Ancient Faith Radio.
Bobby Maddex from Ancient Faith Radio interviews Frederica Mathewes-Green about her new book, ##039;Welcome to the Orthodox Church: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity##039;.
Welcome To The Orthodox Church – Ancient Faith Presents…
Special features from Ancient Faith Radio – Interviews and special features from Ancient Faith Radio.
Their Light Shines in Darkness:
Out of Egypt
He called His sons. They migrated
to the islands
at the western
edge of the earth. Seed of the word, the classical
and the Christian, flowered in that far, foreign soil. Celtic gardens preserved its fruit, illuminated
the waning world as continents
went slowly dark.
—A Poem from Practicing Silence by Bonnie Thurston
Practicing Silence: New and Selected Verses
Practicing Silence: New and Selected Verses – Voted One of the Best Poetry Volumes of the Year by Hearts and Minds Books, Dallastown, PA …
Their Light Shines in Darkness:
Out of Egypt
He called His sons. They migrated
to the islands
at the western
edge of the earth. Seed of the word, the classical
and the Christian, flowered in that far, foreign soil. Celtic gardens preserved its fruit, illuminated
the waning world as continents
went slowly dark.
—A Poem from Practicing Silence by Bonnie Thurston
Practicing Silence: New and Selected Verses
Practicing Silence: New and Selected Verses – Voted One of the Best Poetry Volumes of the Year by Hearts and Minds Books, Dallastown, PA …
April 22 Echoes of Eternity
In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
John 14:2
I have heard your cry and I know the longing of your heart. It was I who put the longing for home within you. Without that, you would have become a spiritual wanderer, a truly “homeless” person.
Do not grow weary in the time of waiting. Do not let yourself be confused or confounded by what seem to be unexplained delays. Trust can only grow amid uncertainties. Trust is the strong bond that holds during all storms and crises. Faith lays hold on the promise; trust keeps hold through all the trials. Waiting is part of your training in trust.
April 22 Echoes of Eternity
In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
John 14:2
I have heard your cry and I know the longing of your heart. It was I who put the longing for home within you. Without that, you would have become a spiritual wanderer, a truly “homeless” person.
Do not grow weary in the time of waiting. Do not let yourself be confused or confounded by what seem to be unexplained delays. Trust can only grow amid uncertainties. Trust is the strong bond that holds during all storms and crises. Faith lays hold on the promise; trust keeps hold through all the trials. Waiting is part of your training in trust.
Born Again
Born Again | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk #quot;But the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell from where it comes or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” Thus says Jesus to Nicodemus when he asks how is it possible to be born again. [ 178 more words. ]
Born Again
Born Again | The Community of Jesus
By Melodious Monk #quot;But the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell from where it comes or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” Thus says Jesus to Nicodemus when he asks how is it possible to be born again. [ 178 more words. ]
By Melodious Monk
“But the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell from where it comes or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
Thus says Jesus to Nicodemus when he asks how is it possible to be born again. There’s much mystery and depth of meaning to this 3rd chapter of John. This spring, I found a new connection with this scripture in a place I did not expect–Emily Dickinson’s poem, April. She reminds us that Mother Nature is continually teaching us more and more of the beautifully vast depths of the mystery of the spirit, and I’m reminded that we must always be listening for this “wind” of the spirit-as we never know when or how it may come!
An altered look about the hills
A Tyrian light the village fills
A wider sunrise in the morn
A deeper twilight on the lawn
A print of a vermillion foot
A purple finger on the slope
A flippant fly upon the pane
A spider at his trade again
An added strut in Chanticleer
A flower expected everywhere
An axe shrill singing in the woods
Fern odors on untraveled roads
All this and more I cannot tell
A furtive look you know as well
And Nicodemus’ Mystery
Receives its annual reply!
Emily Dickinson
April 21 Echoes of Eternity
And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy on you.
Isaiah 30:18
My dear child, this truly is the throne of grace. It is purely My grace alone that makes these meetings possible. You have neither earned nor deserved the privilege I have given you. Magnify My grace in your heart. Put down any feelings or thoughts that you are “special.” It is enough that I love you, include you in the circle of My little ones, have pity on you and convey My truth to your soul. That is reason enough for an eternity of gratitude on your part.
April 21 Echoes of Eternity
And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy on you.
Isaiah 30:18
My dear child, this truly is the throne of grace. It is purely My grace alone that makes these meetings possible. You have neither earned nor deserved the privilege I have given you. Magnify My grace in your heart. Put down any feelings or thoughts that you are “special.” It is enough that I love you, include you in the circle of My little ones, have pity on you and convey My truth to your soul. That is reason enough for an eternity of gratitude on your part.
A wonderful book! Don##039;t miss out on signing up for this incredible giveaway.
#quot;A homemade year weaves a story of family life #amp; the historical christian calendar that is seamless #amp; inspiring. in her book, she shares meaningful craft ideas for holidays such as easter #amp; delicious meal ideas during the slower summer months.#quot; —from the blog
natalie creates: a homemade year: a review + giveaway
A wonderful book! Don##039;t miss out on signing up for this incredible giveaway.
#quot;A homemade year weaves a story of family life #amp; the historical christian calendar that is seamless #amp; inspiring. in her book, she shares meaningful craft ideas for holidays such as easter #amp; delicious meal ideas during the slower summer months.#quot; —from the blog
natalie creates: a homemade year: a review + giveaway
Activate Your Faith with the Active Prayer Series.
Activate Your Faith with the Active Prayer Series.
April 20 Echoes of Eternity
Thus saith the Lord: Again there shall be heard in this place the voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the Lord of hosts: for the Lord is good; for his mercy endureth for ever; and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord.
Jeremiah 33:10,11
In this I am well pleased—that you offer Me your heartfelt praise. You have nothing else to give but your love and obedience to My holy will. I know how imperfect and stumbling your obedience is. I know your continual need of forgiveness and cleansing. But I also know your heart, and I am at work in healing the breaches,
driving out the darkness that still lurks within. As you offer heartfelt praise to Me, you open yourself more fully to My saving work within. In this I am well pleased.
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song | The Community of Jesus
By Sr. Fidelis The Alleluia for the third week of Paschaltide takes its##039; verse from Luke 24: 35. Cognoverunt discipuli Dominum Jesum in fractione panis. The disciples knew the Lord Jesus in the breaking of the bread. A Latin word study gives numerous enlightening meanings: to know….to become thoroughly acquainted with, to learn by inquiring, to examine, to perceive. [ 64 more words. ]
By Sr. Fidelis
The Alleluia for the third week of Paschaltide takes its’ verse from Luke 24: 35.
Cognoverunt discipuli Dominum Jesum in fractione panis. The disciples knew the Lord Jesus in the breaking of the bread.
A Latin word study gives numerous enlightening meanings: to know….to become thoroughly acquainted with, to learn by inquiring, to examine, to perceive. One meaning implied that it required individual exertion to strive to know. Can we imagine the enlightening of spirit, paired with the reality of the recent Last Supper, and the breaking of the bread of the body on the cross that filled the disciples when the Lord Jesus broke the bread in their presence?
Alleluia….may we know him to that depth today.
April 19 Echoes of Eternity
Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.
Hebrews 3:15
Today, if you hear My voice, do not harden your heart. Keep open to My leading and My wisdom. Let My word dwell in you, and its fruit will bring blessing to others. You will be able to see and rejoice.
Hardening your heart is closing yourself in to your own reasoning and wisdom. They bear no fruit and bring no life, even though they may make a show of themselves. Be on guard against this tendency in you, because I am offering you another way.
In ##039;Vulnerable Faith##039; Arpin-Ricci brings an upbeat, informative, and really fresh telling of the story of the early Celtic Christian leader, Saint. Highly Recommended. —from the Review
13 New Books You Must Know About: Lauren Winner, Jamie Arpin-Ricci, Erin Lane, Nancy Pearcey,…
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